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Topics - ApatheticExcuse

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Locations / The Sentinel System (System/Location)
« on: December 10, 2016, 01:38:43 pm »
Number of Stars: 2
Names of Stars: Sentinel-I, Sentinel-II. Local names unknown.
Number of Planets: 6, several planetoids
Names of Planets: Unnamed planet, Oros, Neos, unnamed planets. Beyond Oros and Neos, any local names for the other celestial bodies are unknown.

Inhabitants: The Hellerite, on Oros and Neos. There is tentative evidence of colonization on several other bodies in the system, presumably by the Hellerite, but concrete proof of origin has not been obtained.

Notable Information:

The Sentinel system is very noteworthy from a scientific viewpoint, having not one, but two habitable planets which orbit a set of binary stars in a 0.3 deviance elliptical orbit. While it is not completely uncommon for a single planet to exist in a star's habitable zone under either condition, the presence of two of them existing under both conditions is nearly unique.

The habitability of both planets is due in no small part to their geological structure as ocean worlds - while most terrestrial bodies would be overheated at the closest point in their travel towards a sun, and uncomfortably cold at their furthest point, the vast quantity of water found on both worlds allows for a degree of insulation that ensures neither planet experiences a large variation in average temperature, though residing on certain landmasses while either planet makes it's close pass most definately leads to increased local temperatures and increased exposure to solar radiation.

It is thought that this phenomena was likely a large contributor to the Hellerite's previously migratory lifestyle. Since first contact, migratory habits have almost completely halted, and it's speculated that this could have long term effects on the wellbeing of the Hellerite population in these areas.

Beyond being a scientific oddity, the Sentinel system would appear to otherwise contain absolutely nothing remarkable. Minerals and chemical resources are present on the uninhabited worlds, but not in particularly uncommon quantities, and the inhabited planets themselves seem to offer very little of value beyond some rather nice beaches.

Races / The Hellerites (NPC/PC Species)
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:14:00 am »
Name: Hellerites
Designation: Sentient bipedal
Homeworld: Sentinel system
Language: Hellerite in every day use, an approximation of galactic basic in ceremonial use, though it is generally a meaningless collection of words and syllables rather than a true language.
Average height of adults: 6"8
Skin color: Varies
Hair color: Varies
Breathes: Air-like atmospheres


The strength of dogmatic convictions, physically large, generally a brave, noble society.


Complete lack of understanding of technology, their own or that of others.


Physically, the Hellerites vaguely resemble exceptionally large, bipedal non-feathered Terran avians, but testing reveals that they likely descended from the Sentinel system's equivalent of a large amphibian or warm-blooded reptile.

Average Lifespan: 45 years (Terran Standard)

Races: Both planets consist of genetically similar inhabitants, with slight variations due to thousands of years of seperation. Most tangible differences are found in cultural traditions and social structure.

Estimated Population: No census has been completed, but it is likely there are at least 5-15 million members of the species currently alive.

Diet: Omnivorous.

Communication: Verbal. Examples of written language exist, but it appears that current usage is ceremonial, and that the writing is not actually understood by any encountered members of this species.

Culture: What cultural norms were in place before first contact with humanity are something of a mystery, simply because of the profound changes this contact had on Hellerite society. It is supposed that they likely practised some form of ancestor worship, venerating barely recognisable remnants of past technologies and otherwise living a relatively nomadic tribal lifestyle.

However, whether or  not this was the case is fairly irrelevant. While humanity's explorations onto the planets were initially met with guarded hostility, mankind's use of no more than the standard devices found amongst interstellar travellers in the Hellerite's presence caused a massive shift in attitude. Sensing this change, the first visitors to the planet began to perform social experiments on the Hellerites, and it quickly became apparent that the species had begun to regard them as some form of demi-god. To the explorers of Oros, this soon became a simple, irrelevant fact of life, and the locals were generally ignored while the expedition went about assessing the planet's mineral wealth. On Neros, however, some of the Terrans present sought to capitalise on this discovery, happily assuming the role of deity.

