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Topics - RedVulnus

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Isaac tossed the wrench from hand to hand as he walked, the lyrics of the song he was listening to popping onto his display. The dull grey jacket he wore bore ‘Subject #5012104-B23’ on the back of it as well as the logo of the lab he’d come from emblazoned below it. The pair of jeans had been ‘borrowed’ from an unfortunate lab assistant that had decided hands on time with one of the other experiments was a good idea. The shoes had come from a similarly fortunate scientist that had tried to escape. Of course that had been years ago.

Snapping to the present Isaac noticed the group of shamblers and retrieved the lead pipe from his belt. The first of them rushed towards him as he lifted the pipe and smashed it’s head clear off. “Come and dance with me!” popped to life on the screen.

The second and third made their attempts. The second got pushed away by a shove before Isaac almost cheerily bashed its head in before twirling the body around and shoving it on top of it’s compatriot. Twirling the pipe he took a second before beating the things to death before returning to the first he had beheaded and repeating the bloody process of keeping it down. “OH WON’T YOU DANCE WITH ME!” appeared on his display.

Straightening he looked around at the mess of zombies and took a few deep breathes to calm down. Wiping his pipe off on the clothes of one of the zombies he returned it to his belt. Starting back down the road the song on his MP3 player changed to an old song from the forties about some butcher. He didn’t remember putting it on the thing but shrugged and listened as he adjusted his backpack’s straps.

The display on the front of his head lit up as the words “Butcher pete!” popped onto it, changing from an excitable red text color to a more mellow green. Reaching down to a small box on his belt Isaac pulled the cord from it and plugged it into the port in his neck. He briefly saw the text ‘Charging...45%’ pop into his own view as the systems built into him relayed the information. Snapping his fingers to the tune Isaac walked on.

Rec Room / 1948: The New Order
« on: April 20, 2017, 12:48:36 am »
History took an unexpected turn. D-Day was supposed to be a victory for the allies. No one expected the well armored Nazi soldiers, the twelve foot tall machine gun toting walking tanks, or the Arc Troopers. Entire squads of men all killed in a single burst from their weapons as they swept the deadly electric weapons over the battlefield.

Now the Reich rules America and the vast majority of Europe. Only a small contingent of rugged Soviet soldiers hold onto a small portion of Russia. The Japanese took over most of Asia and now they have an unsteady peace with the Reich. Resistance still lives in Europe and America.

That brings us here. Dissidents, the mentally ill, and those declared as 'deviants' were gathered up and thrust into cells wherever they were found. They would then be transported to the camps, normally labor camps but some were sent to the infamous death camps, where they would be put to work or death as the Reich saw fit.

Several individuals declared as Dissidents were being specially transported in a set of armored transport vehicles. No matter how much armor you have you won't be going anywhere if a bullet manages to disable your engine. The Resistance needed several of the men in these transports. But of course you already knew that, after all it was you they were looking for.
The heavy metal vehicle had been driving for hours and you'd become accustomed to the occasional bump in the road as you sat in the hard metal chair in your restraints. The faint sound of the two men in the cabin had lost any meaning it had initially had s the two completely switched to speaking in their native German language. The other prisoners offered little conversation either as they contemplated their fate.

You didn't hear the gunshot or the impact but you felt the vehicle suddenly stop. You heard one of the guards yell "Scheiße! Jemand schoss den Motor! Hast du den Schützen gesehen?" The response was also heard "Nein! Aber er muss in der Nähe gewesen sein!"

A series of pings sounded from the walls as bullets impacted or bounced off of the vehicle. After a couple of seconds the back door opened and a man climbed in and un-cuffed you before saying in a heavy French accent "Come with me now! Fritz will have called for help by now! Here, there are a couple of guns in there!" With that he tossed a bag into the truck.

Now, who are you?


Nationality: (not necessary but gives us more of an idea of your character)
Background: (put a little effort into this please, it's really here to tell me some of what your character's capabilities are as well as giving everyone an idea of what your character is like)

So this is the thing I told Blitzkrieg I'd make, starting off in a much better way than my initial concepts as well I think.

