Creative Endeavors > Creative Endeavors

New Sydney Bounties


Deals Down Under

A pair of men rode slowly on horses with a line of a half-dozen chained up men and women followed behind them. They had electric lanterns strapped to their saddles, as they spotted another man riding towards them. “Oi! Whose that stumblin’ ‘round in the dark? State ya’ business or prepare t'get wings!” The taller one barked, and the man riding up simply waved. He had fish-like features, looking similar to The Creature from The Black Lagoon. “Put your guns down, I mean no harm! I’m Lieutenant Gilbert Anderson. And this is my Kelpie, Beetle.” Gil said back, raising his hands. “What kinda lieutenant.” The shorter one said, “Police. And are you two the Baxter brothers? And from what I have heard, Amongst your… ‘inventory’. Is someone I’m looking to acquire.” The Lieutenant rambled on, looking past the Baxter Brothers, “Is there someone who came from the Nicholls Production Line?” He asked the group of ‘servants’. A woman spoke up, “I’m from the Nicholls Production Line.”

Gilbert perked up, grabbing an oil lamp from his steed. He dismounted and walked in-between the slavers, walking down the line-up before holding the lamp up to a lizard-like woman. Gil spoke up, asking “What’s your name?” The Raptor looked the fish-man in the eye, “Zulu.” And at that, Gil grinned. “You’re exactly the one I’m lookin’ for.” He said gleefully.

“Do you know who Roger’s Raiders are?” Gilbert said and Zulu looked him in the eye, before nodding. “Who are they?” He asked, and Zulu spoke up. “Big Raj, Oscar, and Xavi.” Gil nodded again, “Great, would you recognize these three gentlemen if you saw them again?” He asked, before getting interrupted by one of the baxter brothers. “Oi. Stop talkin’ to that bitch like that.” He barked at him, “Like what?” Gil said, as the brother gestured with his rifle. “Like that!”

Gilbert walked slowly towards the two, them having turned their steeds around to face him. “Everybody calm down, I’m simply trying to purchase one of your fine servants here.” The taller brother shook his head, “I don’t care, no sale. Now fock off!” He shouted, gesturing with the rifle. Gil scoffed at that, “Pfff- Don’t be stupid, of course they’re for sale.” He mocked, before the taller brother aimed his rifle at Gilbert. “Move it.” The tall one shouted, “Last chance, pig.” he added, pulling back the hammer on the single-shot rifle. Gil shrugged at that, “If you insist.” He said, before dropping the lantern in his hand. He drew his Jericho from inside his chest-holster and sank a round into the taller brother’s skull, and branied the shorter brother’s horse.

The horse fell to the side, and directly onto the shorter brother’s leg, practically snapping it in half. The brother wailed in agony before Gil mosied on over, tossing a wad of australian banknotes onto the broken man. He snatched the keys from the slaver’s belt, “Two-Fifty for that fine lady.” Gil sneered, before he walked back to the group of ‘servants’. He unshackled Zulu, and tossed the keys to the rest. “Just so you know… Nearest town is that-a-way” Gilbert said, pointing to the north.

Zulu rubbed her wrists, before glaring hard at the shorter brother. She walked over and planted her boot onto the dead horse, putting her weight on it. The brother's wails intensified, before Zulu let off and scooped up the bank-notes, pocketing them. Gil was already mounted on his Kelpie and Zulu climbed up behind him, and the two set off. And as they made distance, they heard a loud rifle-shot and the brother's wails were silenced.


    As the two trotted away from the scene, they headed north. “Where are we going?” Zulu asked, as she looked around. Gil looked back at Zulu as the Kelpie rode ahead, “New Sydney. We oughta getchu some new duds, ‘eh?” He asked, letting out a gleeful chortle. The Raptor let out a chuffing sound through her nostrils, “I s‘pose…” She mumbled, which caused Gil to let out another laugh. “Weren’t a fan of those two, ‘uh?” He asked, and Zulu let out a growl at that. “Yeah. They were fuckin’ cunts.” She spat, and Gil laughed out loud at that, “Not surprisin’, seeing how they spoke t’me.” He said, scratching at his scales.

    The ride was long, around an hour or two. Gil rambling on and on didn’t help Zulu none, she stayed silent for most of it. As she looked around the foliage of the Jungle, scanning the jungle for anything. Zulu was focused on doing that, before she knew it, she was nudged by Gil and they arrived at New Sydney. It was the largest city in Australia, built around a huge, deeply beached cargo ship that crashed inside a fishing town. As they went through the gate, Zulu looked around the mostly intact town. Zulu dismounted as Gil stopped outside a mechanic’s garage which has been converted into a stable, The Bounty Hunter payed the man running it, and met back up with Zulu. “Which way d’ya wanna go?” He asked gleefully, “I dunno, I don’t live here.” She said bluntly. “Choose a road then.” Gil said, gesturing at the many roads and alleyways outside the stable.