Both courses of action were, in the end, disastrous to Hellerite society. The residents of Oros seemed to completely disregard their previous traditions, instead choosing to emulate the humans, typically in ways a civilised being would recognise as absurd. Seeing a Terran use a computer to communicate with another location, for example, would often result in the observing Hellerite attempting to craft his own system with primitive materials such as wood and stone. Watching the expeditionary settlements receive orbital drops would cause previously warring tribes to band together to create exact replicas of a landing site, and follow the standard proceedures for a supply drop almost religiously, speaking into home crafted "communicators" and preparing for unloading, as though it were a summoning ritual which they believed would also bring them great wealth. As little of exploitable value was found on the planet, the expedition eventually departed, but the Hellerite imitations have persisted to this day. Most recent reports indicate they have extrapolated on this, constructing whole towns in crude approximations of the expedition camps, and repeating their new "rituals" regularly.

The residents of Neos eventually had a different reaction to the outsiders. Though still apparently considering them to be god-like, the cruelty of many of the expedition members eventually caused a paradigm shift amongst the Hellerite there, causing a massive uprising of the locals against their new gods. Several expedition members, and many Hellerites died over the course of several weeks, before the Terrans decided there was simply nothing of worth on the planet. After their departure, the residents of Neos reverted to an utterly hostile reaction to any further contact attempts, though their new society seems geared towards imitating the military doctrines of the Terrans rather than the technological, and most observers report massive mock wars being constantly fought with sticks and hides standing in for weapons and uniforms. This too seems to have some religious connotation for the Hellerites, as they are certainly capable of producing primitive weapons with which to actually harm eachother, but the implication seems to be that keeping up these "war games" will discourage the gods from returning, rather than bringing them back.

While it would seem unlikely that the residents of both planets could undergo global social transformations, with long distance communication being so limited, the previously migratory nature of the Hellerite has caused this phenomena to spread rapidly. For whatever reason, the Hellerite seem to have no issue embracing this copycat logic as a species, and so even those who have never encountered humanity first hand appear to follow the new cultural norm, though they are really imitating the imitators.

Technology level: At on point, it would appear as though the Hellerites had technology roughly equivalent to that of humanity's current level. At present, though they may try to replicate this level of advancement in a ceremonial, cosmetic fashion, they seem unable to grasp why their devices do not function or, possibly, even realize this is the case, and accordingly are stuck at a roughly agricultural level of tech.

The singular area in which they display an aptitude above their general level of knowledge is in astronomy. While it can be logically extrapolated that they may not understand the true nature of celestial bodies, both societies keep surprisingly accurate calendars and star charts, and appear to keenly observe any changes in the sky, such as those caused by passing ships.

General behaviour:

See culture section for the most notable behaviours.


Little is known of their past history, as most researchers with genuine curiosity into their past way of life are equally concerned with further damaging the present, and those who would typically be motivated by profit have long realised there is none to be made here.

Once capable of travelling the stars, some unpleasant event caused the Hellerites to revert to a semi-tribal state long ago. While the occasional ruin of a city or technological marvel dots the landscape of their twin ocean worlds of Oros and Neros, they have long since forgotten what these things are, and appear to look opon them as holy relics left by the Gods rather than devices created by their own species in the distant past.

Though few concrete indicators as to what caused this event have been found, archaeological evidence, and genetic damage present in both population samples, would seem to indicate it is the result of a biological weapon used in a civil war eons past.

Notable Player-Characters:

Intent: To summon the gods, or keep them away.

Locations / Dusk (Planet/Location)
« on: December 10, 2016, 04:19:50 am »
Solar System: N/A
Size Class: 3
Atmosphere: 89% nitrogen, 10% oxygen, 1% other gasses
Inhabitants: No permanent residents, at least anymore

Notable Information:

Dusk is something of a mystery to all known races in the galaxy. Long ago, before man could even conceive of the stars as anything more than Gods, some terrible, cataclysmic event tore Dusk free from it's orbit around whatever star it originated from, with obviously catastrophic results for it's inhabitants. It now spins through space, lifeless except for the esoteric machines that still run beneath it's surface, toiling away at maintaining a vast underground city that must have represented the last hope of a dying race.

