Author Topic: Paxus Krax  (Read 1846 times)

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Paxus Krax
« on: August 20, 2015, 12:28:09 am »
NAME: Paxus Krax
FACTION: Xerxes Industries
RANK: 'Fixer' (Bodyguard, hitman, general footsoldier, all in one. Something needs doing, he can do it, provided he's paid.)
SPECIES: Human (Technically. Heavily modified.)
AGE: 30-something???
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 230 lbs.
EYES: Red, as is common with albinos.
HAIR: Completely hairless.
SKIN: Stark white.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Battle Hardened: Paxus is no stranger to blood being spilled. He doesn't bat an eye at atrocities the likes of which none have ever seen, and he doesn't particularly mind committing them, either.
+Reputation: Mr. Krax isn't your run-of-the-mill merc running around for chump change. He's a designated fixer of Xerxes Industries, and one of their more popular ones, too. People know what he's capable of, so whatever he says, most knowledgeable folks know to listen.
-Reputation: With the perks of being a savage butcher, however, come the downsides. Authorities all over the galaxy have file after file listed on Paxus, and despite the fact no real hard evidence is there, most officers of any military look at him with extreme suspicion. Those with a grudge against XI also have it out for Krax.
-Unsettling: His appearance tends to put people off real quick. Negotiating is hard.

Paxus Krax is not a subtle man when it comes to appearances. He's a hulking albino, tall, heavy, and intimidating. His teeth are filed to points, his eyes are blood red, and his very stare has something unsettling about it. His armor is stained with the remnants of old battles, his chest, arms, legs, and face are covered in old scars, and strangely enough, there's not a trace of hair on him.

It comes with the territory. Paxus is a man who appreciates devices used to kill other men, and more so than most. At any given time, he's armed to the teeth, and more weapons are always waiting for him in his cargo bay. A bit fickle, Paxus changes up what he uses all the time, but he sticks with setups that work for longer periods.

Paxus wears a set of Xerxes Industries Second Skin, a light jumpsuit-based armor that provides some protection against most forms of damage while also leaving its wearer limber. He dons a thick, old-fashioned leather overcoat above this, glossy black and covered in pockets. His face is normally covered by a black gas mask, an intimidating, bulky thing, decorated with a large white handprint. Standard fingerless gloves and heavy boots make up the rest of his armor.

Weapons, however, are where Paxus shines. A large bracelet on his right wrist is, in fact, actually a devious little weapon. Loaded with compact steel spheres, the magnetically-powered device fires its small projectiles silently, with the power of an older .45 ACP bullet. A collection of small disks in his overcoat's pocket are reserved for troublesome opponents; when thrown, they seek out a target and latch on, before administering an electric shock on par with that of a stun gun. If it doesn't knock them out, they're typically easily dispatched by Krax soon after.

On his other wrist, in another small bracelet-launcher, a small 'clip' of darts contains a deadly venom concocted by some corps. Nicknamed 'Ana,' it's a refined pathogen that seeks out and triggers mast cells to quickly cause severe anaphylactic shock. In other words, a body-wide allergic reaction, resulting in lungs shutting down and blood pressure dropping. A vibrotanto, the spruced up cousin of its mundane counterpart, rests in a sheath on his hip. When a button on the handle is clicked, the blade vibrates fantastically fast, resulting in an almost hacksaw-like ability to chop objects and people apart.

[Coming soon]

Flenser: Paxus' personal little killer-ship. Flenser is a cannibalized mining vessel, a hardy, bulky thing, meant for a small crew of asteroid miners, reinforced with various mods here and there and outfitted with weapons. Despite its industrial grade armor, it's still faster than most fighters and frigates, owing to its small size. Flenser has four rooms; the control center, a blocky cube full of consoles and steering mechanisms, sleeping quarters, a meager storage facility, and something of a commons room, complete with tables and booth seats for breaks.

The ship is painted the color of old rust, the name painted messily in crimson along both sides. Thanks to some jury rigged mods, a few weapons line the ship here and there. Below the control cubicle, on either side of the ship's hull, is a pair of XI Mag-Cannons, long guns that fire a magnetically-ejected torpedo of dense metal to punch holes in lightly armored ships. Scores of ion batteries line the ship's sides. When activated, these cells send waves of raw plasma jettisoning off into space, creating a pulse on either side of Flenser. It's relatively short-range, but packs a real punch.

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« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 01:03:00 am by Forrest »
Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.

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Re: Paxus Krax
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2015, 01:04:25 am »
Besides bio, does this seem cool so far?
Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.


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Re: Paxus Krax
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2015, 01:07:18 am »
I like it so far. Give me more Forrest, MOOOOOREEEEEE!
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Paxus Krax
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2015, 01:08:23 am »
I'm suddenly on a detailed-cool-writing-streak. Why does this always disappear when I'm actually GMing something, only to reappear when I'm participating? ;-;
Area Record 1782:
Date: 08/29/██

Event: An elderly human feeding itself to a group of kakapo. Did not express pain, appeared ambivalent.


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Re: Paxus Krax
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2015, 01:11:32 am »
Because when you're GMing you're forcing yourself to write for other people. When you have fun, your ability to write improves.
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.