...so not sure if reading correctly or not, but you're going to post in the library at cata? So the place most of us either are not going to go to or are unable to do so? Just pointing out that minor detail if I'm reading this right, but in the end do what you wanna do.
I know, I know, but I mean...there's like, less than ten people normally active here. It'd help my motivation for something akin to a wider audience??? No offense intended or anything, heh.
Plus I know a good few of you can and sometimes do still go online in the Cata forums once in a while.
Okay so I've been away for a long fucking time, I've been forging my own path and all that jazz on the Youtube scene.
But I'm going to say this right now, putting some fucking written work on the same forum that made everyone migrate here and the same game whose development staff is now dead due to some egotistical knob being head of the project is probably the dumbest fucking idea I've ever heard of in my entire life.
You want to reach a wider audience so badly, go post your shit to deviant art or fandom.net and then shill it hard on Reddit like I did with my videos. You don't get big by staying in niches, you get big by networking within those niches. This place is a hugbox and Cataclysm is a dying community you're not going to get anywhere by posting it here or on Cata.
Even with saying that though I have to say its equally dumb not to share written work with the same people that you've been friends with for a long ass time now, instead forsaking them for random strangers on the internet that could give less of a fuck about you.
I'm telling you this right now because you'll never get your break out moment by staying within circles that you're comfortable with, you have to get out of your comfort zone but you shouldn't forsake the people you've been with for the longest time.
I left this place for the longest time because I felt stuck, I didn't head back to Cata because I hated them and they hated me, so I just kinda went elsewhere and started dicking around there. I really wish I didn't go as quiet as I did but things got crazy this year, I've been hanging out with a lot of people, I forged a new community from the ashes of HM and SS13, I realized that even with my own community I still felt something was missing and I guess it was that old bond that the old group had. I have so many new faces coming in and I don't have the same connection to them as I do here.
So to put it in short: Branch out and expand, take risks, plant your feet in uncharted territory. But don't forget where your roots lay.