Author Topic: Joint Operation Legion  (Read 2857 times)

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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2017, 11:09:37 pm »
To your surprise Vo-tec begins speaking in basic "I know someone who lives here, we'll go meet with him after we visit your contact. Might know some things."

As you walk through the station the smell of food and spices drifting from the stores. Soon you reach the residential area and two Mortalis dressed in leather jackets with '13' patches on the right shoulders watch you enter. Vo-tec tossed a couple of 20 Francen coins at the two and they went back to where they had been sitting. Vo-tec explained as the two of you walked down the large hallway "Local gang, mostly harmless but I don't want the attention on us, would make meeting contacts difficult if they want to meet discretely."

Soon you reach the area your contact is supposed to be and notice that it's a makeshift restaurant. Stepping inside all eyes immediately turn to the two of you. A single Mortalis walks up and motions for the two of you to follow before leading you to a back room. A Rastal looked the two of you over before speaking in basic "Brought a friend? Not that I particularly care since I expect the two of you will keep this meeting private."

Motioning for the two of you to sit the Rastal continued "You're looking for Mouse? I can't setup anything but I know one of his boys lives two decks up in room 206, problem is this guy has his own guards and you can't just walk in without contacting him."

Harris leads you through the hallways and past several security checkpoints to reach the main security office. "Zachary! My old friend how are you doing?"

Zachary turned around in his chair and looked at Harris "Wasn't expecting you here. What do you need?"

Harris walked over to Zachary and said "You didn't respond to official requests for information-" Harris leaned down so he was looking Zachary dead in the eye "-and that's not acceptable. You know I trained with the Special Operations, then did a short stint in the Borren Core. So I'm going to give you one chance before I let the big guy with the bigger knife over there gut you like a damn pig. And trust me that won't kill you."
((1d20=19, intimidation roll success))

Zachary raised his hands slowly as he said "Look I would have sent you the information but someone wants this guy to remain active. I got a message saying they'd kill my family. What was I supposed to do?"


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2017, 11:19:42 pm »
Kiran casts a glance over at the Norenfal. Should have told him to keep watch on the street.

"Apologies," he says in a less common Rastali dialect, keeping his tone light as though he's greeting an old friend. "This little coalition seems to be pretty big on the buddy system. I appreciate the understanding, but I don't think it's safe to place much trust in the coalition or it's agents, given their mandate and the nature of our other operations." He pauses, casually glancing at the Norenfal and attempting to gauge whether or not he understands the language before continuing the conversation.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2017, 05:01:42 pm »
(eyo could i join with this idiot)


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2017, 08:56:50 pm »
The Norenfal doesn't seem to show much sign of understanding what your saying. Your pulled out a cigarette and said "I don't mind the company, my job here is almost done and then I'll be off to someplace else. What do you need to know?"

Harris shook his head and said "Maybe do what you were ordered to do. Either way you tell me what you know."

Zachary sighed and said "Okay, I'm not someone he knows personally but I know one of the officers that fraternizes with Mouse. His name is Michael and he's currently patrolling part of the market district. Assuming you don't want him to be suspicious you'd be better off going down there rather than have me call him up here."

Harris nodded and said "Okay. In the mean time-" Harris motioned to one of the other officers in the room and continued "-arrest him and make sure he can't contact anyone."

((you can, give me a bit to introduce you))


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2017, 02:13:16 pm »
Kiran shakes his head slightly, and switches back to Basic, allowing the Norenfal to understand part of his questioning. "What type of manpower are we talking around 206? How's security in the area, cameras and the like?" He pauses for a moment. "You been to the warehouse where meets usually happen and have an estimate as to how hard it is getting in there relative to 206?"

After those questions are answered, he swtiches back to Rastali, as if giving some form of traditional goodbye. "How's our manpower here? Our mutual friend say recruiting was underway. Could you spare some muscle to help us get access to these places if we need it?"

((Dunno if that helps get NoCam in, but there you go.))
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2017, 11:01:17 pm »
((So if you haven't figured it out we're doing at minimum one update a day, more if people post and I have time))
"Four men outside the room in the hallway. My bet is they're armed with R-50's under those trench coats. Inside I don't know much but traffic would indicate there's another five or so guards inside and my guess is that they will be more heavily armed and armored. Cameras in the hallway, maybe some security measures but if there are I haven't seen them."

Taking a drink from his glass the contact continued "The warehouse is heavily guarded. Men inside and outside all obviously armed and inside they have a sniper post set up on the far end. There's about twenty men inside, six or so outside. Going through the front door would be a bitch. You want something easier I'd go through the vents leading inside, problem is fitting in the damn things. Outside of that you could maybe make it look like you were there to offload cargo since every now and then they have trucks move things in and out to make it look like the place is in use."

Motioning to the rest of the room at your last question and said "Manpower ain't much here. That said tell the big Venator fellow I told him to help you out. You'll recognize who I'm talking about."
((There's Mrno's character's intro, you'll see him as you exit the restaurant))
Harris led the way out of the room and through the hallways. Soon you walked out into the Market District. Walking over to one of the security members posted near the entrance Harris asked "Where's Michael?"

The officer motioned towards a patrol not far away and went back to watching the crowds. Motioning for you to follow Harris walked over to the patrol and said "So which one of you is Michael?"

Looking between the three of you the patrol members shook their heads "Michael? You...uh you sure you're looking for him?"

