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Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« on: September 19, 2016, 08:40:32 pm »

Your journey begins in the Terran system - the previous Captain Hansen has passed away, and his ship has made it's way back to the heart of the UTA in order to pick up it's new master and his compatriots. The return is no mere formality - as the Hansen Warrant is passed to the next generation, it must be signed within the system itself, and witnessed by the pertinent officials. After this, you have your freedom to find whatever may await you in the great expanse.

Roland McCall

The ship has been docked for several weeks, undergoing re-fitting and re-supply. Your service with the former Captain had been pleasant - he was a good hearted, elderly man, and somehow still a fairly successful merchant, and you've spent the last few years living a relatively calm, peaceful life, somewhat unusual for a member of a warpship crew. That time may be coming to an end - your former friend and leader met his end several months ago, and the ship is about to come under the command of his son, who you know very little about. At best, it will be a new era of high adventure, faith spread to those in need, and perhaps some inner redemption. At worst, it will be another several quiet years slowly charting new trade routes and ministering to the souls on the ship.

Either way, you have determined to sign on for yet another term of service, whatever it might bring.

You are pulled away from what you are doing by the chime of your quarters' hailing system. It rings several times before you can answer it, and you are greeted by a gruff, unpleasant voice that identifies itself as one of the bridge crew.

"Reverend, I've been asked to tell you that our new Captain will be docking in roughly two hours. Master Snow thought you might want to be present to greet him and his advisors when they arrive. She's also asked me to instruct you to dress 'nicely' if you're planning to join them. Meet her at airlock 2, deck 23." The comm snaps off, the busy officer returning to readying the ship for departure and not waiting for your reply.

Everyone Else

A loud blaring noise awakes you from your sleep, and is quickly followed by the shuttle's pilot making an abrubt announcement over the intercom: "Docking in two hours. All hands make ready."

Finally. You've spent the last five days in a cramped, poorly lit shuttle, making the trip from Terra, through the main asteroid belt that seperates the inner solar system from the outer, and with it, Jupiter station and the system's array of Gates.

For the planetbound people of Terra, most of whom can only dream of journeying into space, the trip might have been a stunning, wonderous event. To those simple folks, the sights and smells of the busy UTA station you embarked from would have been a fantastic experience - huge galleys filled with the noise of a thousand voices, each one trying to exchange whatever they have for you credits. In the short time you were there, it is almost certain that many millions changed hands, small fortunes were found and lost, and all manner of shady backroom deals came and passed.

If the station seemed impressive, then your passage through the asteroid belt certainly would have been a divine experience. Though they live humble lives, the colonists of the Main Belt certainly have a visually striking home: hundreds of rocks linked together, life swarming in a place it was never meant to be, and the lights of thousands of buildings being cast into the darkness of space.

For men such as yourselves though, having spent much of your lives moving around and having seen wonders far greater than some rock farmers and a busy market place, those sights were nothing remarkable. Even Jupiter Station itself, one of the largest within the UTA's territories, home to hundreds of thousands of souls, and never sleeping as it interacts with the thousands of ships coming and going, does not leave too much of an impression.

What does, though, is the Terran system's array of Warp Gates - ten of them, always active, firing ships off into the black abyss one after the other, the beating heart that pumps the lifeblood of the UTA. Watching closely, you can see the blast of purple light emitted each time one fires. It's truly a wonder of technology and co-ordination, but there's no time to think of that now.

Though you can't see it yet, your new ship, and destiny, are scant hours away, and you should ready yourself for docking.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 08:44:50 pm by ApatheticExcuse »
Gone. Cheers guys.

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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 09:35:31 pm »
Sighing as he closed his bible and stood. He opened the old wooden drawer of his dresser and pulled out a white button up shirt along with a pair of blue jeans that he put on top of the dresser. Pulling his clothes off he quickly changed into his more presentable clothes, only more presentable in the fact that they were yet to be in need of patching since he had only recently acquired them.

Pulling out his leather boots from underneath the bed and retrieving a pair of socks he wondered who the new crew members coming with the captain would be like. As he pulled the socks on he reasoned to himself that he would find out soon enough. As he picked up the boots he stopped for a second and looked at the spurs attached to them. His thoughts ran to a time that seemed far too long ago when he was but a child learning to ride one of the animals the farmers had used to help herd animals.

