Intent: Multi-purpose tool
Manufacturer: SiegeWorks Tools
Model: Viper Gas Gun
Affiliation: Terran
Modularity: Replaceable Gas Tank and Barrel
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Steel, Ceramic
Classification: Tool
Size: Handheld, Two Hands
Status: Civillian
Length: 24"
Weight: 28lbs
Ammunition Type: Oxygen Gas, various other gasses
Ammunition Capacity: 5 Seconds per tank
Range: 15m
Description: The Viper Gas gun is produced by SiegeWorks Manufactory subsidiary, SiegeWorks Tools. Primarily designed as a tool to aid in construction and repair, it stores gas in the stock of the weapon, with a removable backup tank located underneath the barrel. The Viper forces the stored gas out of the ceramic barrel under incredible pressure, a small magnetic field and laser emitter at the end of the barrel ionizes the gas, creating plasma, and directs it away from the user. The range is relatively short as the plasma quickly disperses, however it can reach temperatures of around 5000 Kelvin, hot enough to melt any metal. The barrel of the weapon does quickly degrade from use, causing the weapon to become unsafe, thus it is easily replaceable by the user. The Viper is capable of using a multitude of gases, however is it designed with the idea of using Oxygen or Nitrogen. The recoil generated from firing the gas gun is immense, more than an average, unaided, Terran could handle, thus the use of the Viper requires the operator to be using an engineering exoskeleton designed to handle the forces involved.