Pending Approvals / (Organization) Division 10
« on: April 03, 2017, 12:07:02 am »
Organization Name: Division 10
Intent: Provide Strategic Response Unit support inside Norenfal space
Location: varies, based off of Division 10 Space Station
Affiliation: Norenfal
Worth: None, Public Service group. Equipment is worth approximately 750 million

Description & History: Division 10 was founded as an internal security force on Space Station Vi-Rex. Due to high levels of organized crime Division 10 found themselves buying specialty gear from Paroi Security Industries to handle the various and most certainly dangerous situations they found themselves engaging in. Due to the types of organizations they were fighting and the nature of the job few members lived long during the beginning of the organization and to this day several chalk boards remain in use for a rather morbid betting pool on who'll die next in certain squads.

Division 10 was noticed by the Norenfal's internal security forces and was approached by it's commanding officers. After some time spent attempting to bring Division 10 on board as a general police organization the Internal Security Force agreed to bring them on as an organization responsible for Strategic Response Units as well as being allowed to pursue organized crime syndicates. Division 10 has since been working in this capacity and has taken care of several considerable criminal organizations.

Rec Room / The Thousand Year War
« on: March 09, 2017, 02:57:38 pm »
A thousand years ago a shot rang out that was heard around the world. A shot that would change that world. The war raged on for a thousand years and cost innumerable lives. Gas and bullets would claim the lives of many but the mass executions performed by the Iron Hand claimed just as many.

The two sides in this war were the Grand Monarchy and the Ash Imperium. The Ash Imperium committed the first recorded act of war by attacking a fortress of the Grand Monarchy. From there the war has raged on never stopping.

You are the leader of a squad of soldiers in the Grand Monarchy. Serving in Her Majesty's army has always been an honored if dangerous pursuit especially in these times.


So first off, think world war tech for the most part.

Secondly you play a squad leader and control the squad during combats. During non combat the squad are NPCs, with their own morals and ideals and there are consequences to your actions. An experienced soldier may transfer out leaving you with a fresh new soldier with no experience who's level 1.

Aside from your character every squad member will have a specific role to play in the squad, with certain roles needing more than a singular squad member. The sniper is great for long range combat and picking off targets but he's not good at close quarters combat or situations with massive numbers of enemies attacking him where as the Assault Soldier is more capable at handling mid to close range and groups. My recommendation is either specialize and hope other people bring a squad that will compliment yours or diversify your squad to be able to handle a variety of situations.

So below is a bunch of info on classes and mechanics then the Character Sheet.


the player and the enemy take turns to perform actions. Turns are made up of the Move action and the Attack action.

Move actions are effected by things like class, equipment, and similar. Standard movement speed is 8 'spaces' which translates to 40 feet. A machine gunner, minus things like armor, can move 20 feet(4 spaces) due to the weight of his equipment whereas his Loader can run a full 40 feet minus armor if both are carrying standard equipment.

Attack actions are not exclusive to attacks, but it's the part of the turn during which attacks happen. You can move half your movement speed in the attack action if you feel it necessary, you can use medical equipment to aid a squad member or ally, or use abilities.

Certain abilities require the attack action, some the move action, and some both. Abilities tend to be useful for the role of the squad member. A sniper can build a hide that makes him harder to spot while the Heavy Machine Gunner can lay down suppresive fire that reduces enemy to hit chance and can actually cause damage. Abilities also take a minimum of 1 turn after use to recharge with a few exceptions.

Certain Roles require the soldier to have experience in a different role first. The Heavy Machine Gunner has to have previously been a Rank 5 Light Machine Gunner and the Loader has to have been a Rank 5 Rifleman. These roles can also retain certain abilities that are specific to previous roles but not all.

Cover makes you harder to hit and can reduce damage taken. Some cover can be destroyed with enough gun fire so be aware.

Often mistaken for cover Concealment is any type of terrain or material you can hide behind but which bullets will go through. They make you harder to hit but can't reduce damage, and some types of concealment don't make you harder to hit.

Role: Long Range single target
Weapon Specializations: Rifles, Scoped Rifles, Pistols
Other Equipment: Flare Gun, colored flares. (these are used for signalling things back to the squad leader or HQ)
Special Requirements: None
Aimed shot: Instead of his move turn the Sniper focuses on his target before taking his attack turn
Hide: The Sniper takes a turn to make himself a hide if the materials are available. The hide makes him harder to spot even up close.

