Author Topic: Joint Operation Legion  (Read 2969 times)

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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2017, 07:48:04 pm »
Harris nodded and said "Okay, hit both. Jonah, you and the big Venator hit the room, the rest of us will attack the warehouse. Kiran you have the intel so you'll lead the attack."

Kiran's communicator beeped and a message played accross the screen "Got the charges, no gas though. Access codes are on the lieutenant that's waiting with my boys to help you. Court yard 3"

Donovan pulled the bolt on his MG back as he stepped out in his armor. "Let's go get that fucker and get ourselves off this damn station."

Vo-tec nodded "Yes, let us be done with this."


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #46 on: January 31, 2017, 08:33:06 pm »
We'll make do. Kiran types back, before looking up at the rest of the group. Right. Plan F then.

"Right, plan C then. We'll go meet our new friends in courtyard 3. They'll give us supplies and backup. I don't know how many men we'll have to spare for 206, but if you guys go in through a wall rather than the front door, the two of you might be sufficient." He throws a glance at the massive Venator, and signs out a crude approximation of what he just said.

"If we can spare some men, we will. Otherwise, we'll plan to breach both locations in about 45 minutes." He motions at the crate of tear gas grenades. "I'd suggest Lieutentant Schaffer take a couple of those, as well as a breaching charge from our contacts. Makes a surprise entry a little easier. My team will split up into A and B groups. I want A group, Harris and at least two other men with R-50s, out front, as well as Donovan with his heavy weapon. We'll eliminate the sentries as quietly as possible. After they're down, I'll signal, and one of our friends will drop tear gas into the warehouse via the vents. I don't expect we have flow control, so once the grenades are dropped, he'll physically block the vent off and it shouldn't matter. Should be some thick blankets or similar around here that will work well enough. As soon as the gas hits, the rest of the team, B group, will breach via the restricted corridor." He pauses here, making a mental note to insure the team breaching the warehouse itself is made aware that they are free to gain access to the corridor through any means necessary. "Once we're in, we'll try to hit hard before they have a chance to react to the gas. Should be a fairly simple mop up. A group will be responsible for dealing with anyone trying to escape via the front entrance."

Kiran pauses again, looking around to ensure the coalition team is following along. "There's a third entrance to the warehouse we don't know the location of, so we need to be fast and clear it out before anyone thinks to leave that way. I'll run everyone through the plan again once we meet with our backup, though I don't expect those scum will be able to follow much beyond 'shoot things'."

"Unless anyone else has anything to say, we can get moving." Kiran checks over his gear again, and looks around expectantly. He's set to go, though he'll need to send one more quick message before the fireworks start.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 08:41:37 pm by Discord »
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2017, 08:50:27 pm »
Groat raises an eyebrow, his ears perked up.   "Through a wall?"   He struggles to find the right word, settling on making an expanding motion with his hands.   "Pew?   Uh...   Explosion?"


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2017, 08:52:51 pm »
Kiran flashes him a thumbs up. Through wall and in to combat!
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2017, 08:01:12 pm »
Jonah and Groat
The two of you walk through the maintenance corridor behind the housing block. One of the two Mortalis with you counts quietly and stops you in front of the right room. The two of them set up the breaching charges before taking a few steps back. One of them nodded to Jonah and said "On your go." While holding the detonator.

Your team moves through the back hallway and finds the doorway without much problem. The back door was unguarded as your team moved into position. One of the men grabbed a crate and moved it into the middle of the hallway before setting up his MG on top of it. "Ready to go."
Everyone else gave similar affirmatives as they waited.

Harris' voice came over the communicator "They spotted us." As he said this Kiran heard the sounds of gun fire and shouting.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2017, 11:04:16 pm »
On route, Kiran hails the shuttle. "Pilot, we're about to move out. The docks will be locked down once the attack gets underway, but I'm not confident that it will keep Mouse secured until we can track him down. I want you to monitor any traffic that circumvents the lockdown, or departs directly before or after. It's likely he'd leave on a civilian ship, but track any security ships that seem to be moving farther away from the station than normal. Record their warp signatures if possible, and attempt to extrapolate their courses." By the time he's finished speaking, his men indicate they are ready. Before the pilot has a chance to reply, one of the men stationed out from breaks into the comm line.

"They've spotted us!" Gunfire quickly follows, it's muffled sounds filtering through the walls. Typical. Not only is the Coalition barely competent, our friends here are utterly useless.

"Take cover and engage. You are authorized to go loud." He replies quietly, then calls up to the man stationed at the vents as the sounds of Donovan's LMG swells to the forefront of the sounds coming from the warehouse's front entrance. "Drop the gas. We're breaching." He gives a nod to Vo-Tec, signaling him to activate the breaching charges. There is a resounding *whump* that echoes through the corridor several seconds later as the wall is breached, and a thin haze floats through the corridor.

Kiran pulls his rifle up to the ready position as his squad charges the gap. "MOVE!"

He allows several men to go ahead of him, trying to gauge the level of resistance his makeshift troops are encountering from the gunfire echoing through the hall. He rounds the corner of the entrance, keeping an eye on his squad in front of him and walking methodically towards the closest cover, and makes out several shapes moving through the gas filled room. Pulling the PDW tightly against his shoulder, he lays the glowing dot of his holosight on the center mass of the nearest one and unleashes a short, controlled burst towards it, the weapon emitting a series of satisfying thumps as it fires. Without missing a beat or watching for the results, he repeats the process a second time on the next nearest figure.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 11:06:49 pm by Discord »
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2017, 12:02:30 am »
Alrighty, I'll be joining with Floyd.

So, yeah.
I am no longer legitimately considering leaving this forum


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2017, 08:38:40 pm »
Jonah and Groat (one update a day irregardless of if you post, I am not responsible for the consequences)

"Fuck it I'm not waiting all day!"

