Author Topic: UMC Rimworld Playthrough  (Read 2091 times)

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UMC Rimworld Playthrough
« on: September 17, 2017, 05:23:09 pm »
So I created a Rimworld play through using characters from the Cataclysm succession game. One character per player. The characters that were chosen were:

Spoiler: Roxanne (hover to show)
Traits based off the game. She is very easy on the easy due to her mutation, is a psychopath and likes to eat people. She is incapable of dumb labor so can't rely on her for things like hauling. She has a scyther blade in her left arm to simulate her bionic sword in the succession. Not very skilled in anything except fighting and sweet talking.

Spoiler: Hector (hover to show)
Went with the knight persona he has when choosing his childhood past. He has a shield as an accessory. Skill set is also focused on killing but has some basic first aid and construction/mining skill.

Spoiler: Catnip (hover to show)
The youngest of the group. Have her a lab-grown child background and made her very good at construction since mechanics savant.  Gave her those traits since is a hard worker, is in a relationship with Kathrine and the last one cuz rat. She will have to do the night shift because of it.

Spoiler: Kathrine (hover to show)
Tried to match her as much as possible to the ingame. Made her pretty and kind, obvious and gay for the same reason as catnip. She is the best cook but also knows a few artistic skills and is good at lacking to people. Her background hopefully matches the one in the succession. She is incapable of doing anything scary or violent so if there is an emergency, she will just run!

Spoiler: Quinn (hover to show)
Quinn is your basic scientist. Due to the fact that there is no occult scientist here, I went with mad scientist. He is very good at researching and is the best doctor we have. Very niche skillset but when needed will come in handy. Traits and stats meant to resemble his expertise.

Spoiler: Drifter (hover to show)
Drifter's background is a bounty hunter since that is as close as to what he is in the RP. I gave him a prosthetic leg since that's what he has now. Very good at shooting, the best shooter we have in fact. He also has some basic construction and mining to make the early game easier.

The world itself has the following two settings:

Spoiler: difficulty (hover to show)
The game will be challenging but not outright impossible. Will have to be smart how I play it. I also enable permadeathmode so once you due, you die! The story teller AI I choose should allow for a balanced but linear progressing in difficulty.

Spoiler: starting gear (hover to show)
We start with weapons for person, 30 meals and a panther who is meant to represent Lilith.

Lets see how long we last!
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 08:06:55 pm by Noctifer-De-Mortem »
Quote from: Soviet Commissar (COD WaW)
Abandon you post, abandon your homes, abandon all hope!

Quote from: Alice Margatroid
Bitch,get out of the way!

Quote from: Fujiwara no Mokou link=
With the power of a phoenix I can proudly say everything is hand-grilled!!!

Quote from: Liberty Prime
Obstruction detected. Composition: Titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance...0%!

...I wish for airborne rabies.

Granted. A giant box full of bats appears on your doorstep...

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Re: UMC Rimworld Playthrough
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2017, 07:51:40 pm »
This should be funny. Also, Hector's image spoiler there is borked. ;w;


  • Lurkifer
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Re: UMC Rimworld Playthrough
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2017, 08:07:05 pm »
Should be fixed now.
Quote from: Soviet Commissar (COD WaW)
Abandon you post, abandon your homes, abandon all hope!

Quote from: Alice Margatroid
Bitch,get out of the way!

Quote from: Fujiwara no Mokou link=
With the power of a phoenix I can proudly say everything is hand-grilled!!!

Quote from: Liberty Prime
Obstruction detected. Composition: Titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance...0%!

...I wish for airborne rabies.

Granted. A giant box full of bats appears on your doorstep...


  • Dragon
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Re: UMC Rimworld Playthrough
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2017, 08:10:07 pm »

> incapable of cooking

Pffft. 3:


  • Lurkifer
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Re: UMC Rimworld Playthrough
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2017, 04:43:57 pm »
Alright, so here is the first of the play-through...

Spoiler (hover to show)
How we started, all of our hero's find themselves in an unknown land with weapons and some packaged food. They eat for now, for soon they must build shelter; and then eventually, rebuild!

I get everyone to get to work. First things first, find a template to use as shelter. I locate a big enough square "room" order everyone to haul the food to the shelter. With weapon's in hand, some obey the order. Next, I made them chop some tree for wood and used said wood to pluck some of the holes in the wall with wooden walls and a door. Temporary shelter completed! Next, build a table and a room to store loot for the mean time. We chop more wood and get to working. Catnip is making most of the building while Drifter and Hector help out. In the span of a single say, we end up with the following.
Spoiler (hover to show)

The next day, I want to get Quinn researching ASAP so that we get some electricity going. Well, time to build a production room! Layout inbound!
Spoiler (hover to show)

The rest couple of days are spent gathering materials and making the room. A room to craft and research, and a semi-proper kitchen are planned out. I had to make some of the resident's look for steel walls to dissemble to get steel to make some of the items. I noticed some chars were not helping so I got them to start sowing crops, never too early to get stocked on food! Eventually, it is done!
Spoiler (hover to show)

The base is now built for now. I spent some time hunting and making some meals for the long term. Still have no way to preserve food so will get Quinn to research electricity now that we have a research table. I also need to work on defenses since an attack right now might end up badly for us. After all that is done; I will make an infirmary and a prison. Roxanne needs to eat...

Quote from: Soviet Commissar (COD WaW)
Abandon you post, abandon your homes, abandon all hope!

Quote from: Alice Margatroid
Bitch,get out of the way!

Quote from: Fujiwara no Mokou link=
With the power of a phoenix I can proudly say everything is hand-grilled!!!

Quote from: Liberty Prime
Obstruction detected. Composition: Titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance...0%!

...I wish for airborne rabies.

Granted. A giant box full of bats appears on your doorstep...