[[Alright finally after planning out what videos are coming out for the channel, and taking a break from Gamemaker and the internet in general I can start updating this once more.]]
Bar Crawl
The janitor jerks his broom to the side sending dust flying up in the air,
"And I'm from the Cleaners Union, I'd like for you to get off of my dust pile." The small framed janitor glares at you and points down to your feet. Underneath your enormous boots you see that you squashed a sizable pile of lint, dust, and glass into the stained fibers of the carpet.
From behind you hear a heavy metal door swing open, heavy footsteps follow suit.
"Oh great. Another government boy here to harass us yet again!", says a man in a booming voice.
You hear the clacking and rattling of firearms!Slum Scum
Your driver curls his lips,
"I don't know what you're exactly planning, but I don't think giving them a 'shave' will be the best course of action." He unhooks his sheath (with the knife still in it) from his shoulder and hands it to you.
You feel the car jerking to a stop as you park at the front of the Omni-Tech building. The front of the Omni-Tech building is one big concrete plaza that's bustling with activity, men and women dressed in sharp jet black uniforms and suits. You can see a few private security guards, outfitted in some serious gear patrolling on a cat walk suspended above the plaza.
In the center of the plaza is a giant fountain that's displaying holograms that advertise various Omni-Tech products.