Role: Mid to Close range fire power
Weapon Specializations: Rifles, Melee Weapons, Bayonets, Grenades, Shotguns, Pistols, SMGs(these are experimental and few and far between)
Special Requirements: None
Bayonet Charge: The move and attack actions are used as the soldier charges into the enemy. If he hits he delivers a devastating blow and gets to take half his movement speed to get to cover. (requires bayonet)
Enhanced Mobility: The Assault soldier is trained to move fast and climb terrain to gain access to more advantageous ground. Move action movement speed is doubled and the Assault soldier gains the ability to climb over previously impassable terrain

Role Mid Range fire power
Weapon Specialization: Rifles, Shotguns, Rifle Grenades, Grenades
Other Equipment: Ammo Bag (Allies within one space around the rifleman may recover ammo)
Special Requirements: None
Bolt training: The Rifleman is trained in cycling the bolt of his rifle to fire several shots in quick succession. The Rifleman fires up to three shots during his attack phase, with the first shot having no penalty and each following shot take a minor penalty to hit.(requires rifle)
War Cry: The Rifleman lets out a war cry. Causes penalties for enemies within range and bonuses to allies. Bonuses and penalties vary.

Light Machine Gunner
Role: Mid Range Fire Power and walking fire
Weapon Specializations: Light Machine Guns, Pistols
Special Requirements: none
Suppressing fire: The Machine Gunner fires in a small cone non stop. Enemies in this cone take penalties on to hit rolls and have a chance of taking damage if they move out of cover or attack.
Fire on the Move: A light Machine Gunner is trained to use his weapon on the move. The Light Machine Gunner fires his weapon as he moves to cover, taking attacks on any target that moves out of cover or attacks in a cone along his path of travel.

Heavy Machine Gunner
Role: Mid Range Fire Power
Weapon Specializations: Heavy Machine Guns, Pistols
Other Equipment: Bipod/tripod(depends on what the player wants)
Special Requirements:Rank 5 Light Machine Gunner (loader is required to reload the HMG)
Heavy Suppressing Fire: The Heavy Machine Gunner fires his weapon non stop in a cone. Enemies in this cone take heavy penalties on to hit rolls and have a chance of taking damage if they move out of cover or attack.
Concentrated Fire: The Heavy Machine Gunner  concentrates his fire on a specific target. If the target is behind cover there is a chance that the fire will break some cover types, otherwise the target is treated as suppressed.

Role: Ammo supplier and Heavy Machine Gun Crew member
Weapon Specializations: Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns
Other Equipment: Ammo Crate(Required to reload an HMG, the Ammo crate can be tossed on the ground for all squad members to resupply from)
Special Requirements: Rifleman Rank 5
Limb Shot: The Loader takes careful aim and fires at the limbs or head of his target. This has various effects depending on target.
Toss Ammo: The Loader throws a magazine, clip, or other type of ammo to an ally in the distance. If he succeeds the ally resupplies a portion of his ammo and can continue firing. This happens during the move turn.

Role: Keeping the Squad Alive
Weapon Specializations: Pistols, shotguns
Other Equipment: Medical Bag(Used by the medic to heal allies. If another squad member uses the bag to heal someone there is a chance to cause more harm)
Special Requirements: None
Quick Bandage: The Medic is used to having to patch someone up quickly. The Medic uses his move action to quickly heal a nearby ally allowing him to fight in his attack turn. (cool down: 3 turns)
Group Heal: The Medic on occasion has to heal a large group of people rapidly. The medic heals everyone in a small radius(2-3 spaces) using both his move and attack action(cool down: 5 turns)

Character Sheet
Weapon Specializations: Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns(pick one additional specialization)
Background: (it can be short and simple or long if you want. Just a heads up that death is a possibility)
Abilities: (Pick one from a class, make sure that your weapon specializations support the ability)
Inspiring Shout: The Squad Leader lets shouts to his men, inspiring them to keep fighting. All allies in range gain morale and bonuses on their to hit rolls and ability rolls. (cool down: 6 turns)((this is a squad leader ability))
Designate Target: The Squad Leader Designates a target for elimination. To Hit roles against the target are given bonuses. (cool down: 3 turns) ((this is a squad leader abillity))

Squad Makeup (7 members to assign)((designate the class and number of them, you'll be told their names once we start))

You only make character sheet for your character by the way, all squad members are NPCs which I'll make, and more classes will become available as requirements are met. As a note every rank allows a squad member to get a new ability which you will be provided with at that time.

'Round the 'Verse / Joint Operation Legion part 2
« on: March 02, 2017, 02:36:01 pm »
You were all guided into the briefing room again. The individuals already in the room were the commanders and a large Venator in heavy armor. As you all found your seats a Mortalis commander stepped forward and started speaking "Our friend Mouse provided us with information that lead us to another target since Stannov died during the attack on Mouse's operation. Vo-Tec confirmed the man's identity before you left the area and his cell had already moved out of the station with fake identification cards."