To many, Dusk is considered nothing more than a myth, akin to the ghost ships of old Terra, but to those who believe the stories, it is also a fascinating and potentially lucrative opportunity to capitalise on technology that could well be beyond anything the younger races of the galaxy have even dreamed of. None have ever been able to exploit this, however - Dusk moves quickly, and seems to have some special knack for evading scouting fleets. Those who have set foot on it's icy surface speak of a world in complete darkness, frozen over in sub 400 degree temperatures. The exceptional individuals who have persisted in exploration despite this report that there is, infact, a vast subterranean arcology full of mysterious technology, which is still somehow warm and still seemingly capable of supporting life. Those who linger soon find out otherwise - though the atmosphere has not frozen over beneath the soil, it teeters on the edge of what is required by most air breathing races, and tales abound of ambitious individuals who met their demise unconsciously suffocating in what seemed like breathable air.

((So, a dead planet with a hook. I'd like to potentially use this in a future RP I'm kinda tossing around. The "tech" found here can be detailed further if needed, but would basically be a macguffin that provides some form of tangible wealth to whoever controls the planet.))

Corporations, Organizations, And Groups / TNN (PC/NPC Corporation)
« on: December 10, 2016, 03:51:39 am »
Company Name: Terran News Network
Intent: Keeping you informed, galaxywide
Location: Headquartered on Terra, but with affiliates wherever there's a story.
Affiliation: Terrans, generally
Worth: Whatever advertising revenue they can pull, plus the occasional "donation"

Description & History:

The advent of FTL travel was an exciting time for humanity, with a whole galaxy of possibilities opened up to them, and countless new things to see and experience. With it came faster than light communication, but for a brief time, there was a void of readily available information and news accessable by the average, unaffiliated citizen of rapidly expanding Terran collection of systems. TNN, an amalgamation of the largest of the pre-existing media companies, stepped in to fill this void, and did so at a perfect time to capitalise on it.

While they are far from the only pan-galactic media company in existence, they are, without a doubt, the most successful, and possibly the only one that is present literally anywhere humanity is to be found - it is jokingly said that their reporters, broadcasters, and other affiliates usually arrive at a new colony before the colonists. This wide-spread presence has allowed them to amass a fair bit of wealth via advertising opportunities. Though many companies may not care how well known their products are on some backwater rimworld, in the competitive marketplace of well-established planets, constant and proper exposure can make a difference between being the vendor of choice, and just another option.

In addition to this, a fair portion of their income is derived from less legitimate sources. As has always been the case, public opinion is often easily led by the way events are presented, and the persistent journalists of TNN have often managed to discover dirty little secrets that could harm a corporation's reputation, or destroy a politician's career. While this occasionally results in the mysterious disappearance of TNN staff, there are always more to take their place despite the potential danger of being a TNN reporter in this brave new galaxy, and many entities have long concluded that it is easier to simply make a "small donation" to the network than it is to silence them with force.

Accusations of partisan espionage and subliminal population direction are, of course, completely unfounded, and the TNN goes to great lengths to combat such claims.

Important People:

Raymond Hurst VII, current CEO.


Considering advertising with TNN? We have many well-priced ad packages available to our clients in order to find the best possible markets for their quality products! Don't hesitate to sign up today!

Have a story we should know about? Stop in at your local affiliate branch, and there could be a cash reward for you!

((It's a news company, plain and simple.))

Rec Room / Faster Than Light (IC, It's about time)
« on: September 19, 2016, 08:40:32 pm »

Your journey begins in the Terran system - the previous Captain Hansen has passed away, and his ship has made it's way back to the heart of the UTA in order to pick up it's new master and his compatriots. The return is no mere formality - as the Hansen Warrant is passed to the next generation, it must be signed within the system itself, and witnessed by the pertinent officials. After this, you have your freedom to find whatever may await you in the great expanse.

Roland McCall

The ship has been docked for several weeks, undergoing re-fitting and re-supply. Your service with the former Captain had been pleasant - he was a good hearted, elderly man, and somehow still a fairly successful merchant, and you've spent the last few years living a relatively calm, peaceful life, somewhat unusual for a member of a warpship crew. That time may be coming to an end - your former friend and leader met his end several months ago, and the ship is about to come under the command of his son, who you know very little about. At best, it will be a new era of high adventure, faith spread to those in need, and perhaps some inner redemption. At worst, it will be another several quiet years slowly charting new trade routes and ministering to the souls on the ship.

