Author Topic: Pixel Wars: Hotline Miami  (Read 1526 times)

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Pixel Wars: Hotline Miami
« on: April 25, 2017, 12:43:07 am »
Pixel wars with a hotline miami twist

"Heya! It's 'Jamie' from 'Hugo and Son's Flower Shop', we have a delivery at 3674 Agriculture Lane. They're known to be rather 'rowdy'. Play nice with your 'coworkers'."

     Character Details:
Faction: (Russian mob lieutenants (2/2 health) or 50 blessings operatives (3/3 health))
Mask: (if 50 blessings, animal mask only.)
Weapon of choice: (Something sensible please, no lmg's or anything of the sort. black market assault rifles are fine though)
Clothing: (cyan and white or blue and black for russians, almost anything for operatives)
Skills, you need one plus one and two, and one 0 and minus one:
Vehicle if applicable: (I'll sprite this if I am able to, but it's not a guarantee)

     Skills and bonuses
Murder (melee combat, throwing, and general strength): [ ]
Shoot (self explanatory, gun related skills): [ ]
Go! (dodge and speed): [ ]
Cool (charisma and intimidation): [ ]

Put X to what apply, 2 only:
[ ] Control of mooks (only applicable to lieutenants)
[ ] Kevlar vest (1 more health, but you lose one go. You can take it off anyti e)
[ ] Extra ammo for gun (If you have a gun as "weapon of choice")
[ ] Back-up melee weapon (You have the choice of something small)
[ ] Akimbo (If a pistol, you can duel wield them at the cost of -1 shoot)

You need an overhead sprite and maybe a vehicle sprite, ask me on discord or PM me. I'll be happy to make the sprite for you if you're not good at it.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 02:30:03 am by Wilson »
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Re: Pixel Wars: Hotline Miami
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2017, 07:16:54 pm »
Name: 'Glass;
Appearance:5'4", Glass has rather plain features that allowed him to work at first in an intelligence role for the Mob before becoming a feared enforcer that runs a pack he calls his 'Wolves'.
Faction: Russian (Russian mob lieutenants (2/2 health) or 50 blessings operatives (3/3 health))
Mask: (if 50 blessings, animal mask only.)
Weapon of choice: Mosin Nagant (Something sensible please, no lmg's or anything of the sort. black market assault rifles are fine though)
Clothing: Blue and Black suit (cyan and white or blue and black for russians, almost anything for operatives)
Skills, you need one plus one and two, and one 0 and minus one:
Vehicle if applicable: (I'll sprite this if I am able to, but it's not a guarantee)

Murder (melee combat, throwing, and general strength): [-1 ]
Shoot (self explanatory, gun related skills): [+2]
Go! (dodge and speed): [0 ]
Cool (charisma and intimidation): [ +1]

Put X to what apply, 2 only:
[ X] Control of mooks (only applicable to lieutenants)
[ ] Kevlar vest (1 more health, but you lose one go. You can take it off anyti e)
[X ] Extra ammo for gun (If you have a gun as "weapon of choice")
[ ] Back-up melee weapon (You have the choice of something small)
[ ] Akimbo (If a pistol, you can duel wield them at the cost of -1 shoot)

I can't really make sprites, sorry about that


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Re: Pixel Wars: Hotline Miami
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2017, 01:44:06 am »
Name: Hans Von Liechtenstein
Appearance: Creepy, incredibly thin but possessing a maniac strength. German accent. His eyes burn with a weird cunning.
Faction: (Russian mob lieutenants (2/2 health) or 50 blessings operatives (3/3 health)) 50 Blessings
Mask: (if 50 blessings, animal mask only.) Crane
Weapon of choice: (Something sensible please, no lmg's or anything of the sort. black market assault rifles are fine though) Belt of 5 Knives
Clothing: (cyan and white or blue and black for russians, almost anything for operatives) Ragged, torn clothing in bright colours.
Skills, you need one plus one and two, and one 0 and minus one:
Vehicle if applicable: (I'll sprite this if I am able to, but it's not a guarantee) A Trabant

     Skills and bonuses
Murder (melee combat, throwing, and general strength): [2]
Shoot (self explanatory, gun related skills): [ -1]
Go! (dodge and speed): [1]
Cool (charisma and intimidation): [ 0]

Put X to what apply, 2 only:
[ ] Control of mooks (only applicable to lieutenants)
[ X] Kevlar vest (1 more health, but you lose one go. You can take it off anyti e)
[ ] Extra ammo for gun (If you have a gun as "weapon of choice")
[ X] Back-up melee weapon (You have the choice of something small) Screwdriver
[ ] Akimbo (If a pistol, you can duel wield them at the cost of -1 shoot)
Thanks Peri for making me question muh sexualities once again.
Utterly Mad, where various people self identify as kitchenware.