As Harris started to respond one of them turned and bolted away, pushing his way through the crowds.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2017, 01:08:56 am »
"What, you think you're getting away?! As fucking if..." Jonah said as he pushes through the other patrol officers and straight toward the man trying to escape, pushing through anyone who'd get in his way.
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2017, 02:39:27 am »
Kiran nods again. "Right. Thanks for the info, if you ever need a favour from our Coalition friends, I'll be sure to mention how valuable this talk was." he says, rising from his seat. Turning to leave, he adds "Truth alone", part of a traditional Rastal saying often used by various liberation groups as a greeting and goodbye.

Near the door, he spots the massive Venator assigned to the mission - it isn't hard. Might be handy in a fight, but I don't know what we'll do with this one while we're collecting information. Though venspeak is one of the few languages he has virtually no skill in, he does understand rudimentary vensign, it being a truly martial language that is common in simple forms in many elite military units. Getting the Venator's attention, he motions to himself and to the Rastal still sitting in the booth. You with us. Important work, good fight. Kiran has no idea how much of that gets through to the dangerous looking humanoid, but hopes he's kept it simple enough that his poor fluency doesn't get in the way of the message too much.

"Got us a friend." he explains, turning to the slightly confused Norenfal who did not appear to understand the latter part of the contact's answers. "Let's go see your contact, maybe find out if he knows an easier way to get into 206 or anywhere else we should look. Then we should find a schematic of the vents and meet up with the others. Hopefully they've figured out how deep the corruption in the security teams here goes and have remedied it. I think I have a way to get us into that warehouse without having to do much shooting."
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 02:46:38 am by Discord »
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2017, 04:19:58 am »
Half-Groat grunts at the tiny Rastal butchering Vensign at him.   "Small bring fight?   Good." He growls in Basic, it being the only other language he has any grasp of.   His ears twitch as he attempts to figure out what Kiran is saying to the weak one, before giving up and grumbling obscenities in Venspeak.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2017, 03:08:23 pm »
You give chase to the Mortalis, shoving your way through the crowd after him. (d20=9) The crowd heavily impedes your progress but you manage to keep sight of him as he runs. You see him slip through a doorway into a set of restricted hallways. Giving pursuit you run into the hallway and see a group of six security officers look at the retreating culprit and then turn to see you (d20=6) and pull their weapons out. "Halt! You are under arrest for trespassing!" One of them shouts.

The others spread out, taking cover behind some of the crates in the hallway.

Kiran and Groat
Vo-tec nods and starts down the hallways. The two of you follow as he leads you towards a much seedier looking part of the station where you notice an increase of locals who appear to be in one of the gangs on the stations. Reaching what looked like an old apartment that several people were guarding. Vo-tec reached into his pocket and tossed a peculiar coin to one of the guards and said "These two are with me. Now let me in before I decide telling Zal that you kept an old friend waiting."

The guard looked down at the coin for a second before tossing it back to Vo-tec and stepping aside. Vo-tec looked at the two of you and said "Zal is an old friend. Ran together as teenagers, did things less than legal. I got caught, put in the army and trained to take care of wounded. Training thanks to familial connections."

Walking in you can tell the place isn't being used to sell candy and rainbows. The men inside are all wearing masks to conceal their faces. The walls are lined with guns, swords, and other weapons. One of the Mortalis in the room looked at the three of you before standing "Vo, long time no see. I see military life did you well."

Looking at the two of you Zal continued "I can see you're not here to catch up though. What do you need?"

"Information on man called Mouse. His warehouse and possible ways to enter."

Zal(d20=18) leaned back and shook his head "Mouse? That bastard? I know about him, screwed me over on a shipment of guns a while back. His warehouse has three entrances, the big doors for trucks to enter, the secret entrance of his that I can't find, and the side door through the restricted hallways. I don't know how to get you the clearance codes for those though."


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2017, 03:21:08 pm »
"That man is a wanted criminal, conspiring with known terrorists and dissidents! I'm going through Abhuman!" Jonah said as he kept his current all out sprint after the criminal.
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2017, 03:34:43 pm »
While the Norenfal and his friends talk, Kiran inspects some of the weapons, looking for anything unique while still keeping an ear on the conversation. He might have some questions in a moment, but for now Vo-tec seems to have it covered.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2017, 03:46:03 pm »
Pushing past the guards Jonah rushes after Michael. The guards turn but don't shoot as Harris rushed into the room and started pulling out papers as Donovan rushed after you. Turning a corner you see Michael (d20=1) rush through another doorway.

Jonah heard shouts "Seccer!" "Fuckin' hell you said this place was secure!" and others before a series of gunshots. Michael stumbled back as several shots hit him in the chest and stomach before one drove straight through one his mask's eyepieces and his body fell backwards as a handful of additional shots hit the body before one of the people in the room walked out with a pistol.

Turning to see Jonah he rushed back into the room and closed the door where more yelling could be heard before additional shots rang out inside.

The weapons seem to be primarily Mortalis with a few Rastal weapons here and there. Some of the weapons are heavily customized but nothing overtly unique save an old Morten Revolver with gold engraving and a custom cylinder.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2017, 03:56:29 pm »
Kiran runs his eyes over the ornate pistol a couple times. Nice piece. As the Norenfal and his associate finish speaking, Kiran adds in a few queries.

"Sounds like you don't owe Mouse much, and looks like you're pretty well stocked here. Feel like working out a deal that will get you whatever he has in that warehouse in exchange for some co-operation and equipment?"
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2017, 04:04:09 pm »
Half-Groat seems deep in thought as he tries to follow what the Rastal is saying.   Making out about half of the words, he pieces together that they're trying to get more things to kill people better.   Groat decides that violence might not be applicable here.