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video game apathy
« on: March 16, 2016, 02:16:35 am »
I don't know what to actually call it other than "video game apathy." In essence, you've got all these games and you don't want to play a single goddamn one of them. The idea of playing one of them, even your favorites, doesn't get you excited. Not even marginally eager. You just sit there and look at your embarrassingly huge library of games and think "eh... whatever..." Any excitement over something is gone the moment the game is no longer new to you. Hell, sometimes you get a game and don't even play it because "fuck it." How do you get over this? I feel like after I got my first job, thats when things started to really go down hill. Once I could afford to get my own games, they just stopped meaning so much. I played through resident evil 4 maybe twenty or thirty times and had fun with each play through but I cannot imagine having that same fun if I went back to it now. I cannot for the life of me bring myself to play through very many games more than once since I got that first job. I want to play video games, but how do you go about doing something you've grown to give less than a shit about? Maybe it's just that I've grown up? I know how the games are made now that I'm older, and much like sausage, it's a thing you really shouldn't know how its made. The practices and behavior behind many game companies, even a bunch of the small teams and indie devs, are rather disgusting and it just turns me away from their stuff, but that doesn't explain the whole problem. Again, I ask, how do you get over the video game apathy?
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Zaweri Runewright

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Re: video game apathy
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 04:10:27 am »
Well, I don't really have this in particular. I just don't like playing games alone at all. I often face the struggle that nobody who I actually want to play with is either not online, afk or busy. It rustles my jimmies.
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Re: video game apathy
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2016, 07:55:24 am »
I second Zaweri, I have massive Apathy when no one is online to play video games. If no one has the same games, it still helps to just chat with someone as you play. Makes it less lonely in my opinion. Also, its good to eventually accept that you are probably not going to have that much fun with a game after a long enough time of playing. Sad, but true.
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Re: video game apathy
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2016, 08:06:26 am »
This oddly used to happen to me pretty frequently as a result of depression, I'd just sit there looking at all my games wanting to play one but lacking any kind of enthusiasm to play them. Usually I'd go make something to eat and it'd go though, then I'd end up playing STALKER or F:NV
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Re: video game apathy
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2016, 10:10:20 am »
I have like 159 games and I only play like four.    Fun.


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Re: video game apathy
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2016, 07:34:24 pm »
I find that when I'm in that mood it's best to shut my brain off and not think too much about what I'm playing, or I just go with something I know I'll like. It's good to own a few easy to pick and play arcade games, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2, Bejeweled, Diner Dash, Tetris, or basically anything that costs less than $20.

I mean sometimes playing games that require you to think sucks.


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Re: video game apathy
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2016, 11:02:41 pm »
I find that when I'm in that mood it's best to shut my brain off and not think too much about what I'm playing, or I just go with something I know I'll like. It's good to own a few easy to pick and play arcade games, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2, Bejeweled, Diner Dash, Tetris, or basically anything that costs less than $20.

I mean sometimes playing games that require you to think sucks.
I second Zaweri, I have massive Apathy when no one is online to play video games. If no one has the same games, it still helps to just chat with someone as you play. Makes it less lonely in my opinion. Also, its good to eventually accept that you are probably not going to have that much fun with a game after a long enough time of playing. Sad, but true.
When I think about it, that is also my issue as well. The people I usually play with have jobs now, and only become available sometimes on the weekends. Last night though, I managed to catch one of them online and we went on a 4 1/2 hour walk about in salem, looking for special events. We ended up finding the edge of the world, the ocean, a dead claim (a claim is land that belongs to another player and doing anything on it without permission hits you with a massive debuff and leaves behind "scents" the owner can use to track you down and brutalize you) with some fat fat loot, and 8 dead bears. (without skin) Ill never need bear meat again, and for a few hours, my apathy was gone.
Also, I found a temporary respite today. Instead of games, I closed my computer and went outside. What did I do outside? I'm too poor to buy wood chips for my smoker, so I grabbed a hatchet and started making wood chips out of some dead maple that fell in a windstorm last year. The wood is still good, and mostly dry. Hacked up a bunch of branches too and built a drying rack to dry all that out on. Once all that wood is dry, Ill proceed with the next step which is to break down the wood into small chunks. I feel physically tired, but mentally rewarded.
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