
Since I now have a proper sourcebook, what should we do?

Keep going with FTL, we're barely into it yet!
0 (0%)
Add some of the mechanics of RT to FTL, and keep going that way!
2 (66.7%)
Drop FTL, and play some RT!
0 (0%)
I don't care and regret signing up for this!
1 (33.3%)
Since you apparently have all our collective sourcebooks, let's run something completely different!
0 (0%)

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Author Topic: Faster Than Light (Interest, Lore, and Sign Up Thread)  (Read 11463 times)

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Re: Faster Than Light (Interest, Lore, and Sign Up Thread)
« Reply #75 on: September 25, 2016, 11:42:44 pm »
OK. So. Combat. Generally, there's only a couple things to really know:

1. Combat uses the obvious skills: melee skill, and ballistic skill. Some weapons also get a bonus from other attributes.

2. There are range mechanics and stuff, but I haven't bothered to implement them yet.

3. Combat itself is roughly turn based, with turns going according to the situation or, all other things being equal, a dice roll. This is gonna be split between "PC Turn" and "NPC turn", simply because I don't want people getting help up waiting for someone who isn't online at the moment. When the majority of the PCs have posted, or when a bit of time has passed, the turn ends. Some combat will be done more "cinimatically", where everything sort of happens all at once, depending on the fight.

4. You can take two actions each turn. This can be finding cover and attacking, attacking twice, reloading and throwing a grenade, etc. If you peek at the weapon stats, you'll notice how reloads are set up - 2 full means it takes both actions, full means it takes one (so you can reload then shoot), 5 full means it takes two complete turns and an action. Most fights will likely end VERY quickly, so this shouldn't matter too much.

5. There are also free actions, which is little shit like telling someone to get fucked or whatever while you beat them into the dirt. They do not take up one of the "action actions".

This will be the hardest thing for me to run - there are not a very strict set of rules like space combat, nor is there a "well, write it well and it happens" type rule. Expect this system to be tweaked a bunch.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Faster Than Light (Interest, Lore, and Sign Up Thread)
« Reply #76 on: September 30, 2016, 04:19:34 pm »

Flicking on your plasma cutter fills the room with a eerie blue-green glow that quickly overpowers the flickering orange cast off by the dwindling flames. You don't know if the man in front of you recognizes the tool or not, but either way, his eyes grow wide with terror, and his mouth opens as if to scream as you swing it towards him. You aim is a little higher than intended. He raises one arm in front of his face, and attempts to bring the shockstick up, as if to parry your slash, but it's a futile gesture - the arcing plasma slices through it with no effort, continuing through his arm behind it. The stick explodes in a shower of sparks, and the arm hits the deck with a wet thud, followed shortly by the man as he attempts to stem his bloodloss with his remaining hand."

Ok, so, in retrospect, that plasma cutter is the single most shit your pants terrifying weapon in the game. Since part of this is testing out my combat mechanics, I had this guy roll to block. Wilson rolled actually pretty terribly, just enough for a glancing hit (and bearing in mind these guys have negative modifiers still from the warp jump), and had I made the mook dodge, he would have just missed.

But no, I had to make him block. He succeeded in that too, but it turns out that unless you have a full suit of power armour like NoCam's, AND a ship bulkhead between you and this thing, it's gonna just go through.

I'm suddenly glad Charo has a fairly low WS - this thing, with some decent luck, can even knock out the smaller armoured vehicles I have written up.

As another note, because of this, I'm going to consider this thing much heavier than we discussed in the IRC. It's now a twohanded affair kinda like a zipcut, and the unbalanced property with give a negative modifier to using it twice in a turn, as well giving a negative modifier to any dodge or block attempt made in the same turn.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Update coming tonight. Since the combat's kinda been left alone by some of you, I'll just wrap it up quick once NoCam and forrest are done fucking up their guys. It's given me enough info on how I should tweak the system that there's no reason to keep you guys pounding on these poor mooks.

Expect most future combats to be quite a bit more dangerous to you.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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One day we'll make it to the first Nav-Point. High adventure awaits!
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That should come pretty shortly. There's a few things I need to do first, which should be done when you and Vulnus are done chatting and everyone is finished beating the shit out of the ratings.

I'll state it here - if no one objects, we're going to timeskip most of the jump once the current events are all played here. If you have other stuff you wanna do on the ship, make it known.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Alright, so. NoCam helpfully linked me to the sourcebook for Rogue Trader, which is very, very close to the 40K rulebook I've been using, but far more in depth.

I'm at a bit of a crossroads here as to how to proceed with FTL.

Really, the big question here is this - do you guys wanna continue with FTL as it sits, add mechanics, or drop it and run actual Rogue Trader in the 40K universe (which we're all more acquainted with as FTL pretty much exists in my head)?
Gone. Cheers guys.


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I'd prefer to continue running it as is but if everyone wants to do something different then I'm good with that.


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I'd continue running as is.
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As is.
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Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.


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Alright, well, there's some votes and some statements. Not counting NoCam, who completely regrets this and has informed me I've ruined his life, seems like everyone wants to incorporate some mechanics and keep the universe going. So, I'm going to keep going.

I spent last night reading through the RT book. It's (thankfully) very, very similar to the system in place. If everyone wants to read 400 odd pages, we'll put the full system in place and I'll have you pick skills. Honestly though, the homebrew system I have in place now seems sufficient to make things work - if we were sitting around a table top, the RT system would be better, but it's a little complicated via forum as I'm rolling for everyone. So, I'll go with majority rule on that one, but I'm personally going to suggest we leave most of that alone.

As this is going to get more involved now that we're past the giant rat dungeon, any actions you may want to perform that require a test (that isn't just trivial or combat related) will have the required skills made known before I roll for them - some of you suck in some areas and are strong in others, so it will help you guys not fail due to confusion.

I would, however, suggest you look at the combat actions if you want - they're on page 238, and work just fine with the existing system.

Secondly,  my ship system came from the old old old RT 1st ed, suggestions from a friend who played Battlefleet Gothic, and from some googling as to how RT new ed. does it. It actually seems to line up pretty much exactly, which is unsurprising as it's much less home-brewed. So, if you're planning to take part in ship combat, take a look at that, or at least the movement and combat section. It starts on page 193.

You can ignore virtually everything else in the book, since it works pretty differently than how my pre-designed mechanics are - they're simpler, which, once again, I think is easier given the forum medium. I will detail those as they come up - wealth is due for an indepth explanation, for example, because right now you guys really have no incentive to actually try to make money or any real idea of how much you already have.

And just as a heads up, as I'm very new at this sort of thing, if you guys find the setting and adventure of FTL isn't quite what you hoped, I'm not against revisiting playing RT or something similar instead. I have some tricks up my sleeve to make this a pretty fun thing, but am new enough that I might not work them in well, or might do so in a way you guys don't consider to check out, since I'm pretty much the only one who knows how the whole universe works. It's very easy to keep things interesting in a universe people besides myself are familiar with.

Here's a link to the sourcebook. Thank NoCam for that.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 04:21:31 pm by ApatheticExcuse »
Gone. Cheers guys.
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Update on the way soon. Turns out it's apparently thanksgiving, so that tied me up thus far. Also had a few scenarios to run to see how some other stuff would work out. All done now, so expect something this evening.

Anyone read the sourcebook, or should I summarize?
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Yup. We picked a different month for our meaningless, randomly assigned holiday than you guys. There's some good historical reasons for it that I won't get in to.
Gone. Cheers guys.