Intent: Provide highly effective, durable, and affordable personal protection
Manufacturer: Creed Defense Industries
Model: Personal Armour Assembly Mk. 32 (collectively), Articulated Protection System Mk.2 (carapace), Ballistic Bodyglove Mk. 13 (under suit)
Modularity: Available in multiple sizes, APS Mk. 2 allows for a wide variety of load bearing, armour upgrade, and electronics attachments. Female armour is slightly visually different in order to accommodate body shape, but is functionally identical.
Production: Mass production on most developed worlds is relatively simple
Material: Classified polymers, high tech plastics (carapace), classified liquid polymers, classified polymers (under suit)
Weight: Roughly 22 lbs depending on size. Lower tech versions are generally much heavier.
Cost: 3000 GSC as a full system without extras
The PAA Mk. 32 is the current pinnacle of Rastal personal armor, and has been green lighted to replace all current forms of armor in use in the Rastal Guard. Due to the sheer size of the RG, a full phase out is not likely to be completed for a few more years, but the armour is simple enough to produce that several facilities outside of the Creed system have begun to convert their manufacturing facilities to boost production numbers. The PAA Mk.32 is, quite easily, the most common CDI product used by not Rastal military forces, offering a superb level of protection and being relatively easy to obtain via somewhat less than moral methods.
The armour system itself consists of two parts:
1. A hard carapace, articulated to allow a full range of movement. The carapace is made from a variety of materials, with much of the protection coming from a plastic-ceramic hybrid polymer. In the thickest areas, such as the chest plate, it has been proven to reliably stop single hits from every hand held weapon in Rastal service at distances over 25 yards, and can often stop multiple strikes. This plating is backed by a thick fiber weave style armour, which has similarly proven effective at dissipating energy from such hits into less-than-lethal amounts.
Besides ballistic protection, the polymers used act as very effective heat conductors, causing most laser weapons, such as those in common human use, to have virtually no effect on the wearer unless held in place for extended periods of time.
The carapace is designed for easy compatibility with any of the LBE equipment commonly found in Rastal use, and can integrate with most electronic systems used by more specialist forces. At present, the only standard issue electronics used across all units are a simple radio insert plates that attach underneath the chest plates, and acts as a more effective antenna that traditional whip style systems.
2. A specialized bodyglove worn under the carapace. At present, this is only issued in limited numbers due to production bottlenecks, and can be interchanged with the much simpler BB Mk. 12, which provides more basic ballistic protection to areas not covered by the carapace.
The BB Mk. 13 currently entering production takes the evolution of soft armours one step further. While the actual polymer weaves making up the suit itself are not heavily changed from those of the older Mk. 12, the Mk. 13 features a second layer of weaves, with a liquid core between the two layers. This core consists of two distinct fluids - the first is a shear thickening fluid containing nano-particles of a plastic similar to what is used in the carapace plating, which remains soft and flexible at normal operating pressures, but will increase dramatically in hardness when exposed to high pressures such as a projectile striking it, and act as a solid. The second fluid is composed of a similar carrier liquid with magnetic particles in it, which respond to the magnetic field generated by certain types of projectiles and compress into a semi-solid mass.
This system provides some of the best protection available from soft armour, though the soldiers to which it is issued still rely primarily on the carapace component to protect from high velocity, large calibre projectiles. Due to the conductive properties of the contained liquid, the BB Mk. 13 is also capable of offering reasonable protection against laser weapons.
The armour pictured is a prototype left in white and marked only with the Rastal Guard symbol. A helmet, designed similarly to the carapace and also capable of electronic integration, is included in production models. Also not pictured is the body glove.
Due to the relative similarities between human and Rastal external physiology, most humans can wear the carapace with no alterations.
((No pic cause I'm too lazy))
Intent: Provide highly effective personal protection for space based combat
Manufacturer: Creed Defense Industries
Model: Armoured Void Suit
Modularity: Designed to integrate with a wide variety of Rastal space-related tool systems, as well as most common electronics
Production: Limited mass production on high tech worlds
Material: Classified polymers, high tech plastics, ceramics
Weight: Roughly 125 lbs depending on size.
Cost: 45,500 GSC
The AVS suit is designed to provide combatants in zero-g, no atmosphere conditions with a high level of protection while still acting as a self-contained life support system. While visually somewhat similar to the PAA system in current use, the AVS is far more advanced, featuring an on-board computer capable of internal climate control, integration with some of the larger space-oriented weapons used by the RG, and basic detection capabilities. While the suit features hard armour coverage similar to that of the PAA, the soft portions are significantly thicker, providing space for the electronics suite, temperature regulators, and other internal devices, as well as protection far superior to that offered by the BB. 13 bodyglove. Most functions are accessed via an interface on the left arm of the suit.
Mobility is maintained via a removable gas-redirection pack attached to the back of the suit. This device carries enough fuel for 8 hours of normal operation, after which it is generally recharged or exchanged for a fresh pack. It is also capable of limited fuel replenishment via a gas capture system which can sublimate free floating gasses from the user's surroundings, provided the suit is still powered. The effectiveness of this, as well as the increase in operational time, are highly dependent on the conditions around the user.
The system's included helmet is constructed from a variety of ceramics, polymers, and plastics. The visor is a highly malleable transparent plastic that is designed to flex rather than shatter when struck by a projectile, and which also features a virtual heads up display to help in target identification. In the event of the helmet failing, oxygen is provided to the user via a re-breather, while the rest of the suit compartmentalizes itself from the head in order to maintain temperature control for the rest of the body.
Power for the suit's systems is provided by a series of high-retention batteries distributed throughout the suit. These are capable of providing 48 hours of power to the suit's functions under normal operation, though this can be extended by up to 12 more hours if the user deactivates non-essentials. Oxygen is supplied by a simple chemical system, though provided it is powered and not breached, a pressurized suit is capable of efficient enough recycling to keep the user alive without additional oxygen for up to 48 hours.
Beyond the protection offered by the suit's construction, it also features an active defense system. This can be set to two seperate modes - manual and automatic - depending on the needs of the user. In automatic mode, the system is triggers upon the suit detecting a localized increase in the temperature or pressure on it's surface, such as when struck by an energy beam or projectile. Upon detecting such an event, a portion of the suit's liquid armour component is ejected in front of the user, creating instant cover which is generally effective against a wide variety of weapons. Owing to the unique properties of non-Newtonian fluids in space, and their desire to maintain cohesion, the resulting screen is surprisingly long-lasting and durable. In manual mode, this can be triggered at the user's behest instead, and used to provide cover and concealment in an environment where such a thing is typically difficult to find. Regardless of the mode used, doing so does, of course, lower the suit's effectiveness as it is effectively detaching a good portion of it's protective material.
((Ok, good enough.))