    The two wandered around the town’s old shopping square, before a store caught Zulu’s eye, Andey's Apparel. It had a flashy black and gold varsity jacket on display, She walked towards the store without a word. Gil jumped a bit and walked through the front doors with her. Inside was a typical clothing store, behind the counter was an aging woman with greying blonde hair. “Welcome, if you're lookin’ for anything specific lemme know…” She said, not bothering to look up from her book. Zulu spoke up immediately, “Can I get that jacket that was in the display?” She requested, that made the woman look up. “That ugly thing? If you’re payin’...” she said, getting up with a grunt as she walked to the display room.

    The old hag set the coat against the counter, “Izzat everything?” She said, Zulu shook her head and looked around some more. She picked out a pair of faded jeans, a button-up polo-shirt, a pair of fingerless driving gloves, and a leather belt. As Zulu payed for the clothing, the owner made a comment about the outfit. She and Gil ignored it as the Raptor went to the back to change. When she came back out, she had the jacket zipped up, and her jeans tucked into her boots. Gil gave a thumbs up at the outfit before the duo left the store to the hag.

    Gilbert looked over at Zulu, before giving a thumbs up. “Looks good on ya’.” He said, before Zulu shot a glare, “Nnnevermind…” He said, looking away. The two neared the beached ship in the center of New Sydney, going through the hole in the side of the ship. Inside was a large marketplace set inside the ship’s cargo hold, a cacophony of stalls peddling their goods, hammers striking steel, and the sounds of lathes and other machinery. As the pair wandered around, Zulu visited several different gun peddlers. They sold mainly ancient antiques or recreations, a cut down BAR caught her eye . Recreation or not, it was in very good condition and cheaper than most of the more modern assault rifles. Along with two boxes of .30-06, she got a 40 round mag with two more 20 round mags. For a sidearm, she got an old Model 10 Smith and Wesson revolver, with a Kelpie-skin holster and a box of .38 special.

    Then Gil strolled into a general store set within several old cargo containers, while Zulu went to a different store, a smaller stall in an ‘alley’ between two of the cargo-shops. The… person running had a face that didn’t discern either gender, and had green cactus-like ribs on his skin with thick spines poking through his clothing. “What can I getcha, girly?” They asked, putting emphasis on the ‘h’ in ‘what’. Zulu eyed up a broad bladed short sword, like a parang machete. It’s blade was a blood-red iron-like chitin. “Like it? It’s made of somethin’ called a Razorclaw, in fact. It’s made from wunna their alphas.” The Cactus explained, a grin forming on his lips. “How much?” She asked simply, and the Cactus thought for a moment, “Hm. Hunnerd fifty quid.” Zulu scrunched up her face at that, “One twenty five.” She haggled, and the Cactus scrunched right back. “One thirty five an’ I can getcha a vest made from the same shite.” They haggled back, and Zulu nodded. “Deal.” The Cactus gave her the machete, a simple scabbard made from scrap copper and pig-leather, and a vest made from a grey chitin, lizard skin, with simple scrap iron buckles. Zulu gave up the brightly colored banknotes for her new gear.

    She was left with 20 dollars, she stood outside the general store, waiting for Gil. As he walked out, he had two skewers of meat and fruit. He gave one to Zulu who inspected it, it had large chunks of a greasy, greyish brown meat with a contrasting grilled magenta cubes of fruit with a orange seasoning sprinkled on. “C’mon, eat. It’s kelpie ‘n macefruit.” Gil said as he dug into his skewer, Zulu shrugged and dug in too. The meat was greasy, tough and tasted like a fishy pork. While the fruit was soft, and has a pleasant sourness, while the spices gave it a nice bite.

    The two strolled back outside, Gil leading the way to his abode, they continued down the road. When Gil looked back, Zulu got distracted again. She stopped in front of a small stall selling various gadgets. Zulu bought an old MP3 player with headphones, she scrolled through the songs as she caught back up with Gil. They walked into a welded together stack of cargo containers, serving their purpose as apartments.

    As the pair walked up the stairs of the apartment tower, Zulu’s eyes were practically glued to the MP3 player’s screen as she read through countless songs on the list. “Oi. Earth to Zulu, y’there?” Gil said, which caused her to jump. “Whuh- Yeah?” She said, which caused Gil to chuckle. “Well, I gotta couch. You oughta get some sleep before we head out.” He explained, which Zulu nodded to absentmindedly as the two walked into the small apartment. Zulu went to lay down on the couch, before Gil decided to give the tour in the morning. He gave a “G’night” before heading into his own room.

    Zulu put the MP3 player’s earbuds into her ears, tapping a random song on the screen.

