Definitely has potential, keep going, you could make something great out of this, it just takes a lot of time and you end up having to give up or change a lot of your original ideas, but eventually you realise you've come up with a brilliant idea. Don't forget you're fairly new to this, so you're not quite as practiced at having to do all of this as some people saying no to your ideas are, it'll seem difficult, just stick with it and see it through, take all of those things people say no to and think them through, take those things people said yes to and make them even better if you can.
Perhaps a better idea is to focus on one thing at a time, for now instead of focusing on all three materials, your company and your character, focus on just making Scintillack work, then the NeverCold Brass, finally the Prisoners Honey. Once you've got those ideas approved you can begin using them to develop your company and then finally your character. Remember what I said, take one idea at a time, get it approved, then move onto the next one and keep going.
You'll come up with something absolutely spectacular eventually, you have the potential, just keep working on it.