Creative Endeavors > Creative Endeavors
Ad Cain vero, honoris.
ONE - Hoc Voluerunt
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(Translated from Latin)
The flames of hellfire have scarred me.
Physically and, unfortunately, mentally.
We fought an uphill battle valiantly. But all except me perished.
Johannes- I tried convincing him to desert. Now I have buried his corpse and claimed his duo .45s-
I tried convincing myself it is but of materialistic value, but I could not bring myself to leave them.
I will miss you in ways that mere words cannot grasp the true value of, brother dearest.
We were outnumbered. I claimed the lives of 19 men on that day-
But I still recognised the smell-
The sulfur infiltrating one's lungs and eyes.
The air's ever growing thickness, as if to indicate the imminent loss of battle.
The grey tone set on for those that have let their lives to rest.
I'm a traitor to my comrades and to myself.
And, I've received my punishment.
I can still feel the blistering agony I felt when that God's Army heathen pushed hot oil down the window of our own Fort.
My aim was true despite the anguish. His eye was pierced by one of my tainted arrows.
His death was long and painful. Corrosive acid entering the brain mustn't be a pleasant sensation.
Eye for an eye.
I have six bullet wounds which I've attempted tending to as best as is possible for me.
I am of complete certainty that the lasting gunfire has attracted others.
Forests do tend to give away one's position.
Retreated from battle one moon-turn ago.
I fear, I have died thousands of times- but this is will be my worst death yet.
Via trita, via tuta.
TWO - In honorem homicidę fuistis
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(Translated from Latin)
Rome was not built in a day.
But it sure took only one for it to fall into shambles.
It is this conflict between the creation and the destruction- the hard worked beginning and the unjust early end,
That is what has motivated me to join my brethren.
And now look where we are.
We've fought years for honour- with bravery and loss and tragedy.
Now there's less than 400 of us.
Some days, I wake and I ask myself "Why bother?"
After all, all we do will be undone.
I am certain of Mars' plan for me, his will to keep me from death has reassured me in many a battle.
I swore my allegiance and eternal servitude to the God of War.
I am the destruction, the tool through which he deals his justice.
But I need you to point the way for me, Master.
How else will I destroy those that do not fit your plan?
Omnium rerum principia parva sunt.
THREE - De certaminibus et vindictae
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(Translated from Latin)
I have encountered a stranger.
Augmented- but I can recognise his pain.
These are no augmentations he bears- they are reminders of what could have been,
if only he had not been where he was.
From what little conversation we had, I could deduce the strong scent of alcoholism.
His slurred movements, his un-sure speech. This is a man with no set will to wake up every day-fall.
I did not want to inquire, for I know the unpleasantry of explaining tragedy.
The stranger- "Ralph", urged me to follow with his comrades.
Nell and Alberto.
I was surprised at their contrast.
Nell, understanding- for a woman.
However I fear I might have understood Alberto's ignorance for disrespect.
Having agreed to move with them toward their camps, in hopes of finding civilisation- I have accepted their inquiry to introduce myself to a woman named Leila.
Unsure if she is related to "War of the Stars", however;
I de-masked myself, and though the bandages cover much of my face, I fear they have recognised the markings of failure.
From here out, I will move towards what they call the "Walkerville"- a settlement from my understanding.
Hopefully, the men and women of this may trade for medicinal supplies, mostly to numb the agony I am in.
Once my recovery has been successful, my path will guide me north-bound in hopes of rescuing my friends from God's Army's grasp.
Though 'The Hall of Odin' has intrigued me. The Norse are a brave people- warriors fighting to the death, where they will awaken in Valhalla, for mead and fight.
Skilled and fearless.
Exactly like my brothers in arms.
Ad honorem.
FOUR - Tortura et convaluisset
Spoiler (hover to show)
(Excerpt recovered from "Of War and Gods - Quod irreverberatis oculis")
'It is not the fellow man's blood that pleases Mars.
It is not the blade of the hero that gains his patronage.
It is the art of the battle- and the honor within it.
The raw measurement of strength within war.
From the dawn of time, until the end of days
Blood will be scattered and men will fall and ends are impossible to avoid.
But it is not the why that pleases, it is the how.
How man claims his other's life.'
(Translated from Latin)
My questioning by the woman has come to an end.
But Mars' questioning grows persistent.
Questioning of my ability in battle.
I intend on proving it once more to my patron, when I will spill heathen blood across the timber battlefields to the ringing of Death's doorstep.
The heat of battle flowing like sulfur through my veins.
Walkerville is my next stop. I shall rest but momentarily though, my physical wounds are of no interest to the God of War.
I am hoping that I will be greeted not with hostility.
Else this will be another village I will have to slaughter in Mars' glory.
Obedientiam spondeo aeternis Martem.
Ne derelinquas me.
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