He snapped back to reality after a handful of seconds and pulled the boots on. Standing he put his belt on, letting his finger tips run along the old cracked leather before stopping at the attached holster and his mind yet again wondered to another time and place though this time a less happy time. Finishing putting his belt on he picked up his revolver and checked the cylinder. Seeing that it was fully loaded he snapped it closed and holstered the weapon.

He looked at the armor sitting on the top of his dresser and picked up the chest and back plates. Securing them and then putting on the thigh plates. He reached over and grabbed his duster and pulled it on. He finally picked up the double barrel shotgun and opened the breach, sliding in the shells and snapping it closed before letting it rest on it's sling over his shoulder.

Finally he picked up the bible and secured the clasp that held the book closed and slid it into one of the large pockets of his duster. Starting out of his room he buttoned his duster as he walked. "Oh Lord, I, your humble servant, seek your favor today as I meet these men. May your wisdom shine down upon me and guide me in helping them find you. Amen." He said this short prayer as he got close to the area in which he would meet the new captain and crew.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2016, 03:24:38 pm »
Mark jolted awake at the pilots announcement over the intercomm and quietly got to his feet. His her was disheveled and he smelt like he hadn't showered in days though that could simply be the smell of smoke wafting in the air. Despite the pilot warning him several times, he would ignore the annoying bastard and smoke anyway since it was the only thing that kept in calm in what was essentially a metal coffin flying through space.

Of course that wasn't the only thing going through his mind right now. With the sudden and tragic death of his father, Mark was left as the sole heir to his father's ship The Iliad. It was a modified Light Cruiser capable of reaching those secrets the galaxy has not yet relinquished. Now it would be his turn to continue the Hansen name of going where no man has gone before and gaining the untold riches just waiting to be picked up.

For now though he lit another doobie and waited for the pilot to hurry the fuck up. Destiny was in his grasp.

There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2016, 10:58:00 pm »
Charo gets out of bed with a grumble, he puts on his normal clothes and his RIG. He walks to his personal suit Kiosk, it lets him put on his suit, clean his suit, and check for damages. He walks in and gets his suit on, but helmet still in his suit. After he grabs his gear and heads out. He mumbles to himself, "Should I grab some feckin' grub? Bah, there's prob'ly grub on th' ship." he activates his helmet and starts to walk to the ship.

Charo looks at the ship, he whistles and says in a digital, metallic voice, "Cyoar, ain't that a noice ship..."
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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2016, 05:10:12 am »
Locke hadn't been sleeping. He never did like to sleep in crowded places. Probably his natural uneasiness in the face of other humans at work, but he couldn't help that. Came with the lifestyle, he supposed. He was currently sitting on the small cot allotted to him, his possessions still packed away in the enormous trunk next to him, a stubby cigar clenched in the right side of his mouth smoking up the surrounding area. The cocktail of amphetamines he'd popped a few hours ago had sure started to feel like they were wearing off, but he still had a few hours to go.

The announcement came, same as it always did, and he listened disinterestedly, the only sign of acknowledgement coming in a shift of his cigar from the right side to the left side, and a prolonged blinking of his cybernetically-enhanced eyes. Nobody was in the beds near to him to take notice anyways. He supposed that also came with the territory. If you choose a roommate, so to speak, a six-foot-nine-inch scar-covered cyborg who takes about an hour in the weapons check-in probably wouldn't be your first choice.

Wouldn't be Locke's, either. Not that he'd ever encountered another one.
Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2016, 04:41:28 pm »
Roland McCall

The journey across the ship takes some time - even with the use of lifts and conveyors, it's a big ship. You finally arrive at Airlock 2, Deck 23, to find Snow and a small honor guard waiting.

"Reverend! Glad you could make it." Snow greets you with a warm smile. She's a deceptively young looking woman, who's age you've never clearly been able to established, and has served as Ship's Master since just before your arrival on the Iliad. Whatever her age and experience may be, her competence is indisputable - there are few places on the ship itself she doesn't know as well as the sound of her own voice, and she's obviously well traveled, being very versed in UTA protocol and much of the lore of the central UTA-controlled regions of space.

