Future Urban Combat
[Operation: Rust]
[Date: ██/██/2117]
[█████/23/2117: A weapon shipment from ████████ Limited, was hijacked by an unknown group.]
[█████/02/2117: Shipment has been located in the Northern-African Region. In the shantytownship of "Anuket".]
[█████/12/2117: Moles in the region have uncovered the group that had captured the shipment. The group has gone unnamed but have been described as 'liberators' by its supporters. Peace Keepers are to be dispatched.]
[█████/14/2117: Peace Keepers have been briefed and are given the order to meet up with the local militia in the region to help secure the shipment and neutralize the 'liberators'.]
Character Sheet:
{Affiliation: Militia/Peace_Keeper}
{Weapon: Choose one, as you'll be issued a sidearm}
{Inventory: [x2 Soy Rations with preferred flavor packet]}
{Augments: [Standard Military Implants] [] []} [If you're Militia delete this] [Choose 2]
{Biomods: [Chimera Genome] [] []} [If you're Peace_Keeper delete this] [Choose 2]
[You have 20 points to spend in each, use them wisely]
{Accuracy: 0}
{Strength: 0}
{Intellect: 0}
{Witt: 0}
Further Information
Peace Keepers
A branch of cybernetically enhanced super-soldiers that work for the UN, they're usually deployed when a threat becomes to large for an average task force to handle. The only reason you're being deployed for this low-risk assignment is to see if your team operates at the level expected of other teams. So don't mess up out there, alright.
Weapons Issued:AR-19
Standard issue bullpup assault rifle, three toggle-able firemodes [AUTO/BURST/SEMI], used by most modern corporations and peace keepers. Not hard to use in the slightest. Holds 30 rounds per magazine.
The classic pump-action shotgun re-imagined for the modern man. Comes with an ammo counter on the port of the gun, connects to the user's interface, comes with a customizable crosshair for interface users, and allows for all types of shells to be loaded into it [including plasma shot]. Holds 8 shots.
A remodification of a P90 SMG, instead of firing bullets, it fires bolts of plasma. It can fire 30 times before the battery needs to be swapped out.
Hard-Light Sword
Seeing as how the world is packed to the brim with humans and nature is almost a thing of the past, CQB weapons have made quite the comeback. From basic clubs and spears to advanced E-Swords and Plasma Axes. Its no wonder that some agents prefer a sword to a gun, as it doesn't need to be reloaded, and doesn't have the possibility to jam. The HL Sword is the size of a machete and was originally meant to be used as such, because the 'foliage' in the urban jungle is usually thick.
Based off a M1911, this combustion [READ AS: Super-Heated Bullets] based weapon holds seven rounds, burns the air it travels through, and normally kills in one well placed hit. Its literally a flashier version of a M1911.
Augments:Standard Issue Military Cybernetics
This is your neural interface, it displays in your eyes, tells you how well you're doing, gives you news updates, tells you the condition of your team mates, lists current objectives, and literally improves every part of your body. Making you at least 1% 'kevlar'.
Throat Filter
An air-filter in the throat to prevent toxins of any sort from getting into your lungs, the filter needs to be changed every now and again. Its good to have if you're planning on using a lot of tear gas or you're heading into a quarantined area.
Arm Blade
One of your mechanical arms gets a long retractable blade inserted into it. Really sharp.
'Invisibility' essentially. It refracts the light around you to make you appear invisible.
Data Spike
One of your fingers gets a data spike inserted into it, it allows the user to jack into any form of technology. Including other people that have cybernetic-enhancements.
Biometric Scanner
Normally used by field medics to scan the internals and vitals of someone who isn't apart of the neural uplink. Allows you to see and know everyone about a person... physically at least.
African Region Militia
From birth you're selected to be a part of the AM, a genetically modified group of "peacekeepers" that police the African provinces. You've worked with and against the UN plenty of times in the past. Today you've been informed that you'll be working with the UN to recover a lost shipment of weapons that was last seen in the town of Anuket. You'll be meeting up with them outside of the township in a warehouse that's been a UN front for several years now.
Weapons Issued:Burner-47
A heavily modified AK-47 that shoots superheated ammo that burns the air it travels through. Melts through both metal and people. Holds 30 rounds, and the 'furnace' needs to be refilled after about 90 rounds.
Double barreled electric shooter, it shoots normal 12-guage ammo but as it leaves the chamber its infused with electricity. Shocking anything it passes. Including the user on occasion.
Machine pistol, no special modifications other then the fact that they only come silenced now. 25 rounds per mag.
A cattleprod that's been rebuilt to incapacitate suspects, making for far easier arrests.
Based off a M1911, this combustion [READ AS: Super-Heated Bullets] based weapon holds seven rounds, burns the air it travels through, and normally kills in one well placed hit. Its literally a flashier version of a M1911.
These used to be rare to see in the field until recently, as robots of all varieties have been encounter in the field more than they used to be. And these aren't your friendly greeter bots anymore.
Biomods:Chimera Genome
A genome that you've been born with, gives you the appearance of whatever animal DNA they had at the time. Allows your DNA to be modified even more then your standard human.
Reinforced Skeleton
Your bone marrow has been replaced with that of a whales, causing your bones to be harder to fracture and allows you to not bleed as much when hit.
Parts of your fleshy form fall away to reveal the new layer of chitinous armor that had been growing underneath, God knows what insect it comes from.
Cat Eyes
Your eyes are like that of a cat's, allowing you to see in the dark much easier. But at the cost of you being hypersensitive you bright lights. I recommend packing some good sunglasses.
Replaces the fingers on one of your hands with razor sharp talons.
You have fins grown on your thighs and under your arms, makes you aerodynamic underwater, and makes you look a bit like 'The Creature from The Black Lagoon'.
AttributesAccuracy: It dictates how well you handle firearms and other ranged weapons in the field.
Strength: Dictates how well you can use melee weapons, unarmed, and how well you can carry heavier items.
Intellect: Shows your ability to use computers, common sense, and different sciences.
Witt: Your luck, and ability to asspull [make shit up]. It doubles as charisma.
Skills: Basically perks that you earn, don't put anything here.
If you have any questions on how anything works just ask me. I do have a system in place for rolls, weapons, health, lore, etc... But I figured it might be best not to bore you with that unless you're that curious.
Actually I'll clarify how I'm going to be rolling, I'll be using percentile dice and D20s for this. Alright I await your character sheet.