The Rescue Team
You take steady aim, and fire into the oncoming crowd.
Four mutants fall to the ground, unable to continue. From your vantage point, you could count thirteen more coming from the south.
You whip out your sidearm and fire three shots into the side of the tank. They ricochet into the fleshy mass, splattering goop across the inside of the vehicle. Its eye sinks back down and a mouth forms on the surface, which opens wide and lets out a guttural, inhuman scream.
Two-Paw receives the instruction, and then rotates a solid 90 degrees, firing at the pile of cars.
Schoooop... KOOOOOM
The car pile blows apart, and you hear something get squished underneath one of the cars. Bits of viscera fly into the air.
The Survivors
You swing your master plan into action, and reach the roof. As you do so, you hear a distant crash echoing through the city. It sounded like it came from the southeast. Likely some mutants trashing around in the center of the city. Otherwise, you can see the surrounding buildings and debris lying on the roofs. Towards the north you see more apartment buildings, and some far away estates. In the east you see office towers, covered in shattered windows and vines. In the south, smokestacks rise from the otherwise rather run down neighborhoods. In the west you see the rows of apartment buildings turn into two story houses. The sun's light warms your face.
You clamber over the pod, but slip on the cold glass and land in the sand. Nice.
You run your hands over the pod, looking into it. The metal is cold to the touch, and you get some watery condensation on your fingers. The reflective glass provides no sight into the pod. Looking at the machine, you see the blue and yellow markings were actually logos. Some company called Twin Suns Supply. What gathers your attention, however, was a large red lever on the front that read "EMERGENCY RELEASE". Upon closer inspection, you see another label that says "Warning: Explosive bolts".