Creative Endeavors > Creative Endeavors

Subject B-23: A CDDA RP thing(cause I don't wanna clutter the thread)


Isaac tossed the wrench from hand to hand as he walked, the lyrics of the song he was listening to popping onto his display. The dull grey jacket he wore bore ‘Subject #5012104-B23’ on the back of it as well as the logo of the lab he’d come from emblazoned below it. The pair of jeans had been ‘borrowed’ from an unfortunate lab assistant that had decided hands on time with one of the other experiments was a good idea. The shoes had come from a similarly fortunate scientist that had tried to escape. Of course that had been years ago.

Snapping to the present Isaac noticed the group of shamblers and retrieved the lead pipe from his belt. The first of them rushed towards him as he lifted the pipe and smashed it’s head clear off. “Come and dance with me!” popped to life on the screen.

The second and third made their attempts. The second got pushed away by a shove before Isaac almost cheerily bashed its head in before twirling the body around and shoving it on top of it’s compatriot. Twirling the pipe he took a second before beating the things to death before returning to the first he had beheaded and repeating the bloody process of keeping it down. “OH WON’T YOU DANCE WITH ME!” appeared on his display.

Straightening he looked around at the mess of zombies and took a few deep breathes to calm down. Wiping his pipe off on the clothes of one of the zombies he returned it to his belt. Starting back down the road the song on his MP3 player changed to an old song from the forties about some butcher. He didn’t remember putting it on the thing but shrugged and listened as he adjusted his backpack’s straps.

The display on the front of his head lit up as the words “Butcher pete!” popped onto it, changing from an excitable red text color to a more mellow green. Reaching down to a small box on his belt Isaac pulled the cord from it and plugged it into the port in his neck. He briefly saw the text ‘Charging...45%’ pop into his own view as the systems built into him relayed the information. Snapping his fingers to the tune Isaac walked on.

A few hours later and B-23 had found himself sitting inside a bar sitting next to a car battery as he charged both himself and the more portable battery on his belt. As he sat there a woman walked over and set a drink in front of him before sliding into the seat across from him. She gave him a sweet smile as she said “You seem interesting. What brings you round here?”

Isaac grabbed the straw of the drink and idly stirred it as the words “Need to pass through here is all.” appeared on the screen.

She smiled as she watched him stir the drink for a few moments before saying “I see. Anywhere in particular you’re going?”

Isaac could see the men slowly approaching as the two conversed. The words “A place. Still have business there.” popped onto it.

At the same time he set the monkey wrench he always carried on the table before looking at the men who’d been coming towards him. “Want to dance?”

The pair looked at each other before laughing. One took the handful of steps left to be at the table and set a machete on it. “Mistake 1” popped onto the display as he grabbed the machete and cleanly cleaved the man’s head off. This was followed up by the machete flying through the air and lodging itself into the second of the thugs. The rest of the bar rose as the second body hit the ground and the words “Mistake 2” appeared.

The first to approach was shouting some random vulgarity at B-23 before he found himself missing his jaw. The questioning look caused by revelation that this was in fact the case was cut short as he was impaled through the eyes with the bone. As he hit the floor holding the bleeding mess the next one swung a club at B-23. In and of itself swinging something at him wasn’t a good move, swinging a blunt object was a considerably worse one. Catching the weapon in his hand ripping it out of his opponent’s B-23 swung the weapon into the man’s stomach. As he doubled over B-23 brought the club over his head and down onto the man’s head.

An oddly satisfying *POP* sounded through the establishment. Straightening B-23 looked at the others as he tossed the club aside. They in turn looked at each other trying to gauge who would go first. Leaning against the nearby bar B-23 waited for the few spare moments he’d get. Which was when he felt the bar tender’s shotgun poke him in the back. The words “Oh you dumb bitch.” appeared on the screen before B-23 turned, both smacking the bartender and wrenching the shotgun from her grasp.

Which was when all hell broke loose. B-23 wasn’t entirely aware of how everything went down. Some of it happened too fast for him to remember and some of it he’d let the robotic side of himself take over for. What he did know was he was covered in blood. Lots of it. Most of the establishment was, now that he looked at it, covered in blood and bone with guns and blades lying all over. Save for the table he’d been sitting at and the woman who’d watched it all.

