Author Topic: Introduce yourself  (Read 11323 times)

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Re: Introduce yourself
« Reply #255 on: April 09, 2016, 01:14:58 pm »
As a connoisseur of the eldritch sciences and medicine, my professional opinion is that organs and other such matters of the flesh designated as "fabulous" are much better suited as sacrifices for our dark lords.

Perhaps Nyogtha? He hasn't gotten one in a while. Though I hear Tsathoggua's in a giving mood this past millennium.
I don't have much use for the organs right now. If Solothons organs are sufficiently "fabulous," you can have them.

Why, splendid! I'm sure Lord Rhan-Tegoth shall be pleased. We'll have them sent to the Ivory Throne as soon as possible.

Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.
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