Either way, you have determined to sign on for yet another term of service, whatever it might bring.

You are pulled away from what you are doing by the chime of your quarters' hailing system. It rings several times before you can answer it, and you are greeted by a gruff, unpleasant voice that identifies itself as one of the bridge crew.

"Reverend, I've been asked to tell you that our new Captain will be docking in roughly two hours. Master Snow thought you might want to be present to greet him and his advisors when they arrive. She's also asked me to instruct you to dress 'nicely' if you're planning to join them. Meet her at airlock 2, deck 23." The comm snaps off, the busy officer returning to readying the ship for departure and not waiting for your reply.

Everyone Else

A loud blaring noise awakes you from your sleep, and is quickly followed by the shuttle's pilot making an abrubt announcement over the intercom: "Docking in two hours. All hands make ready."

Finally. You've spent the last five days in a cramped, poorly lit shuttle, making the trip from Terra, through the main asteroid belt that seperates the inner solar system from the outer, and with it, Jupiter station and the system's array of Gates.

For the planetbound people of Terra, most of whom can only dream of journeying into space, the trip might have been a stunning, wonderous event. To those simple folks, the sights and smells of the busy UTA station you embarked from would have been a fantastic experience - huge galleys filled with the noise of a thousand voices, each one trying to exchange whatever they have for you credits. In the short time you were there, it is almost certain that many millions changed hands, small fortunes were found and lost, and all manner of shady backroom deals came and passed.

If the station seemed impressive, then your passage through the asteroid belt certainly would have been a divine experience. Though they live humble lives, the colonists of the Main Belt certainly have a visually striking home: hundreds of rocks linked together, life swarming in a place it was never meant to be, and the lights of thousands of buildings being cast into the darkness of space.

For men such as yourselves though, having spent much of your lives moving around and having seen wonders far greater than some rock farmers and a busy market place, those sights were nothing remarkable. Even Jupiter Station itself, one of the largest within the UTA's territories, home to hundreds of thousands of souls, and never sleeping as it interacts with the thousands of ships coming and going, does not leave too much of an impression.

What does, though, is the Terran system's array of Warp Gates - ten of them, always active, firing ships off into the black abyss one after the other, the beating heart that pumps the lifeblood of the UTA. Watching closely, you can see the blast of purple light emitted each time one fires. It's truly a wonder of technology and co-ordination, but there's no time to think of that now.

Though you can't see it yet, your new ship, and destiny, are scant hours away, and you should ready yourself for docking.

Rec Room / Faster Than Light (Interest, Lore, and Sign Up Thread)
« on: September 15, 2016, 04:49:35 pm »

Alright, I have never run an RP, but I tried to write a book a few years ago. The idea was really good, but I lost interest in it because I tend to write stuff I'd like to read. I already knew how it ended and had the whole thing written in my head, and basically thought to myself "yeah, that was decent" and never actually bothered to finishing committing words to paper.

But! The general concept keeps popping up in my head and I think it might make an interesting RP. This thread will be fleshed out a little more this evening and tomorrow, if there's interest, but here's the general concept.


It's the future, the far, far future. For thousands of years, mankind reached for the stars, using STL sleeper ships. Excitement about the cosmos and what they might hold dominated every aspect of the human culture for a hundred generations as they began to explore the stars. When messages began to trickle back from explorers and new colonies hundreds of years away, it was realized that mankind was alone - while there was plant life to be found throughout the galaxy, and strange beasts here and there, there was no other sentient life anywhere.

This realization struck mankind hard - there was no need for co-operation when there were no outside threats to mankind. There was no need for unity when profit could be made. There was no one else out there, just a universe ripe for the taking. Wars broke out, the global government broke down, and the core regions of human space, namely the solar system, nearly tore itself apart.

Eventually, one faction came to dominate all others, and created the United Terran Authority, claiming control over all of the domains of man. Of course, this in practice was restricted only to the solar system proper, and those colonies who were willing to submit to their control - as FTL travel was not yet obtainable, the UTA had no real way to enforce it's will on the myriad colonies that had sprung up over the course of history. Not only that, but the wars that tore through Terra's solar system also destroyed the records of where most of those colonies might be - mankind has found home on thousands opon thousands of worlds over the march of time, but of these, only hundreds have been located, and even few have been contacted.

