Rec Room / War Dreams
« on: February 01, 2016, 04:20:46 pm »You always knew you were given powers in the military field. When you were 10, you started watching documentaries about the wars. By 15, you already knew all the guns that were used in WWII. And now, as if your dream came true, you are sitting in the simulation center. You will be put through 7 missions, by yourself and some soldiers, that you will configure and command, and you have to win at least 6 of them, so you can became a general.
[/color]First simulation : You and 5 other teammates of yours are serbs, in a forest, just next to a Bosnian muslim village, and you are commanded to destroy it, and kill anybody/anything in it.
((So, you play as 6 people in the first simulation - you and 5 more soldiers. You make your and their character sheets, and play as all of them. Your character sheet is:
Gun : (Choose your strategy, and make the best choices)
And now the interesting part - stats! (You have 30 points, 10 is the maximum, 1 is the minimum)
Strength : (how strong you are - 1 - +0 dmg, 10 - +1d20 dmg)
Psychical Power : (hallucinations, etc saves - 1 - 15-20 = saved, 10 - you can't be ''broken'')
Dexterity: (how accurate you are - 1 = 5/10 shots accurate (1d2), 10 - 10/10 shots are accurate)
Look : (how your character looks. 1 - little, 10 - REAAALLY MAAAANLY)
Constitution : (how much HP you character has - 1 - 10, 10 - 60)
The same goes for any of your soldiers, but any of them has only 20 points.
I will start when anybody makes a full character sheet, for him and his soldiers.
[/u][/b] (thanks Will for helping me!)