Motioning to the display he continued "The members of his cell moved to a desert planet K-21/5b in Norenfal space. According to a..." He looked up at the Venator sitting in the room before continuing "...friend of our colleague here a large cell of Black Hand members resides somewhere on the planet. This friend will provide further information once you meet him on planet."

Looking around the room he finished "Since Harris will be in the medical ward for a number of days we'll be sending our Venator friend here as the leader of the operation."

The Venator nodded and said "Thank you. I'm sure I can garuntee the help of more Oath Bearers in this endeavor as well."

((so do me a favor and include the character you're playing as in your first post so I can be sure.))

Pending Approvals / [Group] Wolf Kampfer
« on: February 24, 2017, 09:30:26 pm »
Company Name: Wolf Kampfer Brigade, 71st Infantry Army
Intent: Independent Mortalis Infantry Group serving on Frontier planets
Location: Varies
Affiliation: Mortalis
Worth: NA

Description & History:  The Wolf Kampfer were founded by the now deceased William R. Storms. Called the Wolf Brigade the 71st is one of the most recognized Mortalis military groups. Members are 'initiated' by killing a Wolf Mammut and skinning the beast. Soldiers of the group are identified by the Wolf Mammut pelt(well part of the pelt) that is settled over the helmet and drapes down over their backs.

The Wolf Kampfer are given free reign over their operations on the frontier planets, often striking out collections of dangerous local wildlife or putting down groups trying to overthrow the governmental control of the planet. Members or small groups are also sent out to help law enforcement or special forces operations within and without the Mortalis territories. They also protect their own and several groups of criminals have turned up dead with the only plausible cause being the group of Wolf Kampfer that suddenly showed up in the local bar after the massacre. Despite that no member of the unit has been charged with any crime since their founding nor dishonorably discharged from the unit.

Pending Approvals / [species] Wolf Mammut
« on: February 24, 2017, 09:13:03 pm »
Name: Wolf Mammut (Wolf monster/Wolf Mammoth)
Designation: non sentient quadrupedal
Homeworld: Bentrek(Hell Hole)
Language: none
Average height of adults: 12-15' tall
Skin color: varies
Hair color: varies
Breathes: standard oxygen mix

Monstrous strength: The Wolf Mammut is renowned as a monstrously strong creature that can rend through armor and flesh alike with ease.

Claws: The claws of a Wolf Mammut are strong enough that they allow the creature to tear through the armor of even a Venator warrior.
Non Sentient: The Wolf Mammut lacks the capabilities of the sentient races and relies primarily on instinct over thought out plans

Wild Rage: The Wolf Mammut's are known to go into rages in which they kill anything they can find, during which they seem to lose several self preservation instincts that make them somewhat easier to kill.

It's a giant wolf, there's not much else that's distinctive about them.

Average Lifespan: 40-70 years
Races: various based on fur color and pattern
Estimated Population: 2-5 million
Diet: carnivore
Communication: growls and barks

Technology level: NA
General behavior: Aggressive and territorial they usually only kill what they need to eat but occasionally fly into a wild rage during which they kill indisicriminately

History: [Describe an abridged history.]:  Originally found on a jungle planet by the Mortalis they would later learn that these creatures existed on several planets. This led to the rise of the Wolf Kampfer brigade and severe damages to commercial interests on the planets.

Notable Player-Characters: NA

Intent: kill, eat, survive.

((the name is German))

Pending Approvals / [Group(s)] The Free Colonies
« on: February 22, 2017, 07:39:25 pm »
Location: varies
Affiliation: none
Race: varies
Species: varies

Description & History: The Free Colonies are all independent governing bodies that reside in the frontier areas of Norenfal space. Originally they were part of the Frontier Program of the government but were later allowed to enter into the Free Colony program that allowed them to have their own internal government while still being protected by the Norenfal military from outside forces.

That is not to say they don't have conflicts in fact there are consistent wars that are waged on the planets that are allowed to happen since they are their own governments. The Norenfal government and military has stated they will only step in if an outside force gets involved or certain criteria such as the use of overtly destructive weapons are met.

There are colonies run by pretty much every species, but none of them hold any ties or cares for anyone else. They all desire to thrive for themselves and could care less about much else.

Intent: An experiment to see what self governing colonies will do.

