This is the third time I've been sent a faulty replacement part for my computer. It's gotten to a point where I just expect parts I order to arrive broken. I ordered a new keyboard for my laptop and the new one arrive with a stuck key, only 3 other functional keys, a broken Q key, and on top of that, it's bent in two places. This damn thing was advertised as new god damnit. Last time it was a monitor I had to replace after my laptop decided to take a leap off my table. The replacement I was sent had a burnt out contact because whoever they got to test it before shipping it didnt bother to pull the power or discharge the residual electricity before unhooking it. I can almost imagine whoever it was going to unhook the monitor, seeing/hearing the spark, and just stuffing the monitor into the packing thinking "IM SURE ITS FINE, NO ONE WILL KNOW!" Is there no pride in ones reputation anymore?