"You're just in time. The shuttle is just coming alongside for docking now." Her words are punctuated by a dull thud as the shuttle makes contact with the airlock.

Everyone Else

"Five minutes to docking." The announcement is no less grating than the first one, and it seems like the ship's pilot just loves to disturb the quietest of moments with these things.

Looking out the small viewports, you can catch the first glimpse of the Iliad as it looms ever closer. It towers over the shuttle, well over a kilometer long, and it's armoured hull bears the scars of many battles and adventures. The shuttle begins to slow, pitching upwards towards an airlock near the bridge, and you're gifted with a quick look down the bore of one of it's many port-side macrocannons. It's a pretty impressive sight.

"All hands, brace for docking." the pilot shouts again. A large jolt runs through the shuttle, punctuated by a loud clang, and followed by snapping sounds as the airlock's bolts seal, binding the shuttle to the side of the Iliad. You can hear a curse from somewhere in the crew cabin - apparently someone neglected to brace. Seconds later, there is a tremendous hissing noise as air fills the lock, the doors open, and the pressure equalizes between the two vessels.


The airlock's outer door opens, and the honor guard steps forward into two neat lines.

"Captain on the deck!" Snow exclaims, and the guard brings their rifles up in a neat salute. "Gentlemen, welcome to the Iliad. I'm Angela Snow, Ship's Master under the previous Captain Hansen. It's been my duty to see to the day-to-day operation of this vessel, as well as provide what information I can to the Captain and his advisers."

She gestures to the man next to her. "This is Reverend McCall, Ship's Chaplain. Captain Hansen often referred to him as his conscience." As she speaks, several other crew members step forward to take your belongings on board. It's fairly obvious that none of them are too keen to grab Locke's enormous stack of heavy looking gear, but a sharp look from Master Snow causes them to relent, and begin hauling that as well.

"We're prepared to launch, but we should attend to the formalities of the Transfer of the Warrant before we do so, unless you're all keen on dragging the UTA bastard who's making an ass of himself on the bridge with us. He's got everything prepared - a signature or two, and he should be out of our hair. If any of you have any questions about the ship, what to expect on the Warrant itself, or anything else, ask them while we walk. These fuckers can smell weakness a half a sector away and won't hesitate to tack a dozen new conditions on it if they can."
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 04:43:50 pm by ApatheticExcuse »
Gone. Cheers guys.

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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2016, 05:19:38 pm »
Collin grudgingly got out of bed and into the deck. He mingles into the crowd like anyone else.
Every tuba you touch melts into cats.

How the fuck do you dream in ASCII?

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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2016, 05:49:56 pm »
Locke nodded here and there as the woman spoke, introducing the ship's local chaplain and asking them to attend some ceremony with a windbag UTA employee. She was a talker. He'd never had the patience for talkers, but she seemed capable enough, what with the way the underlings relented under her glare, and so she was alright in his book. Locke didn't know the Reverend, and probably never would, he'd never gotten along with men of faith, but there's a first time for everything.

He straightened out his hat, tossing his burnt cigar into the nearest applicable receptacle, and shouldered his coat to look a little more presentable, finally opening his mouth to speak. "W#nderful. I'm gl#D to be a Part oF this fine sh#p, miss. Let's go get the fO#malities overwith." His voice, at this point in time, could best be described as a few people speaking monotone through a bad mic, albeit rising and falling randomly in pitch and degenerating into static here and there. All in all, rather disconcerting, and probably just unpleasant to hear.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 05:53:33 pm by Forrest »
Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2016, 06:28:50 pm »
Roland gave a short smile at Snow's description of the UTA man before nodding to the new captain and crew and saying "Welcome aboard, I am here for any spiritual needs you may have or if you just need counseling. I'm also capable with my revolver and shotgun if the need arises."

Roland idly reached a hand up to check one of the buttons on his duster as he continued "I'm sure we all can agree that we'll be much more comfortable once this business with the UTA is taken care of."


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2016, 10:26:06 pm »
"Weakness? Such things do not exist in my presence or in those that follow me. Mark said as he take one final drag before crushing the still lit roach in his hand. This was it, the moment he had been training his whole life for. Snow was a nice enough woman when he was growing up but she did not abide the usual young recklessness that came along with a child. She was like Mark's stern step mother though now the situation had change drastically since they last spoke.