Much of this was soon to change. Within eight centuries of humanity's "unification", the UTA announced that they had found a way to move vessels at speeds far exceeding those that anyone had drempt of before. While this technology could be applied to any ship, it was costly to produce, and the knowledge required to do so was so closely guarded and complex that it could almost be considered magic. While fleets of warships, and colony ships, would be equipped with the new warp drives, trade ships, passenger vessels, and other civilian crafts would, for the most part, be left to rely on the warpway network. This network was far simpler to utilize, and consists of large "Gates" that use relatively simple technology to alter the perceptible mass of a vessel and then accelerate it to faster than light speeds. Like a ball launched from a cannon, these ships plow through space until the mass conversion loses hold, then gradually slow to sub light speeds. The UTA has accordingly constructed "corridors" through space with launching stations at regular intervals.

Travelling this way is dangerous - a poor calculation or a malfunction in either the ship or the gate itself can result in ships being launched off course, too slowly, or in some other fashion that leaves them drifting alone in the vast expanse of space, usually with no hope of recovery and no course of action except to make peace with whatever deity the crew follows and wait for the food to run out. It is, however, not quite as dangerous as travelling in a warp capable ship. Besides the chance of becoming terribly lost, warp-ships also run the risk of colliding with previously undetected objects, being subjected to piratical attack, or, as time has proven, simply never re-entering normal space. It takes a bold captain and a brave crew to man these ships.

You are one such person, and you occupy a rare position in within the empire of the UTA - you are a free captain (or one of his trusted advisors). Some how, you or one of your ancestors found yourself in possession of a registered warp ship, not under direct control of the UTA military. Rather than being forced to subject yourself directly to the will of the UTA, you operate under a Warrant of Liberty - your ship and your future is your own, with some conditions attached. This can range from being required to regularly maintain contact with the Fringe Worlds and report happenings there, to supplying new colonies with resources they may require, to participating in military actions or subjugating re-discovered colonies who have not embraced the unity of the UTA. While your situation and possession of the Warrant is not unique, it is not common either, and you could be considered minor nobility if such a thing existed in the UTA.

Your journey starts as such. There is a galaxy to discover, intrigue to pursue, and wealth unimaginable to be found. There are also dangers - rumors of planets outside of the UTA having developed FTL travel abound, and there are many who are not subtle in their jealousy of your station.

Trust no one, and enjoy.


So, that's the basic idea - there's a bunch more lore, but it's not worth writing unless someone is interested. Conceptually, and assuming anyone signs up, you will have free reign to do whatever you want, in as much or as little detail as you want. The violence will be very realistic, the science based in something close to 'reality', and, should you chose to follow it, a set storyline with a good twist ending. You can also just fuck off into the vast unknown and see what it holds.

As I said in the rec room thread, this is mechanically based off a greatly simplified version of Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (the first ed. rulebook for 40K), but with a different if similarly dark universe. I will supply stats for whatever you guys want, but you can ignore all that and let me track shit instead too.

If you'd like to play, there's a couple firm rules:

1. One person is the captain. If everyone wants to be the captain, or no one wants to, then he will be an NPC (your dad or grandfather or something) who does nothing, leaving that up to you guys as the PCs.

2. Actions will ALWAYS have consequences. You wanna fight the UTA alone, that's fine, but expect to die. Some will not be so obvious. Welcome to an RP where the DM overthinks things alot.

3. Char sheets will be up later. There will be a few hard stats which will be adhered to for my sake (much like what AJ has with SPRAWL), but you're pretty much free to make whoever you want so long as it's somewhat feasible according to whatever science looks like in 500,000 years. Beyond the stats, a bonus to the chance your actions have of succeeding depends alot on how RP-ish you are. Extra credit given for you saying *how* you're convincing the local governor to give you access to his personal army rather than saying "I convince the governor to bend over" or whatever. Besides designing a character, there is also a ship to design if you'd like, or I can do that. Don't matter much to me.

