Here are the rules specific for this board. Please note these are subject to change and it's up to you to read these. Posting in the UMEU board assumes you've read these rules.
-ApatheticExcuse (temp)
-Mrnocamera (temp)
0. Don't be a dick. Just a basic rule of thumb, meaning just don't do anything that is meant to specifically hurt other players or ruin their experience.
1. This is a (generally) safe for work board. Anything sexy, gory, or otherwise not safe for work goes under a spoiler.
2. No powergaming. Don't make your character a god, and don't overpower your weapons or ship.
3. No metagaming. Your character only knows as much as they've learned in the world.
4. In IC if you want to kill another player's character, you gotta get consent for that shit yo.
-4b. And when/if your character does die, don't cry about it please.
5. New Species, Lore, Planets, Weapons/Armor, must submit an application in the respective board and then must be reviewed and accepted by two other GMs before being accepted and used in threads.
6. Anything referenced must exist in Universe and must have a page that can be linked to, if it does not exist yet then create it and wait for it to be approved. This means any form of technology, any ships or weapons or any species or corporation.