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--- Quote from: Perigrin on March 02, 2015, 05:13:32 pm ---I can see where you post, before you post.

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Totes not creepy at all


--- Quote from: ajwilli1 on March 02, 2015, 05:13:44 pm ---Kinda weird I only got 1 star by my name  :P. Anyway, I'm thinking about starting up some things, projects, etc... maybe turn this into a more general and broad RP and gaming community. I mean we all have experience with some form of the medium, and it wouldn't hurt to branch out.

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alright. Lets see if we can start pulling new people in. Growth never hurts. Time to self promote.


--- Quote from: Perigrin on March 02, 2015, 05:20:59 pm ---
--- Quote from: ajwilli1 on March 02, 2015, 05:13:44 pm ---Kinda weird I only got 1 star by my name  :P. Anyway, I'm thinking about starting up some things, projects, etc... maybe turn this into a more general and broad RP and gaming community. I mean we all have experience with some form of the medium, and it wouldn't hurt to branch out.

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alright. Lets see if we can start pulling new people in. Growth never hurts. Time to self promote.

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and not turn people off by spamming threads like I did with mine on a late night tangent.

How shall we go about advertising this time?


--- Quote from: Bubbadoo on March 02, 2015, 05:22:59 pm ---
--- Quote from: Perigrin on March 02, 2015, 05:20:59 pm ---
--- Quote from: ajwilli1 on March 02, 2015, 05:13:44 pm ---Kinda weird I only got 1 star by my name  :P. Anyway, I'm thinking about starting up some things, projects, etc... maybe turn this into a more general and broad RP and gaming community. I mean we all have experience with some form of the medium, and it wouldn't hurt to branch out.

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alright. Lets see if we can start pulling new people in. Growth never hurts. Time to self promote.

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and not turn people off by spamming threads like I did with mine on a late night tangent.

How shall we go about advertising this time?

--- End quote ---

I'd say word of mouth, or just simply letting people discover us on our own. Once we get some RPs, stories, gaming groups set up I'm sure more people would be willing to join.

Ima put a journal up on FurAffinity later, got some cool guys following me who might be interested.


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