have a story of what happened to me in tf2 a short while ago
So we had a guy who was being an ass in chat, saying people suck and shit. Well he stepped over a line for me and told someone they should kill themselves(he didn't specify anyone in particular but whatever, still over the line), well a match goes by and I can't do anything.
Match ends we load into another map and I make damn sure I'm on the abusive guy's team. Someone else called the kick vote before I could, he got kicked.
I said 'well, mission accomplished'
somebody asked what I meant, 'Got the abusive chat spammer kicked' someone says they called the vote, I say I know, but the guy got kicked anyway so mission accomplished
abusive guy's friend says in chat he hopes I get shot.
I hate fucking idiot jackasses who say shit like that, and I sincerely hope they get banned...from steam entirely.