Pending Approvals / [Mechanic] Squad Level command and combat
« on: February 22, 2017, 06:30:32 pm »
So this is just my general idea for Squad Level play, a squad being 6-8 characters.

General synopsis

The Player controls all members of the squad during the majority of situations with each squad member being an NPC excluding the PC which is the squad leader. Every member of the squad attacks like normal with the Player controlling who they target, the weapon used, etc. Every member of the squad has a class that denotes their specialties(which will be written up with details).

Squad members

so in this system each squad member has a specialty. A rifleman is perfectly capable in the use of rifles and the like but try and make him use a machine gun and his performance won't be as good. In contrast a Machinegunner can't use the smaller rifles as well as a rifleman.

Certain things also require specific roles. A demolitions expert is needed to handle more powerful explosives for example.

Example squad classes

All rounder: the Rifleman is capable in almost every situation.
No specialties: Whilst capable there's no where that a Rifleman excels in.

Heavy weapons expert: The Machinegunner excels with LMG and HMGs and is a beneficial to most teams due to their capability to suppress enemy targets.
Slow movement: The Machinegunner's gear weights them down and slows their movement speed.

these are just example classes, anything done for an RP would be most likely be more detailed. Any feedback or thoughts on this would be appreciated.

And putting it here since I don't know if we want mechanics to go through approval or not.

Pending Approvals / [Company] Zeltox Technologies
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:52:03 pm »
Company Name: Zeltox Technologies
Intent: Produce a wide array of technologies for the Norenfal military
Location: Station 35
Affiliation: Norenfal Military
Worth: 5 billion

Description & History: Zeltox is the top technology company for the Norenfal military, producing everything from the minor bionic implants that the Norenfal have been able to produce to the mechs and tanks the military operate. The most advanced technology company of the Norenfal Zeltox was the dream project of several military personnel after their active service and taking inspiration from the military's weapons they decided to advance what was being used. The most advanced tech company of the Norenfal, most of what they produce is still restricted to the military market.

Pending Approvals / [Company] The Vulture Collective
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:46:01 pm »
Company Name: Vulture Collective
Intent: Produce weapons and military technology
Location: Vulture Space station
Affiliation: Norenfal Military
Worth: Approximated at 2.5 billion(most military contracts are secret and total worth is unknown.)

Description & History: The Vulture collective was founded from the engineering group aboard Vulture Space Station getting bored, toying around with guns, and then sending some in for military trials. The weapons proved to be the most effective and popular and thus were requested for mass production. The military upon learning they were such a small team sent a group that converted several floors of the space station(to the chagrin of members of the station committe) and set them up for mass production.

The company originally produced weapons to pay off their debt but now sell many varieties commercially though still with a primarily military focus.

Pending Approvals / [Lore] Norenfal Rules of War
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:38:16 pm »
These are the articles of War, any individual found in violation of these rules will be subject to summary execution without trial after investigation.

1: Soldiers, indirect fire, and orbital weapons may not target civilians or areas with high civilian population.

2: Holy sites are not to be attacked or used for to garrison military personnel or armaments. Exception to attack: If the site is being used to house large quantities of material or personnel then indirect fire may be used in limited amounts ONLY if the request to leave said site has bee communicated and ignored. IF the request is accepted and acted up enemy infantry and material is allowed to be moved without recourse from the site.

3: Prisoners of war are to be treated fairly. No harassing, attacking, or provoking of POWs is tolerated, nor is abuse once they are at the camps used to house POWs. At these camps they will be subject to a thorough medical examination and any medical problems or symptoms determined during the examinations will be treated. POWs will be searched bi-weekly or during any event of concern which may arouse suspicion of POWs carrying contraband, use of searches to harass individual POWs or groups is subject to court martial. During Imprisonment POWs will be able to participate in workshops to aid in their re-assimilation to society after the war, and mental and physical health care will be provided.
(there are of course more, which will be written up later I imagine, but for now these are the big 3 that I could think of)

General Lore / [Lore] The Five Venator Tribes
« on: February 15, 2017, 12:02:32 am »
The five major tribes of the Venator are each powerful in their own right. Together they would pose a most formidable foe.

The first of the major tribes is the Tanneken(Oath Bearers). The Oath Bearers are the most feared of the Venator tribes even among the Venator themselves. The smallest of the tribes as well though numbers have never been their concern.

