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World building
EDIT: Just replace any mention of universe with the word World.
The purpose of this thread is for us to build universes to write stories in. For continuity and other such purposes the original writer of the universe decides what's cannon and what's alternate universe.
Also, for ease of reading please do the below
[Universe name]
[Information/event/what have you]
Possibly put it in a spoiler if it's a large amount of information.
So here goes
Winter Wars
Spoiler: Universe info (hover to show)1948
Humanity's space exploration projects succeed spectacularly, and we explore the other planets that orbit our sun. Humanity soon begins experimenting with the other planets, attempting to make them habitable.
Mars is the first planet terraformed and they begin to populate the planet, establishing industry on the planet.
A new faction takes over most of Mars and declares themselves independent of the Earth government.
Communication with Earth is lost due to a conflict on the planet that resulted in a catastrophic event.
The Empire begins a large scale offensive against the United countries of Mars, determined to completely eradicate those who still held loyalty to earth. The terraforming drives begin to malfunction due to a military action that damaged the facilities, and the planet goes into an elongated winter, thus giving the war the name 'Winter's War'. The Empire would quietly remove any dissenters in their territories, and often had forced searches of properties in their territories.
Tesla Rifles
Often used by Empire soldiers instead of the more primitive Flame Throwers of the UCM. These weapons were used to clear buildings, demoralize the enemy, and to kill any enemies rushing their trenches.
C-39 'Christoph' Anti Tank rifle
Named after Christoph Masterson. This weapon is used by the UCM to eliminate enemy armored vehicles. The range of the weapon is rather large, though the weapon lacks a scope due to the recoil knocking the scope off center. The operators of this weapon wear augmented shoulder armor to handle the recoil of the weapon, and even then they still end up sliding back upon firing.
Some basic info for the universe
Weapons and vehicles largely remain the same as world war 2. Space flight quickly developed and then terraforming, and Mars was quickly populated.
ohhhhhhhhhh... im interested. lemme do a write up of universe PGU-SF-17
Wayward Pilgrim:
Went ahead and stickied this! :p
Once I'm home I think I'll talk about the Ruin Kingdoms I think. I'll link a bunch of good world building resources too!
(also I suggest changing it to Worldbuilding or something since that's the more common term)
I could totally tell you the world i have if you want to make stopries or RPs. I'd love to see what you people come up with!
This sounds useful for a novel I'm writing! Might as well write up the Snowblind universe for some planning and such. Snowblind might have a kind of anime-esque to it, but it'll be an apocalyptic science-fiction with mutants, snow and magic.
In the not too distant future from the rapidly developing world we're used to today... everything takes a turn for the worse as humanity is put through its toughest test to date.
Spoiler: Timeline (hover to show)2015: To-date. Business is as usual, the world is in a relatively stable and manageable state.
2022: Scientific breakthrough gives clues to a cure for cancer. High-level projects begin.
2030: China exceeds all other countries in terms of technology and developments, and is still rapidly developing.
2034: Yellowstone National Park has been rumored to have grown slightly unstable over the years. Why the government have kept this information from the world is unknown, but the supervolcano seems dormant for now.
2037: The cure for cancer turns out to be possible, but very demanding; material from other planets is needed. Both Germany and America agree to form an alliance, aiming to pool their funds for the biggest space travel project of all time: 'Project Itinera'.
2042: World leaders concerned of food shortages. Incredible growth of countries such as China and India have almost doubled the population since 2015, even with one-child policies strictly enforced.
2046: New leaders come to control of China. Other powerful countries such as America are suspicious of the seemingly hostile new leaders.
2048: Petty squabbles escalate between other countries and China. Levels of tension are high, nuclear missiles and defensive systems are being prepped throughout the world.
2050: Things have seemingly calmed down. Project Itinera is completed in New York despite the recent tension, and will be ready to launch in a few years time once the crew is accumulated.
2051: Food shortages solved by huge underground farms. British horticulturists Hanson and Steiner awarded Nobel Prizes for the genius breakthrough.
2053: Petrol, diesel and oil is thought to have completely run out at this point. Thankfully, world leaders have been hard at work finding alternate sources of power. It's a minor hiccup, but electric cars have become the new standard for 2053.
2054: China attacks Project Itinera out of nowhere with nuclear weaponry! The attack is completely spontaneous and unpredictable, ruining many years of hard work and funds from Germany and America, as well as killing tens of thousands.
2055: War declared on China from many countries, particulary America, Germany and France. Russia claims to have 'no business' in the quarrel and steps back. India sides with China due to fear.
2056: An all-out nuclear war escalates throughout the globe. Almost no country is left without loss; living in bunkers has become a standard way of life for civilians. Most battles are unmanned. China's extreme power allows it to hold out against so many countries.
2058: The war continues, but has slowed down over the years due to resources running out. Not much is left on the surface, and the results of the war are catostrophic to say the least. It is still completely unknown why Project Itinera was attacked in 2054.
2059: The population has been thought to have been damaged by at least 68% due to the war. The remainder of the population has managed to survive thanks to strong defences and underground farms.
2060: As if to 'finish off' the modern world, a missile fired by an unknown country causes Yellowstone National Park to erupt. America is ravaged by the eruption, killing almost all the survivors that remained inside underground bunkers. Absolutely huge clouds of ash and devastating earthquakes put the world to a 'standstill'. It is thought that almost no survivors remain.
2065: Life is beyond difficult for the few remaining survivors. Huge clouds of ash block out the sun, causing the world to freeze. Blizzards of snow and ash rain upon the Earth, essentially ruining it.
?? ??: After an unknown struggle, it is said that life is still possible on Earth. Small underground societies, lucky enough to live in areas that weren't completely ruined by Yellowstone's eruption, have been rumored to survive.
Present: The otherworldly lapse in the world has caused humankind to change completely. Some humans have mutations that allow them to seize control of common material such as snow, and bend it at will. Nobody knows how this is possible. Other mutations give humans subnormal things such as purple eyes, or animalistic qualities to them.
Nobody knows what's going on. But they're trying to do what humanity did best a long time ago: Survive.
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