Author Topic: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)  (Read 13777 times)

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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #120 on: October 07, 2016, 03:16:26 pm »

((Yeah, you pretty much assumed right. Puny opponents like these aren't well equipped to deal with leg-snapping.))

"I... I don't think I really need to." the young man says, looking awestruck at your skillful display.

A squad of security officers pile out of the lift behind you as he speaks, and spread out, administering shocks to some of the fallen combatants, cuffing others, and checking their fallen comrade. It's pretty evident he's dead. Several of them enter the bar, and you can see flashes of blue light reflecting from the portal as they zap anyone still fighting inside into submission. Shortly, one of the officers emerges, and speaks into his comm. You can't hear what he's saying, but it seems likely he's reporting on the events. After a quick exchange, he places the comm back on his belt, and moves to the woman with the gun on the other side of the hallway.

Collin and Charo

The 'fight' is interrupted by a group of security officers who storm through the entrance. The stun any of your attackers who are still moving, and it looks as though they might have similar plans for you, but have second thoughts after a quick inspection of the carnage you've wrought. One of the men has a few quick words with each of the combatants, and it seems pretty evident that they're blaming you for their foolish aggression. He moves towards both of you, and says "Stay put. The Captain might have some questions for you." before pulling out his comm and leaving the room.


"Looks like a mess down here, Chief." the approaching officer comments. "We've got two of the Captain's new friends in the bar. The scum that can still talk insist they caused this. Captain's said to leave any investigation and the punishments up to you."


The trip to your quarters is short and quiet, and it seems like you will finally have a moment of peace to plan out your course of action.


Roland leaves you to your thoughts, and you relax as the ship hurtles through the silent void. Seems like you'll finally have some peace and quiet.

((Time skip after Camille posts. The rest of you can do whatever you like, though please try to make it something that will suck up more than an hour or a couple of minutes, since I'm sure you'd all like to get on to adventuring.))
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #121 on: October 07, 2016, 03:44:57 pm »
"The Captain's boys?   The hell are...?"   Camille cuts herself off, facepalming.   "Screw it, I'll decide what to do with them later, space the ratings involved."


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #122 on: October 07, 2016, 03:57:28 pm »

The officer nods, and all the crew involved, including the dead, are rounded up and drug off to the nearest airlock.

Collin and Charo

The officer re-enters the room, having apparently consulted with his superior. "You guys are free to go. In the future, use the officer's mess. It's nicer than this shithole anyway." He gives you some quick directions, before pulling out his comm again and calling for the janitorial staff to clean up the mess Collin made.

((We're now at high warp. The trip will be roughly a week. Like I say, post what you like, but try to make it be "in a couple days" or, "for the next couple days" please. Update on the first nav point will likely come this evening, as I forgot to bring some potentially crucial stuff to work, and there may or may not be an OOC post on ship combat to look at first.))
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #123 on: October 07, 2016, 04:31:05 pm »
Charo asks, "Where would that happen to be?". He unseals his suit and has the suit put the helmet off.
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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #124 on: October 07, 2016, 04:44:07 pm »

The officer gives you a puzzled look, before restating his directions. Unsurprisingly, they are to part of the ship much higher up, in the central spire.
Gone. Cheers guys.

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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #125 on: October 07, 2016, 06:39:30 pm »
"God, That was fucking stupid..." Collin said, sighing. "Charo, Want to get some actual food?"
Every tuba you touch melts into cats.

How the fuck do you dream in ASCII?

Quote from: Sir Loin of Beef
Are we in need of an unfortunate accident involving a sound system and an errant 120mm shell?


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #126 on: October 08, 2016, 01:11:33 am »
"Oh, uh, sorry. Me ears are still buzzing from the foight. Didn't quoite 'ear you... Yeah, Collin, let's get some actual food." Charo starts to follow the directions.
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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #127 on: October 08, 2016, 04:05:14 pm »
Charo and Collin

You make your way to the officer's mess, which is thankfully exactly where the security man said it would be. This part of the ship is noticably cleaner, and the entrance to the mess itself is a charming, decorated hatch with a scrolling display above it.

Officer's Mess - Fine Food - Quality Drinks - Entertainment

A sign posted next to the door declares it to be off-limits to the regular crew, and that all patrons must check in with the doorman, but he is nowhere to be seen.

On entering, your ears are filled with the sounds of a live band. The singer is a rather attractive woman with a sultry voice, and she is entertaining a rather large crowd with some songs done in the style of Old Terran jazz.

Several of the patrons give you odd looks when you enter, casting some particularly appraising looks at Collin, his armour still covered in a thin paste of macrocannon crew, but they apparently accept that you belong there, and turn back to their food, drinks, and entertainment.

The food menu, displayed in crystal clarity above the bar, does not seem all that different than the one from the shithole you just left, but you have no doubts that the items such as "steak" and "pomegranates" are of less suspect origins or quality than your previous fare. No prices are listed - either the mess operates on a "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" basis, or food is free for officers.

The drink menu, however, is far more expansive, with everything from luxurious Tagerian soft drinks, to high quality alcohol.

Most of the seating is filled, but there are some empty spots at the bar itself, and several of the vast array of entertainment consoles are free. It appears the only available game at present is something called Bunker Command.

This, by most standards, "is more like it".

((The ship will arrive at it's destination this evening.))
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 04:36:07 pm by ApatheticExcuse »
Gone. Cheers guys.