4. The mechanics of the game will be obeyed (I'll detail them further if anyone cares, otherwise you can just trust me that they exist), unless I decided to do something completely different with them mid game. I'm new to this and have no idea how simple or detailed they should be to make this fun.

5. As I mentioned, I will supply a story and some quests and shit for you to follow if you want, but the forward movement of the RP will mostly fall on you as a player. If you don't want to follow the story, then you'll have to come up with some other goals and I'll do my best to make that just as interesting.

Think that covers the basics.

Creative Endeavors / Guns and shit (Apa's random crap thread)
« on: August 30, 2016, 04:15:13 pm »
I'm not really all that artistic like most of the people here, but I figured I'd share this for the other gun guys.

So, sometimes I get a little free time at work in the shop, which is nice. Recently, I've begun playing around with a Ruger SR1911 I've had kicking around for a couple years. I've built and rebuilt a few 1911s, but never done much in depth stuff, just swapping bits here and there.

This one, I've decided to go full out on. It started off looking kinda like this:

First step was to yank the slide release. It got replaced with a forged Norinco - they aren't great, but are HUGE. I have small hands and am left-handed, and this is the only thing big enough that I can consistently hit it with my index finger. Next, the mag release was taken down a bit, and recheckered. Looks like the factory, but is just a bit shorter so I don't accidentally hit that one. Then the safety. Some decent Wilson Combat ambis go in - low profile since I've never really used safeties, as you can't pack a gun around here.

Factory Novaks were yanked and replaced with Tru-Glo stuff, thrice actually. Funny story, I was busy doing other shit and had someone else here put in the first two pairs. They both fell out within about 25 rounds. Somewhere out in the dirt, there's $600 worth of glow in the dark gun sights. Third time, I did it myself, and they're still there, thankfully. For the record, tritium sights are kind of a waste of money even when they don't fall out - I've got a 12 ga for home defense if the 80 year old woman next door decides to try to murder me, and besides whipping around the house with this thing and having the glows make me feel all badass, they are kinda pointless.

Grips were originally swapped with some Pachmayer American Legends with a wrap, which got lost in the shop somewhere when I did the next step. So, it's got grippers for now, which are likely gonna get chucked in favor of some VZ grips.

And re-profiling will need to happen. I was digging around in a bin upstairs, and stumbled on a jig for bobtailing 1911s. This is badass, as my little hands don't fit the standard GOVT sized guns as well as most of my other pistols. So into the chopping block it went. Considering I'd never done one before, it turned out ok. I used an Ed Brown mainspring housing that just happened to be around - it's pretty super aggressive, which is good.

Finally, a bit of trigger tweaking, a little polishing here and there, and this is what I've got now:

And one with the grippers on it, cause why not. As I said, I didn't bother to profile them since I can't find my scissors and plan on swapping them in the next week or two for something nicer.

Spoiler (hover to show)

For some reason, TinyPic insists that this is the picture I uploaded. So here's a direct link to that one instead. Which doesn't work either. I don't know. Picture that with rubber finger groove grips on it.

Still to do:

1. Replace those grips. I'm thinking some VZ Operators in tiger stripe, or maybe some Wilsons.
2. Laser engraving. I'm kinda undecided on it, but I have this handy laser engraver here. I'm thinking either grip medallion inserts, or where the ruger logo is now - might put this there, so that it will match my discordian themed tattoos. I might not, too. Depends what color it ends up being. Medallions would likely go best with the "theme" here, but I'm not sure if I'll find time to make them.
3. Cerakoting. I've gotten everything all tightened up, which was a mistake, as I'd still like to cerakote at least part of it. I'm thinking a nice, simple, two tone flat black with the slide, kind of like this. Those are the same type grips that were originally on it, and might end up going back on it if I skip step 1 and can find them.
4. Cerakote the magazine baseplates. I've got a color scheme I've used forever for the one handgun that I do leave at home for my wife, so that she knows which ones have bullets that will go through the wall and kill the kids, and which ones are frangible, should she ever decide to lose it and shoot the house up. Black for FMJ, gold for HP, and blue for frangibles. I have a million 1911 mags around and don't usually leave this one at home, so I might not bother with this.
5. Replace the grip screws with these. Cause why the fuck not.

