On that subreddit while I was reading I decided to ask my Mom if there is anything creepy that I did when I was really young and she said nothing except the floating heads I see (I will explain that later.). Well apparently my Mom tells me ever since I was able to speak I have told her about me seeing floating heads. One day when I was 6 or 7 I woke up and one of the floating heads was in front of me, then something touched me on the shoulder. I freaked out and ran to my mothers room. She tells me that I was shivering from head to toe and was traumatized by that. After that I would never sleep without some light on. Even today I can't sleep without the TV on, unless I am sleeping with my dogs, Cinnamon and Moose. I still see the floating heads when in the dark but I try to get them out of view and ignore them, they don't do anything just really creep me out. For some reason I can never remember what they look like though...
Then there is 2 scary things I remember seeing when I was 7-9, the first thing I remember seeing was once I woke up in the middle of the night and I remember seeing this dark figure just sitting on my dresser. I just tried to act like I was sleeping until I actually fell asleep. Actually I remember before seeing that my Mom was once taking pictures outdoors looking for orbs and on our porch there was this shadowy hand in the picture, sadly I think that picture is long gone as it was years ago and we have gone through about 3 computers thanks to viruses. Now the second one I remember was one time I was in the bathroom taking a piss and right when I flushed in the bathtub next to the toilet a lady rises up like she was just lying on the bathtub. And as that happens I run out screaming. I wouldn't go to the bathroom with out the door open for months. I still remember that the woman had straight long black hair, and was very pale. I would even say she seemed asian.
There is also 2 nightmares I remember as a little kid. One is that my mom was very sick and I went to her room. When I entered there was a wolf in there and also a thunderstorm going on inside the room. The next nightmare I remember was that I was being chased by a shadowy creature in my living room (which was oddly empty) and not being able to scream.
It's weird, it seems things that really scare me I remember except the event with the floating heads. Hell, I remember the 4 times my sister pranked me into watching those screamers (where a face pops out at you and screams) and one commercial that had a screamer at the end that scared the SHIT outta' me!
Ok this bit is not in the story but relevant, I recently saw what looked like that girl I saw long ago, I saw it just a few days ago... I sketched it into a notebook and jotted down the details I saw. I saw her for like one second while I was in the bathroom, I had just got up off the toilet and saw her go across the doorway. (I had the door open, it was like 1:00 AM.)
Here is the picture I jotted down.
(I don't feel like making a new picture but damn, I look depressed even though I am only looking down at the capture button!)
Anyways the details I remember where that she was extremely pale almost white had long straight unkempt black hair with a white/light grey long dress. She was really close and looked about as high as my neck/very upper chest. (I am about 5' 6")