Alrighty, I'm formally going to request to be made a temporary GM. I want to run an RP, but it depends on other stuff being approved (mostly Vulnus'). I get other people are busy at the moment, and don't mean this as a critisism towards that, but there's a significant bottleneck going on. I'm not overly busy, mostly because I have a ton of free time at work - I'm lucky like that and think I could contribute by using that time to help build this up. It's a good idea and I don't want to see it die.
Judgement-wise, I think it's pretty obvious I'm a stickler for realism. While that can certainly get to the point where it isn't fun, not approving something is not the same as rejecting it, so it shouldn't be a worry. Of the 16 accepted things currently around, I've made 11 of them. I think I have a good idea of balance. I'm also currently the only active non-GM, which makes the system seem sort of silly given the ratio there.
I don't really want to be a GM because I'm sometimes the loudest voice and don't want to risk looking like I'm trying to take this thing over. As of such, I'd just request GM-ship until an RP or two is running - just about enough of my stuff is accepted to let me do so, and I think Vulnus had one coming soon as well once his stuff gets moving, so it shouldn't be long. I'd also request the ability to move threads around within the UMEU boards, because that would be handy.