He focused his eyes back onto Snow and said with a smile, "As much as I find the prospect of keeping pets hilarious, I'm afraid we can't. So let us hurry along and finish the transfer quickly. I'm sure my father left his other physical inheritance somewhere on board and I am most eager to find it."

There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2016, 10:42:49 pm »
Snow returns the smile, but the concern in her eyes is readily evident. "I should hope so, sir. Assuming you'll keep me on as Master, it's still my duty to suggestion some caution when dealing with stooges like the one we're about to meet."

The trip to the bridge is rather short - a fast ride in one of the ship's myriad lifts, a quick walk, and you find yourselves outside one of it's half-dozen entrances. Snow inputs a short code into the panel next to the door, and the massive piece of steel that separates the command center from the corridor slides effortlessly upwards.

Stepping through into the bridge proper, you move on to the upper most level of the multi-storied room, overlooking a couple hundred of the bridge crew on the floors beneath you, moving around like so many ants in a hive.

"CAPTAIN ON THE BRIDGE!" the alert rings out through hidden comms, and all activity halts while your crew turns to give a brief salute. To your left are a series of consoles, positioned in a large circle around a giant hololithic tank which currently displays Jupiter station in detail, and to your right is the captain's chair, raised slightly on a platform and overlooking what are obviously rows of command consoles and displays.

Directly in front of you is a massive viewport that spans nearly the whole length of the wall, which would give you an excellent view of the flashing Gates in the distance. Unfortunately, that view is blocked by a rather unpleasant looking individual wearing the grey uniform of the UTA Naval Services. He's short, fat, and decidedly ugly - this is not helped by the series of tech-augments protruding from the back of his skull. If you had to guess, they are likely designed to increase his cognitive abilities, and if he's typical of mid-ranking UTA bureaucrats, he probably needs them.

"Captain!" he trills, giving Mark what could only be described as a morbid grin, and rubbing his hands together in a nervous, obsequious manner, "It is sooo good to *finally* meet you."

From the back of the party, Snow mutters something under her breath. You don't need to hear it to know it wasn't a complimentary statement.

"It's rather exciting to be aboard such a fine ship, and in the company of such..." there is a distinct pause as he searches for a word, "....unique individuals."

Without waiting for a reply, he motions over a youthful, mildly embarrassed looking man wearing a similar uniform, and snatches a set of data slates from his hands. "I have the Warrant here," he waves one of the slates, "and the transfer papers prepared for you here - there is no need to worry about reading either of them over - I'm assured that it's all merely legal mutterings that are beyond the understanding of men like us anyway!"

Giving the slates a quick glance, he hands one of them over to Mark, hugging the other to his body as though it may try to escape him. Most of it is indeed probably standard boilerplate, detailing nothing of importance. At the bottom is a short paragraph followed by several signatory lines.

Quote from: Declaration of Acceptance of the Duties of Warrant

I, Mark Hansen, make declaration of acceptance of the Captaincy of the ship known as the Iliad, having inherited the rights of Warrant from my father, former Captain David Hansen.

I agree to serve in the best interests of the UTA, and to place the values of United Humanity above that of my own.

In signing this form, I also agree to submit to any Conditions attached in the Warrant, be it at it's time of origin, included at the Declarations of my predecessors, or added at the time of my Declaration, as detailed in the Warrant itself and unless . I understand that failing to comply with the Conditions as detailed in the Warrant will result in prosecution and due punishment as accorded in section 3 of the Warrant of Liberty.

Mark Hansen, Captain

Junior Adjunct Toomes, Facilitator and Condition Negotiator

In signing this, the witnesses attest that Captain Mark Hansen has made this agreement of his own free will, and in full understanding of the Conditions of the Warrant.



The UTA officer, Toomes according to the paperwork, hands Mark an electropen. "As I say, it's all very standard, nothing more. Signatures please, and we'll be done here."
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 10:47:28 pm by ApatheticExcuse »
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2016, 10:53:26 pm »
Mark squints at the poorly lit dataslate. Green text on a black ground is a poor choice for legal documentation and must be done on purpose to fuck with people who don't read the fine print.

