Author Topic: [Species/Player Race] Ast-Vallen  (Read 409 times)

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[Species/Player Race] Ast-Vallen
« on: January 24, 2017, 11:40:06 pm »
Name: Ast-Vallen(Roughly translate to Wayward Pilgrim)
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: None, they live on a fleet of large ships
Average height of adults: 5'-6'
Skin color: Light blue
Hair color: varies, usually non-standard colors such as blue and red
Breathes: non-standard hydrogen mixes

Technologically Inclined: Due to living on ships for many generations the Ast-Vallen have become used to repairing and finding technology.

Suit Bound-Due to issues involving environmental differences and their immune systems the Ast-vallen cannot leave their full body environment suits.
Suppressed Immune System: Due to issues involving their living circumstances the Ast-Vallen immune system has little chance of adapting to foreign matter, and said exposure can cause anything from minor illness to death.

Distinctions: Due to being stuck inside the suits the Ast-Vallen almost no one from the other species has seen their physical appearance. Notable features is three fingers and one thumb and three toes. The view plates on most helmets are designed to with . The suit is usually customized by the Ast-Vallen to reflect personal tastes and is usually accompanied by cloth pieces wrapped around parts of the suit. The suits also accept armor attachments
The suits come equipped with the capability to quarantine any punctures and prevent the spread of any surface infections. Some suits are equipped with anti-infection measures that flood their blood stream with antibiotics and other prevention methods in the case of internal infection.

Average Lifespan: 100-150 years
Estimated Population: 1 billion
Diet: omnivorous
Communication: spoken and sign language

Culture: The Ast-Vallen place great importance on the whole and greater importance family connections. A threat to the Hallen(Wayward Home) is something that they all take seriously and will treat with great caution.
At the age of 20 each Ast-Vallen goes on their Pilgrimage, which for the Ast-Vallen is merely going out into the galaxy to explore and 'find' themselves. The vast majority of Ast-Vallen who go on Pilgrimage tend to enter service on ships or space stations due to the familiarity of the situation.

Technology level: Approximate to human technology

General behavior: Most Ast-Vallen act rather confidently, especially so concerning their area of expertise, and are not afraid to express opinions or observations. They are rather open to others but have so far never extended an offer to visit the home fleet. In adverse situations their behavior varies.

History: [Describe an abridged history.]: The Ast-Vallen originally came from a world which was reduced to rubble after an experiment involving the mass use of nuclear power went unexpectedly wrong. The resulting chain reaction of detonations rendered the home planet into rubble. Since then the Ast-Vallen have lived aboard their ships searching for a new home planet that will meet the necessary atmospheric conditions. As a result of the extended period of living in the sterile ships their immune systems deteriorated to a point where pretty much any outside matter or atmosphere could cause illness or death. The Home Fleet is currently sitting in open space, occasionally moving to avoid any asteroids or other matter hurtling through space.

Notable Player-Characters:

Intent: survive, find a new home, and prepare themselves for living on it.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 03:44:30 pm by RedVulnus »

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Re: [Species/Player Race] Ast-Vallen
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2017, 11:42:35 am »
Suit Bound-Due to issues involving environmental differences and their immune systems the Ast-vallen cannot leave their suits full body environment suits.

You've got "suits" in there twice.

But, approved.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: [Species/Player Race] Ast-Vallen
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 12:41:22 pm »
Suit Bound-Due to issues involving environmental differences and their immune systems the Ast-vallen cannot leave their suits full body environment suits.

You've got "suits" in there twice.

But, approved.

I need to edit some of this since it's way to similar to the material that inspired it which appears to be something I do when writing at like 11 pm. That aside I'll definitely fix that.


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Re: [Species/Player Race] Ast-Vallen
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2017, 02:29:14 pm »