Taking a few deep breathes to gather himself B-23 walked back over and sat down. He was surprised she hadn’t either joined the men he’d just slaughtered or tried to leave. As he grabbed his backpack she gave him a smile and said “You know everyone in this town is going to be gunning for you right?”

He looked up as the display said “And they’ll find out why that’s a bad idea if they do.” before ducking his head back down to look for that pesky datacard.

She finished her drink and set it on the table as he pulled out the one he’d been looking for. Opening one of the slots on the side of his head B-23 observed the woman for a moment before the words “You aren’t from here.” appeared on the screen.

“Correct. I think we’re both heading out of here as well and now that you’ve gone and done this we’re both in a predicament.” She said as she watched him.

B-23 shrugged as “Give me a minute to do this and we can fight our way out.” floated onto the screen.

Plugging the data card into the slot on his head B-23 felt the familiar tingle as the message ‘Choose file to overwrite’ appeared in his view. Looking at what he could get rid of he settled on the, relatively to him, useless skill of cooking. He wasn’t sure why that was even there but he could feel it being overwritten. After a couple of minutes of him staring almost blankly into space B-23 snapped back to reality and pulled the card from his head before placing it back in his bag. “Good to go, just need to take some weaponry.” slowly filled onto the screen before fading.

Walking over to a man who’d ended up missing both arms and his head B-23 reached down and grabbed the Tommy gun that had twirled through the air to his feet. Grabbing the bag that had fallen to the body’s side he checked it and found the spare magazines. Putting the sling over his shoulder B-23 picked up the shotgun and walked over to the bartender, the only other person he’d let live. The single word “Shells” popped onto the screen and she put the two boxes she kept under the counter on top of it.

Taking the shells he emptied one box into his jacket pocket and put the other with the spare magazines in the bag he’d lifted from the body.Walking to the door the woman joined him. Stepping out the door B-23 let the programming take hold as he started firing at the gathered mob...

B-23 had found out the woman was named J something or other. He hadn’t quite caught it over the gunfire but she told him to just call her Jay. That worked for him and seemed somewhat apt as she was wearing a long coat that trailed from black to blue near the bottom of it.

They’d spent the past two months walking through the rough and tumble countryside as B-23 helped Jay finish her business. Now he found himself sitting in an old car they’d appropriated from its previous owner. Reaching a gloved hand down to the keys as he saw Jay running towards the car in the rear view B-23 rolled his eyes. As the engine roared to life Jay jumped in the back before he hit the gas.

She opened the bag that B-23 was fairly confident she had stolen since the men they’d been meeting pulled onto the dirt road behind them. Retrieving his pistol from his belt he slammed on the gas and the old charger tore down the road at breakneck speeds as he tossed the gun to Jay. He heard a pair of shots before he tapped the brakes and slid the car around a corner that left one of the gunman’s cars rolling into the ditch.

The remaining car started getting closer as the engine growled louder in B-23’s ears. The shots from the passenger in the car tore into his back and one ripped into part of his helmet as he swerved in the road from the pain. Feeling blood pour from the holes in his back he slammed on the brakes and felt the vehicle slam into the one pursuing them. Pulling the door open he stepped out and saw the gunman from the chasing car lying on the trunk of the charger as he passed.

The driver had just recovered when the iron grip on his throat hauled him out of the vehicle then threw him into a tree. B-23 followed as his vision blurred for a moment before he saw the security officer of the lab. Retrieving his wrench the words “You took me from her! YOU TOOK ME FROM HER!” flashed repeatedly on the screen in a dark red as he approached the man.

Jay had gotten out of the charger after a few minutes to see B-23 standing over a bloodied mess of blood and organs that was unrecognizable as a human being. She spoke in a quiet voice as she asked “B? You okay?”

He turned towards her and she saw the crack across the screen and winced as the words “No, bleeding and damaged.” appeared on the screen.

Walking towards the vehicle she saw “I need to take care of my business, need repairs too but those will wait.” flicker onto the screen as he got back into the car.

She got into the car beside him as she told him “Yeah, I’ve finished what I needed to get done. Let’s get you taken care of first though.”

He was surprised at the actual concern in her voice. That wasn’t common from his experience and it was..refreshing he supposed would be the word. Either way what he needed done couldn’t wait and to get where he was going would take many months. Hitting the gas he tore back down the roads and towards what remained of the highway.


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