    “We're occupying boxes of concrete, but the world continues to spin.”
“A peek of endless vibrant colours from the outside looking in.”
“Let me run, let me ride, please let me go outside.”
    “Let me hunt, let me cry, just let me be alive”
    As the song continued, Zulu drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


The duo woke up bright and early, getting a lean breakfast of crispbread and some goat cheese. As they went back to the stable, Gil had a little surprise for her. “You can ride a horse, right?” He asked suddenly, Zulu gave him a look. “...Vaguely, why…?” Gil grinned from ear to ear, “Won a fella's horse off him in a card game. Took care of ‘im but always took Beetle out. He's a relaxed fella, now he’s yours.” He explained, as he strolled deep into the halls of the stable.

Inside one of the stalls was a tall, grey, and muscular Dutch Draft horse. It was already saddled and ready to go, and the two set off towards one of Gil's leads. An old bar in The Long Empty, southwest. A taphouse before the cataclysm, one of the few buildings still standing in that barren wasteland. Gil's lead said that Oscar had some goings on under the table over there.

As they rode towards the bar, Zulu let out a huff. “What’s wrong?” Gil asked, and shot a glare at him. “Why’re we going through this lead bullshit? I know where the fuckin’ factory is!” Gil rose a brow, “Can you point it out on a map?” He said, glaring back. Zulu looked away, “N-no…” She grumbled, scratching at her scales. “Thought so.” Gil retorted, picking up the pace. They thought they were alone, but little did they know.

They were being trailed.

An aging man knew the roads well, and where the partners were going. One of Oscar's lackeys heard Gil asking about him, and the Lackey gave the info to Oscar, then to him. His name was Cyrus O'Toule, he was from the states. Older than most in Australia, sharper too. He trailed ahead, he knew where they were going.

A few hours later, the two neared a ruined city block, much of it was rubble due to the attempts to slow the triffid infestation. A few high rise towers remain, albeit ruined; And Cyrus was in one of them, he worked the bolt of a scoped rifle. A Krag Jørgensen rechambered for .30-30 winchester, with a fine maple stock and a well carved scene of a buck on the butt. The aged man cradled the rifle as he sat criss-cross, loading an engraved round in he peered through the scope first at Gi, who was obscured by foliage. Then he aimed at a rusting Yield sign, and fired.

A loud crack filled the air before a loud twang replaced it as the bullet struck the sign and struck Gil in the hip. The shot knocked him flat off his Kelpie, just as Zulu dove off her steed. Gil groaned out, clutching his hip as he scrambled to cover. “He fuckin’ shot me!” He groaned, drawing his sidearm. Zulu scanned the buildings, before spouting “Sixth floor of the hotel, far left.” Another shot cracked through the air, blowing off a chunk of concrete of the wall Zulu was braced behind.

There was a distinct delay between shots, Zulu pulled the BAR from her shoulder. “How’s the wound?” She asked, Gil groaned as he clutched the bleeding hole. “Bleeding… could be worse.” Zulu trailed to the other side of the building. “Keep him pinned, I'll flank him.” She ordered, before Gil waved her off. “Aye, go kick his shit in…” He rasped, before he blindly fired back at the sniper.

Cyrus ducked in his perch, the Fish was keeping him pinned. Smart, He thought. 100 Dollars each, not much but it should be easy. There was a pause and Cyrus popped back out again, taking another shot. A narrow miss, “Bah… Ahm gettin’ old…” He drawled.

Zulu was already at the office building, scrambling up the fire escape and vaulting through a window. She stalked down the hallway, rifle gripped tightly in her hands.

    Cyrus was keeping Gil pinned. The well-oiled bolt worked smoothly, then his eyes widened. “Where in the gatdamn hell did the girl go?” Zulu burst in and cracked Cyrus with the butt of her rifle.

    When Cyrus came to he had his hands cuffed behind his back with two mutants glaring at him. Gil had his hip-wound patched up. The fish-man winced a bit a she gestured with his Jericho, “Why the fuck didja shoot me?” Cyrus shrugged his shoulders. “Munneh. Ya do th'same shit.”[/color] He drawled as he looked Gil in the eye. “From who?” He asked, “Whom.” Cyrus corrected, “Oscar O'Malley. 1000 for the both've ya’s” Gil frowned at that. “I’m only worth a thousand?”[/color] Cyrus shook his head, “Naw, pardner. 500 each. Roughly.” Gil frowned intensified. “Dammit… How does uhh… Twelve-fifty sound?” Zulu shot a glare at Gil, “The fuck- Why?” The two argued back and forth for a moment, Gil explaining another would be nice to have.

    Cyrus interrupted them, “Get to y'all's point!” he barked. The two glanced at each other, before Zulu rolled her eyes and muttered a “Fine…” Gil unlocked Cyrus’ cuffs and gave him the money. The two shook hands and nodded, the deal agreed upon and Cyrus’ rifle and pistol belt returned to him.

    The three picked up Cyrus’ mount, a tortoise-shell colored Llama with a simple black-leather saddle with a rifle holster and a pair of saddlebags. The marksman packed up before the three disembarked for the long empty.


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