The wall blows and the two Mortalis step through firing their weapons. The first misses his shot and the bullet hits a painting on the wall while his friend manages to catch one in the chest causing the man to stumble for a second.


Kiran's first shot goes wide and hits the cover that one of Mouse's men is using. Lining up his second shot the weapon malfunctions and jams.

The men with Kiran charge forward firing their weapons. Three manage to connect shots as they dash for cover, the men on the receiving dead before they could hit the ground.

Vo-tec fired his pistol twice as he moved into cover. The first round connected with it's target and the man fell backwards with a hole through his skull while the second missed the target.

The enemy numbered around twenty in the warehouse, now sixteen. They had moved into defensive positions towards the front of the warehouse and were in the open from your position, though they would now be scrambling for cover.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2017, 09:58:51 pm »
If it can go wrong, it has on this mission. Kiran ducked down behind his cover, and racked the dud round out of his rifle. Peeking over the top, he noticed the gas had cleared somewhat, and he could make out the majority of the enemy in front of him. At least it doesn't get any better than this in terms of positioning.

Taking one of the flashbangs from his belt, he quickly radios Harris out front. "We're taking too long. Have Donovan open up on the warehouse front to keep them pinned. I don't think the front wall will stand up well to his AP load - we're mostly behind solid cover and he might get lucky on one of them. Move yourself and the rest of the squad up to the entrance, and breach in about 20 seconds." Without waiting for a reply, he lobs the grenade over top of the cover, and quickly ducks down again as it detonates. Popping up, he picks out one of the stunned gangsters, and unleashes another burst towards him.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2017, 12:21:10 pm »
Half-Groat continues to properly load his MG, barely pausing as the firefight starts on the other side of the breach.   Bringing down the 'lid', he moves up to take cover behind what remains of the wall.   Popping out of cover, he fires off a couple of shots at the first target to enter his field of view, makes a mental note of where some others are, and rotates back to behind the wall.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2017, 09:56:35 pm »
you pop up and fire at the target. The man stumbles backwards as the first two shots catch him in the chest and throat and falls back when the third goes through the lens of his mask.

At the same time you hear the sound of Donovan's machine gun pick up in speed and see three of the gangsters hit the ground. All of them hit the ground dead.

Harris speaks over the radio "Breaching in ten."

Vo-tec fires his pistol at one of the gangsters and hits the gangster in the shoulder as he transitioned to the next target and fired.  The person on the recieving end of that bullet fell backwards into a crate before sliding down to the ground.

The men with you fire again and take out two more of the gangsters.

The gangsters fire at your allies and some of them manage to connect.  One of your allies hits the ground with a bullet through his head and three more follow suit while one manages to only get hit in the shoulder.

Groat and Jonah

Groat fires his machine gun and cuts down one of the gangsters. The rest are spread out through the room and number six and are still scrambling for cover but lift their weapons to fire.

Three of them fire at the exposed Jonah(D20=16,15, and 19. Damage taken=25) scoring good hits.

One of the men with you two manages to connect a shot and kill one of the men that hit Jonah.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 09:58:26 pm by RedVulnus »


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2017, 11:47:48 pm »
Kiran does a quick mental count of his remaining ammo, and switches the PDW over to single shot. Popping up over the cover again, he takes a second to acquire a target, then sends a bullet towards it, before ducking back down. He repeated the process twice more, the R-50 letting out it's trade mark thump as it threw death towards his enemies, then hunkered down and waited for Harris to breach.
Gone. Cheers guys.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #57 on: February 04, 2017, 04:28:46 am »
(Thank you Vulnus, next time your father is in the hospital I will at least move your character out of the way.)

Jonah will obviously take cover and wait for the giant Groat thing to go in first. Fuck getting shot again.
There is probably no more terrible instance of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man — with human flesh.


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #58 on: February 04, 2017, 12:05:15 pm »
Half-Groat thinks for a quick second, before popping out of cover again and giving his variation on 'suppressive fire', that being just spraying at the visible targets.   While he's doing so, Groat advances through the hole in the wall, moving towards whatever cover they thought would protect them.   When he's sufficiently close enough, he just straight-up flips over the chair, sofa or table they were hiding behind.

(IIRC you mentioned that all the cover inside is just furniture, so cover wouldn't really matter much anyway)


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Re: Joint Operation Legion
« Reply #59 on: February 04, 2017, 12:58:05 pm »
Groat and Jonah
((I wasn't aware of the situation so I apologize Lorknis. Without any information on it I treated you like I would treat anyone else.))
Jonah takes cover as Groat suppresses the enemies behind their cover. Groat's 'suppressing' fire tears into part the coach as he approaches it and lifts it up. Seeing the two men still alive Groat throws the couch into them and watches as one's neck snaps and his head rips itself off of his body and the other slams into the wall along with the couch.

The two Mortalis with the two of you fire at the only two men left in the room. The two shots connect with their targets and spray brain matter and blood onto the carpet. one of them says "Got another room over there."

You see a heavy metal door leading to another room.


Kiran fired his weapon and connected with two of the targets. Unfortunately both his shots graze their targets.

The sound of a large explosion erupted from the front as another burst of Donovan's MG plows through the front of the building. Harris' group rushes in and takes cover before firing on the enemy that's adjusting their position. Harris' shot connects with the back of one's skull and sprays pieces of skull into another man, ripping his throat to shreds. One of the men with him fired his weapon and sprays three bullets into the spine of another of the retreating gangsters.

four of the men with Kiran fire and connect with their targets, send four bodies to the floor.

One of the gangsters drops his weapon and the others follow suit, going to their knees and putting their hands on their heads. "DON'T SHOOT! WE SURRENDER!"