We'll make do. Kiran types back, before looking up at the rest of the group. Right. Plan F then.
"Right, plan C then. We'll go meet our new friends in courtyard 3. They'll give us supplies and backup. I don't know how many men we'll have to spare for 206, but if you guys go in through a wall rather than the front door, the two of you might be sufficient." He throws a glance at the massive Venator, and signs out a crude approximation of what he just said.
"If we can spare some men, we will. Otherwise, we'll plan to breach both locations in about 45 minutes." He motions at the crate of tear gas grenades. "I'd suggest Lieutentant Schaffer take a couple of those, as well as a breaching charge from our contacts. Makes a surprise entry a little easier. My team will split up into A and B groups. I want A group, Harris and at least two other men with R-50s, out front, as well as Donovan with his heavy weapon. We'll eliminate the sentries as quietly as possible. After they're down, I'll signal, and one of our friends will drop tear gas into the warehouse via the vents. I don't expect we have flow control, so once the grenades are dropped, he'll physically block the vent off and it shouldn't matter. Should be some thick blankets or similar around here that will work well enough. As soon as the gas hits, the rest of the team, B group, will breach via the restricted corridor." He pauses here, making a mental note to insure the team breaching the warehouse itself is made aware that they are free to gain access to the corridor through any means necessary. "Once we're in, we'll try to hit hard before they have a chance to react to the gas. Should be a fairly simple mop up. A group will be responsible for dealing with anyone trying to escape via the front entrance."
Kiran pauses again, looking around to ensure the coalition team is following along. "There's a third entrance to the warehouse we don't know the location of, so we need to be fast and clear it out before anyone thinks to leave that way. I'll run everyone through the plan again once we meet with our backup, though I don't expect those scum will be able to follow much beyond 'shoot things'."
"Unless anyone else has anything to say, we can get moving." Kiran checks over his gear again, and looks around expectantly. He's set to go, though he'll need to send one more quick message before the fireworks start.