Author Topic: Critique, tips, and collaborations.  (Read 6795 times)

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Re: Critique, tips, and collaborations.
« Reply #90 on: December 22, 2015, 12:49:39 pm »
Oh shit I didn't know you were working on something like this, I just thought up the name and went, "Yeah let's just get it started before I forget about it."

It's basically three short stories that will feed into one main story. The first one was about the The Law and his companion, the second one will be about a couple that travel the wastes doing odd jobs for people, and the third is them meeting up together in Neo Tokyo where they take on a Casino heist because they all owe the Yakhuza for reasons I won't divulge yet.

And I'm thinking about doing a fourth one centered around what the bandits exactly did.