Datastore 1187: Approved DatalogsTotal approved topics: 36
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Races-Humans Those diverse, fleshy, bright-eyed terrans we know and love.
-Savarti A race of bird people who really like to build planes.
-Orcs Angry, green, sometimes brown humanoids who have a knack for reverse engineering and punching people.
-Zidians A motley group of silver-furred four-armed aliens who would rather stick a sword in you than say hello.
-Truffle A funny race of mushroom people who's home-cooked metal is quite the sought-after commodity.
-Synths Sentient robotic humanoids who have found their independence and now carve out a name for themselves among the stars.
-Ginko Plant people with a knack for eating meat and catching on fire.
Planets and Locations-Facility 35 Facility 35, or "The Facility" is a planet-sized prison of the highest security in the galaxy. It's hard to get into the Facility, but nobody ever gets out.
Companies/Organizations-The SiegeWorks A multi-planetary arms manufacturing that sees not color of skin, or feathers, or third eyes, or really anything else other than your wallet.
-Dakkaland These guys sell orcish guns, guns, guns, and even more
dakka guns. They're made of scrap, and a little hard to handle, but they pack a mean punch.
-H&M Inc. Savartian company that produces almost exclusively aerospace vehicles.
-Runewright's Arms Weapons producers that harness the highly sought-after shroomsteel in their laser weaponry.
-Digital Reaper Industries Produces durable weapons and ships designed to eliminate the competition.
-Artificate Industries A company built to provide robotic and cybernetic components for the rest of our universe.
-Blackpolis Mekworks This company builds and produces 'meks for any race or purpose, and to build them well.
-Lork-Tech Industries Lork-Tech prides themselves on producing weapons that value quality over quantity.
WeaponsRifles-UTAF S.I.R. A standard laser rifle for the UTAF and all it's soldiers.
-E-55/6 Standardized Repeater A highly modifiable repeating rifle for use in any kind of situation.
-Orcish Boltlock-01 An easily changeable scrap-made sniper rifle for taking out targets at a distance.
-Model 900 A long-range anti-armor sniper rifle made by SiegeWorks. Chambers the devastating .50 caliber round in a number of variants for taking out foes with deadly accuracy.
-Model 459 High-caliber automatic assault weapon. Built by SiegeWorks, designed for the Orcs. Boasts incredible reliability and little maintenance.
-SHR-14 A weapon exclusively produced by the Truffle for the Humans to protect them with. While expensive and experimental, this weapon is still a fearsome tool in combat.
Shotguns-M.I.S. A laser shotgun designed by SiegeWorks as a direct competitor to the S.I.R. rifle. Each one is custom built and designed for devastating damage at close range, while being rather ineffective at longer distances.
Machine Guns-Orcish Machine Gun-01 Powerful, reliable, and made from spare parts.
Bows and Crossbows-The Templar A silent, bolt-firing crossbow built by Digital Reaper. Designed for silent infiltration and recreational hunting, depending on your occupation.
Sidearms-Orcish Machine Pistol-01 A rapid fire pistol built from scrap that boasts high durability, modability, and orkishness.
Melee-Widow Maker Machete A heavy machete built by Digital Reaper. Designed for tactical dismemberment or civilian jungle taming.
Specials-Orcish Thunder Cannon-01 Cannon that shoots lightning. It might shoot at your target, might shoot at yourself, but it definitely shoots lightning.
-Orcish Grenade Rifle-01 It's a simple grenade launcher of orchish design.
VehiclesTanks-I58 Battle Tank Large treaded tank with a large swiveling turret designed to fire large armor penetrating rounds designed to eliminate enemy armor. Also comes pre-packaged with some anti-infantry weapons such as four machine guns and a two flamethrowers.
Mechas-HRT Angelica A mobile, winged, jet-boosted exosuit equipped with claws and rockets. They come custom built for humans, and each one is tailored to its user.
-MX Judgement This mech, designed by Blackpolis, is meant for all-out war. Equipped with an impressive array of lasers, claws, and rockets, it's quick and armored to take out foes wherever they are.
-RPLY Lifter An industrial loader mech with legendary reliability and strength. After a team of soldiers used it to defend themselves against an unidentified alien, the popularity of this model skyrocketed and now it's used practically everywhere.
-HMR Hammer Designed for urban warfare, the Hammer is moderately armored and heavily armed. Equipped with dual cannons and a rocket array, this mech can dominate any town or city.
-T42-L "Hunter" Walker A light but somewhat frail mech that's mainly used for combat and hunting huge game.
Miscellaneous-Shroomsteel An incredibly laser-resistant metal of quesitonable origins manufactured exclusively by the Truffle