I'm not entirely sure how to handle my turn.
I think starting later in the Cataclysm, such as the winter or summer starts, would be viable. I am a fan of the Naturalist occupation in theory. Wanderer on steroids.
And I think I've got a rough idea of how to handle writing entertainingly while still keeping true to the narrative. Hopefully. Expect my character to get drunk and high a lot, without any real tangible reasons sometimes. Same for consuming/creating morale-boosting foods and drinks when there're better, more nutritious ones available, and other such things I could see someone actually doing.
I mean, would you roast some fox intestines over a small ethanol powered stove with a bone skewer, or would you eat some fucking marshmallows and cookies? If you've got a good amount of water collected in gallon jugs thanks to the NEVERENDING FUCKING RAIN, would you worry about what a few swigs of gin or rum would do to your hydration? Roleplay, man, roleplay.