Creative Endeavors > Creative Endeavors
Critique, tips, and collaborations.
This is for people to offer a bit of critique to someone, or to give tips on how to make a drawing or story better, or to discuss collaborations between the artists.
It's a place for us to share our opinions on each others works and to try and help each other get better, and to work together. So please keep it civil and constructive.
Going to sticky the topic. Seems like it'd be a good idea for story reviews and tips for writing.
This will be really useful! I'll post here to keep it in count.
By any chance could someone teach me to draw or make computer art?
--- Quote from: Exodus on March 02, 2015, 07:44:22 pm ---By any chance could someone teach me to draw or make computer art?
--- End quote ---
My three suggested methods for starting art would be:
1st: Go to a library and buy a good book on art, deviantart surely has got lots of lists about good books, so I will post none in here (Also I dont know any good books)
2nd: Find a webcomic with a good art, stalk that artist and search if they ever post in progress pages, try to copy what they do.
3rd: Search youtube for tutorials, do what the video does.
And then you need lotsa practice
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