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Topics - yonsisac

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Rec Room / The Metal Wasteland (OOC) {UPDATED}
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:17:51 pm »
The Metal Wasteland
...It has been 29 years before the great "Metal war" that have turn the Crust of the earth to a wasteland with craters and metal,The clouds never went away,the sun never shine again,the Forrest were now Piles of ash,The war has change everything we know and now it was all lost.The war all started because of simple Politics that slowli started turning to the worse...and First to react was Russia,Starting there Testing on Nuclear weponri...Trying to replicate T-sar and they succeded,launching the Missel i the Oceon for a test,showing there advance Nuclear weponry,as this was a warning to other Cuntries showing they have much more power,But the new world desided to put there test aswell making stronger Nuclear wepons,but aswell a suit that would make Infantry more sutable in combat.

Year 2018 things were geting out of hand as spy,s,Terrorist attacks Incrice and i happend,the first Bomb struck one of the mayor cities in North america..Killing Thounsands,and then "The metal War" Began as metal rain from the sky and aswell in the midle of the war development of the "VS" has progress and advance as the war began and the First ever VS was Deploy In russian soil,,,it was a great advance but then they got there hands on it and mass reproduction started as the war slowli killd the planet.....But no one was sure...who press the Button first.

In the year 2026 the war ended...Not because of surrender but because there were no More left,the face of the earth was taken to bits,the sun was Block making it go in a ice age...this is our worl today.

But in the Aftermatch those who survive Fight for there very survival to survive,aswell using "Old-world" Technology that has survive the war,one being the "VS" or Vital suit,Or as others call them...mechas...Now you are a Surviver and you search to restore humanity....But as it seems you are not alone....somthing is out there...and would not make it easy to survive.

Ok so this is a short resume i did of the RP,its a mecha RP but center in a Apocaliptic Time wen a war took place and clishe,ended most of what we know,you are a Grupe of survivors that travel the wasted land survinving day by day and aswell serching for suplies,but in your serch it seems you came across somthing...You dont know yet what it is but dosent seem friendly (No aliens or zeds ok).

HugerYou will need to eat,you will need to maintain all the food you can if you whant to survive,the lower this gets you will start geting effects and slowli die,you can survive Longer without food than with water.

ThirstThis is vital for your survival,you can only survive 3 days without water,you MUST maintain this in check mostly as one day without ater and effects would start turning in.

Energy/StaminaThe more you do,the harder you work the lower this will go,you have to rest once and a wille as you cant be working forever without geting Tired.aswell you preform your actions with this so the higher the better

sleep/restYou have to sleep,this gose slightli with stamina,If you dont sleep you will start geting similer effects to stamina but have to sleep to recover.

HealthNo not HP but how you are By metabolisim,you have to treat infections or if you are sick cure it,the lower this are the more prone you are of geting sick or catch desises.

Heat/warmthThe worl is cold and you have to maintain yourself warm by any means,Fire is a form of example of ganing heat....if to low you might just freeze to death.


Last Man Gaming / Anoying things in game
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:22:18 pm »
Ok....those who have play a game know there is somthing anoying..lets talk about that

1.Wepons that were ACTUALLY made as a one hit kill wepon

Ok theas are rare But belive me...wen they are there....Fuck no....I have this experiance with AC V....the "Ultimate" wepons  are sopos to be Powerfull...But they LITERALLY made them powerfull as a One hit wepon...i swear...each time..i see...some one having one...I quit!!! I QUIT!!....the most hated is the "Huge cannon" yea nice name!...I have use this wepon and i kill anything with just...pew dead...BUt wen some one else has it FUCK NO!...even if i use it i still hate it...its Unfair

here is this bad boy in dose this to your screen wen ya use it...oh and did i say that the shot is so fast you only see the GOD DAM gun charging are dead because you dint have time to REACT!!

and here is the looks of it....i hate it!!!

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