
The Abyss, should it go back from whence it came?

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Author Topic: Complaints  (Read 4475 times)

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Re: Complaints
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2015, 03:58:13 pm »

For ****s sake just rename me the "Poll Master" because no one really contacts me of my- I'll **** about how much i feel like a user then a mod due to me being both lazy and busy as **** these last couple of days (IE: Read busy as family drama, and my computer is on a giant ass TV so the whole Abyss things hasn't really been one of the thins I want to tackle out of fear that my family or parents will find me looking over the section for mod review.).

Alright so back on the point, I've just skimmed the last few pages and got the basic gist.

Some people find that we're stretching the boundaries of what could be classified as 'censorship' and what could be classified as 'decency'. While others that have been to some ****ed places on the net aren't bothered by this **** at all, and let me cut to the chase.

Normally I'm neutral on these things, the **** thread didn't bother me, I thought it was weird that we were so open about 'stimulation' outside of jokes; but I let it pass me by with no problem. Then Lurker showed up in his 2edgy4u glory (which part of me both loves and hates), to where what he posted violated most of our common decency I mean holy **** when you see a [REDACTED] get set on fire with a ****ing flamethrower can we draw a line.

I've been meaning to post something about this, but everytime I get around to making a goddamned write up my life goes to **** or something happens, and since I'm slacking off today to give the forum some sweet-sweet AJ love. I'll finally post my thoughts on this ****.

Is the Abyss ta- Yes it is. Everytime I log on here, I wonder if I made the right decision by telling the CDDA devs to practically go **** themselves with one of the "politically correct edible baby fetuses" (yet the abortion clinic is too far hrmm?); because I wonder if we went to far in our 'pride war', mainly due to how no holds barred it is on this forum. I could post a video of some dude chopping his dick into pieces and deep frying it in The Abyss, and no one would probably bat an eye until someone finally speaks up. I wonder if we made the wrong decision back in CDDA due to how we're acting now, we're practically proving the "Koo-Koo for CocoPuffs" devs right with all the **** we've let slip by the radar for "FREEDOM OF SPEECH".

I left CDDA so that my naughty misogynistic curse words weren't redacted out (ironic as that is considering how ****ing swearing is a premium feature), not so we could turn into Mini4Chan... 2Chan if you will. And yes, handdrawn p0rn in a sense is still art, it takes technique, skills, and knowledge of anatomy.. that being said though its still kinda taboo to be so open about what we enjoy; and is really ****ing akward when you pass the 'p0rn' thread while browsing the forum in a public place.

The Abyss was a compromise to this, but it wasn't a really good compromise since many people can still see it and if you posted there (say for a joke) then you get regular updates (I'm straight, and yet I get updates to the Gay Furry **** thread... mainly because I'm a curious dumb@ss who thought it was a joke.), and it seems that most people have a problem with The Abyss just existing. And the main problem here seems to be the **** sharing part of this, and **** as an art form which is a whole other discussion.

So why not just get rid of The Abyss and replace it with "Lovers Lounge" or something similar focused on sexual topics and discussion. And have the "Lovers Lounger" just be hidden to all viewers unless they get whitelisted to view and post there.