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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #128 on: October 08, 2016, 04:30:41 pm »
Collin leaves his armor at the entrance. He stretches. "Ah, this is more like it." (Also now Collin can have massive mood swings. :/)
Every tuba you touch melts into cats.

How the fuck do you dream in ASCII?

Quote from: Sir Loin of Beef
Are we in need of an unfortunate accident involving a sound system and an errant 120mm shell?


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #129 on: October 09, 2016, 05:02:40 pm »
With everything finally concluded, Mark will attempt to study his father's journal for the rest of the trip.

(Sorry for the short post)
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #130 on: October 10, 2016, 12:11:31 am »
Locke lets out a rumbling electronic laugh at the young guard's words, nodding as he watches the rabble-rousers get led on over to the airlock. "YoU're RIght a#out th#t one, bOy. All in A g##d day's wORk, I suppose. NOW th#n, I've got dr#nking to do, if you don't mInd me h#ading on back to your oRIginal p#st." He says with a conciliatory pat on his protege's back, turning dismissively to the assumed captain of the guard and her flunkies. "YoU lot c#n thAnk mE l#ter. Was just dOing m# part as A m#mber of this fIne sh#p." Locke shouts across to them, turning on his heel with a flip of his coat and heading on back to the officer's lounge.

Locke strolls through the door with a heap of confidence, seemingly bolstered after beating five men half to death before watching them get casually executed. He passes by two of the men he'd boarded with, giving them a brief, cursory salute and striding straight to the bar. "New YOrk sour #nd a stEAk, r#re, my frIend." He grunts in the politest manner he can muster, leaning against the bar lazily with his mammoth arms.

It's right to assume this'll mostly be where Locke hangs out for the entirety of the jump, drinking, eating, listening to jazz, and disturbing anyone within ten feet of him.
Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #131 on: October 12, 2016, 04:41:05 pm »
((Alright, now that I'm done being drunk, update time. Guessing no one checked out the posted ship combat rules. All good, we'll deal with that when we come to it.

For the sake of the non-combat possibilities here, here's a quick breakdown:

Most instrument related actives are based off of one or two skills. Directing the ship's fire, for example, uses BS, running the scanners uses Int or Per, whichever is higher or stated to be used, and will give different results. Commanding the crew to perform an action may use Cha, or something else depending on the action. Generally, these tests are representative of you directing something (such as directing fire with BS) rather than actually doing it yourself (such as firing the macrocannons directly). You guys will not find alot anywhere if you don't make use of the ship's systems, just as a heads up.

I will try to advise what stat counts for what action you want to take in the OOC thread, so that you guys can go into it with the best person(s) for the job.))


The journal is expansive, long, and mostly unexciting. Reading through the whole thing will take some time - you get a good start on it during the warp, but have yet to see anything of particular note regarding the co-ordinates.

The Illiad

The remainder of the journey is fairly uneventful, and you all spend the next week and a half taking it easy and learning your way around the ship.

Finally, you arrive at the Verin system. The engines cease firing, and within a few hours, the warp drive kicks in, returning the Illiad's mass back to normal. The slightly uncomfortable feeling that's been with you since the start of the jump finally abates, and the crew seems more rested and at ease. The ship drifts towards the system for two days, finally slowing to a stop at it's outskirts.

The Bridge

"Full stop, Captain!" Snow announces as the ship comes to rest. "Open the viewport."

At her command, one of the deck officers hits the port controls, and the enormous blast shield retracts. Visually, the Verin system is much as the ship's log described - a massive graveyard orbiting the light of a dead sun. While bits of planetary debris and chunks of wreckage float around you, the vast majority of the objects present surround the star in a wide orbit, a slow funeral procession making innumerable trips around it in the the void, and allowing only a haunting, spectral glint of blue-white light to pass through here and there.

"Passive scans don't show much." Snow comments, looking at a display on one of the consoles. "Actives might. From what I can tell, some of this stuff has been here for a long time - if any of it works, and we could find a way to get at it, there's gotta be a small fortune in salvage here." She enters a few commands, and the hololithic display tank begins rotating through an analysis of some of the nearest objects.

Some of the hulks drifting in the ring of ruins are fairly readily identifiable as relatively new UTA warships and merchants, but others are far too damaged to be recognizable. More interestingly, some of the ships that seem to pre-date the UTA, many of them not conforming to known designs in the Illiad's database. The one or two it can recognize indicate they've likely been floating here for hundreds, if not thousands of years before the UTA's inception.

Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #132 on: October 13, 2016, 10:29:53 am »
"A beautiful and yet terrifying image. Turn on the active sensors and bring us in closer to the field. I can only imagine what we may find scattered throughout this scrap-ring."
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« Reply #133 on: October 14, 2016, 02:08:41 am »
Locke had spent the last few days drinking, popping pills, and generally throwing his weight around the ship. Not in an overly irritating or menacing way, at least, but he was probably known by a good few people by now, despite the short amount of time he'd been onboard.

The final day of the Illiad's journey sees Locke at the bridge with the other officers, seated in a chair a bit too small for him semi-near to the captain. He looks a bit under the weather, thanks to the ungodly amount of cocktails, both in liquor and in narcotics, he's consumed since they'd began the warp, but despite his red eyes and lazy demeanor, his unconsciously flexing knuckles and the void-carbine slung over his back still meant business.

"We f#nally thEre th#n? AbOUt tIme, #'d say. B#tter be a pAyoff for hEAd#ng straight into th# mIddle of nOwh#re."
Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.