Solar System: None, floats in empty space and is often used by ships as a waystation to resupply and take shore leave.
Size Class: 3
Atmosphere: Standard Oxygen mixes
Inhabitants: Varies
Notable Information
Vortex station was a joint effort by several groups to provide a way station for trade ships in the area to resupply at. The station grew from there to be a major population and industrial sector and home of Paroi Security Industries.
Size Classes range from;
Class 1. <1000Km /Asteroid
Class 2. 1000Km - 2500 Km / Pluto - Mercury
Class 3. 2500Km - 6000Km / Mercury - Earth
Class 4. 6000Km - 20,000Km / Earth - Neptune
Class 5. 20,000Km - 60,000Km / Neptune - Saturn
Class 6. 60,000Km - 100,000Km / Saturn - Bigger than Jupiter
Class 7. >100,000Km / The Sun is roughly 700,000Km