"Hand me the other dataslate, I need to read my obligations before I sign anything."
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2016, 11:28:06 pm »
Toomes flashes his sickly grin again. "It's not healthy to worry so much Captain! I assure you, it's" He is cut short by Snow moving towards him and grabbing the dataslate from his grip. She presses a few buttons on the slate, and the Warrant pops up on several nearby displays for the party to see. The Adjunct looks ready to protest, but a glance at the three large, dangerous looking men standing behind the Captain stops him.

Snow scrolls through the Warrant - most of it is indeed also simple legalities and not overly important, but she halts at a particular point in Section 8 - Conditions. There are ALOT of them. "Correct me if I'm wrong, JUNIOR Adjunct, but most of these have already been fulfilled by previous Captains."

"Yes, ah, allow me to highlight the pertinent areas so the good Captain can clearly see them."

Quote from: Warrant of Liberty, Section 8 - Conditions

Existing Conditions:

5. The Captain shall report any contact with a non-compliant populated world promptly and without deception, as negotiated at the Issuance of this Warrant.

8. In the event of a direct request, the Iliad shall participate in any UTA mandated compliance actions applied to a non-compliant, populated world, as negotiated at the Issuance of this Warrant.

78. The Iliad shall spend no less than one week on station at the co-ordinates designated in Attachment B, and shall immediately report any activity that occurs there to the UTA authority designated in Attachment B, as negotiated by Captain Samuel Hansen at his Declaration.

The New Conditions section follows, and Snow lets out a snort of exasperation. There are roughly 50 new conditions attached, most of which deal with incredibly unexciting ventures, and include such items as spending several months moving colonists from one backwater to another, hauling mundane supplies to well-established worlds, and generally engaging in activities that are matched only in their mind-numbing insignificance by their mind-numbing dullness. Though the screen scrolls fairly quickly, Mark is pretty sure he even catches a glimpse of a condition instructing the Iliad to act as Junior Adjunct Toomes personal chauffeur between his office on Jupiter Station and his home on Terra.

Toomes sees the look of discontent on most of the faces present, and speaks. "It would be un-patriotic of me to refrain from requesting a few small favors on behalf of the Authority, wouldn't it? I would hope that you'd understand and agree to these minor requests, but if not, I am prepared to negotiate with yourself or your Appointed Negotiator." A smug look flashes on his face, and he adds "The UTA has, of course, always respected the freedoms of a Warranted Captain and his crew, so if you'd prefer, I feel a *small* financial contribution to our cause could lessen the load I've been asked to place on you."

Another quick glance at the previously completed conditions reveals that while some Captains did end up having to do a petty task or two, quite a few of them managed to avoid any new attachments.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 11:37:31 pm by ApatheticExcuse »
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2016, 11:50:29 pm »
"You would find it un-patriotic to not ask if I could essentially be your taxi from your home here to Earth? You know, Toomes, I thought you would be a humble, respectable man but I can see those boosters haven't helped much. A shame too, since I have a feeling all the extra burdens that you," Mark says as he high-lights all the mundane things that were added to his father's list of stupid shit to do ,"place on my father probably didn't help his health much. It would, of course, be a shame if any causal links could be placed between you and my father's death, wouldn't it?

Him and the Admiral were such good friends too. Which reminds me, I'll be calling him this afterwards. How shall I tell him you are doing, Junior Adjunct Toomes?"
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2016, 12:10:58 am »
Now, Locke is the type of man to adjust to new situations rather quickly. He always had been, and he'd never stop being one. And this situation was no different. He liked this captain. He had nerve, and he had a bit of crazy, so there was already a bit of a kinship. And he didn't like the other man, this Toomes. Weak, fat, lazy, and mean, albeit with nothing to back up the final one besides false threats and a cushy job in the UTA.

What Captain Hansen said would probably be enough to intimidate the asshole, but Locke wanted to make sure it was even more effective. Stepping forward, he places himself right behind the captain and slightly to the left, towering over his forceful new boss and staring directly at Toomes with a chilling, unblinking glare. With the kind of guy Locke is, this probably sent a good message.
Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.