You are not born into the Oath Bearers. You are not brought in by the word of a friend, nor by order of anyone. You become an Oath Bearer only through the recruitment of a captain. The captains only have their posts through loyalty to their Oaths. Many a captain has been cut down for breaking them, many more will be.

The Oath Bearers are law bringers, they are soldiers, they are judge and jury whose judgment is final. The Oath Bearers were established by the Council as a force to bring order to what was the lawless landscape of their home. Since they’ve been given authority to pursue criminals across the galaxy and meek out justice how they see fit.

Where another would execute his foe an Oath Bearer will render judgment. The Oath Bearers do not act out of lust for battle nor blood, but in the name of justice and defense of their Oath. The Oath Bearers rely on training along with strength and sheer force of will to fight.

The Oath Bearers are led by a Venator known as North

The Second of the major tribes is the Ashen. The most war like of the tribes the Ashen earned their name by the sight of them coated in the ashes of the last village they pillaged and burned to the ground. The Ashen have since become more peaceful after the unification of the Venator.

The fighting style of an Ashen is purely offensive in nature with very little room for defensive posture. The Ashen value achieving a kill over all else even in their current state. Many of the most highly decorated Ashen have numerous kills notched on their armor.

However skill is lacking in their fighting and many have fallen in their tribe because of their reliance on brute force.

The leader of the Ashen is Skull

The Third major tribe is the Jorgen. The Jorgen while still warriors and fighters preferred only to fight those who attacked them. As such they fostered the more intelligent of the Venator and many of the Venator inventors and designers come from the tribe.

The Jorgen are oft credited with the advances in most fields that the Venator have made. From space ships to guns to everyday utilities it’s usually attributed to the Jorgen. The idea of unification is attributed to them as well.

The leader of the Jorgen is Xavier

The Vanguard Tribe is the fourth major tribe. The Vanguard waged a constant war with the Ashen before the unification. Due to military structure in the tribe’s warriors they were established as the heads of the military.

Whilst many from the tribe are consistent military members there has always been an inflow and outflow of soldiers. Many join for a couple of years before leaving to go back to being the average warrior of the Venator.

The leader of the Vanguard is Steel

The fifth major tribe is not even in the unification pact, they are the Goren. The Goren left the home world after their criteria for unification not being met and war being threatened. Roughly a third of the Venator race joined the tribe when they left.

Fighting and pillaging their way through the galaxy the Goren are oft referred to as space vikings by the Terrans. Feared by many the Goren fly through space fighting who and what they please with little concern, though usually sticking away from purely civilian targets in favor of protected non military targets. After all why fight something when it won’t provide anything worth while or come after you to kill you?

The Goren however have yet to anger any specific government and are oft viewed as criminals rather than military forces.

The Goren are led by Grath

((So these are the five major tribes that make up the Venator.  Any issues anyone has please let me know so I can work on it further))

Pending Approvals / Universal Combat Simulation Pod
« on: February 12, 2017, 02:19:23 am »
Universal combat simulation pod

Intent: Provide combat simulation capabilities without risk of resources, life, or collateral damage
Development Thread: this one
Manufacturer: Varies
Model: 45
Affiliation: varies
Modularity: type of simulation(infantry, mechanized, air)
Production: mass produced

Classification: Military (civilian recreational use)
Size: full body
Status: in use
Length: 5 feet(Varies)
Height: 14 feet(varies)
Weight: 1.1 tons


The Universal Combat Simulation Pod was designed to replace the need for in the field training(even though this is still conducted alongside sims) so as to reduce the risk of injury or collateral damage on accident. Variations of the pod are used by nearly every military and most mercenary groups as well as some recreational use among military enthusiasts who lack the skill or capability to enter into a military.

Products / Paroi Security Industries Protector Assault Rifle
« on: February 04, 2017, 12:30:09 am »

Intent: Provide a reliable Assault rifle for police forces
Development Thread: this one
Manufacturer: Paroi Security Industries
Affiliation: police and security forces
Modularity: sights, magazine, grip.
Production: mass produced
Material: metal
Classification: police
Size: two handed
Status: in use
Length: 40 inches
Weight: 8 lbs
Ammunition Type: standard ammo
Ammunition Capacity: 30 rounds (up to fifty with non standard magazines)
Range: up to 500 yards
Description: The Protector was originally designed for military trials but was not even used at the trial. The weapon was redesigned for police work and the schematics and rights to manufacture it given to Paroi Security Industries and it has been used by police forces since Paroi started distributing them.

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