After this project is done, it's on to learning how to sew and making a holster for this motherfucker:

And if you fellas insist on some "art", here's a drawing I did of some customer who kept me on the phone for an hour and a half. I was running out of shit to scribble well before the call was over.

Spoiler (hover to show)

Rec Room / You Can't Die - Terror of the High Seas
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:57:09 pm »
((I've shamelessly stolen this idea from something I saw on the Bay 12 forums. The idea is simple - this is a short story driven RP where any actions the character, who is a super badass, takes are fantastically successful, no matter how improbable or absurd. The rules are pretty simple:

1. Anyone can suggest actions. You can also just +1 someone else's suggestion or add to it.
2. Suggestions can be something that would be incredibly implausible in real life, but can't break reality/physics/time - you can't say "We invent an AK-47 and fuck everyone up" or "We punch the side of the giant boat and it sinks while exploding".
3. Try to be a little descriptive in your suggestion. Avoid "We kill everyone" without details. Saying "We throw our stick straight through the enemy's eye, so hard that the force causes it to blow the back of his skull out. Chunks of bone land in the mouth of the guy behind him, and he chokes to death" is perfectly acceptable. You don't need to be SUPER descriptive if you don't want to - I can handle the nitty gritty of it.
4. The mechanics behind everything pretty much boil down to "that's remotely possible, sure" or "no, you can't grow wings and drop cannonballs on everyone from 10,000 feet". If it's even remotely possible, it will succeed somehow.

Besides that, do what you please. I don't really know where the story is going. I'll update at least once a day, whenever it seems like everyone who wants to weigh in has done so.

Here's the original thread, in case I haven't explained it well.))

- Some Time In The Late 1600s, The Caribbean-

Like so many other young men, you were pressed into service aboard an English warship - luckily, you weren't stuck on a leaky tub like some of the more unfortunate souls. You were stationed aboard a fine 3rd rate ship of the line, the Nelson, and for several months you participated in some very lucrative raids against the French and Spanish merchants operating in the area.

Unfortunately, all was not well on the Nelson. Though you steered clear of trouble, the Captain was a strict disciplinarian, and was not well liked by the crew. After a particularly terrible action on his part, the crew rose up in mutiny, killing the Captain and his officers, and seizing the ship. As one of the few to neither support the mutiny or try to stop it, the mutineers decided to throw you into a small launch and set you adrift, rather than execute you.

You drifted for well over a week, finally running out of supplies. Equipped with only a fishing line, a rope, and single oar, it seemed all hope was lost. Suddenly, the wind carried the sound of a ship's bell to your ears, and sails appeared on the horizon. Just as your hopes rose, you noticed a French flag billowing from the ship's mast - a small corvette, fast and reasonably well armed, and likely crewed by 30 or 40 men. It's likely they were tasked with keeping tabs on the Nelson and providing aide to her victims until a stronger fleet could be assembled to deal with her.

It makes straight for your boat, and you can see half a dozen French marines lining up on the deck, muskets ready. As "piracy" and "prisoners of war" aren't overly well-established terms even when payback isn't the first thing on a sailor's mind, it's probable that they will kill you as soon as they come along side, or at best, shortly after interrogating you. The ship is minutes away from you, and you can't possibly row away fast enough or for long enough to escape.

What do you do?

General Discussion / Don't ask me anything.
« on: August 12, 2016, 02:50:51 pm »

Seriously though. Bandwagons cause genocide and I don't want to miss out.

Last Man Gaming / The Community Dwarf Fort Thread
« on: August 11, 2016, 03:25:50 pm »
Well, see how this goes I guess.

So, community fort. Far as I can tell, everyone here plays DF and is familiar with the concept. I guess the questions would be:



KK is a clever conversion-y style mod made by our own Random Dragon. Rather than having a fort full of drunk, industrious, deadly dwarves, you get to play with a fort full of mostly-sober, surprisingly industrious, and Boldy dangerous Kobolds. It's also full of clever little Utterly Mad references, from the civilization symbol to statues.


1. No intentionally killing everyone unless the other players agree.
2. No just completely walling off the fort as the main form of defense - if all else is lost, sure.
3. Turns last one year.
4. Please try to squish your updates into a couple of posts so that I don't have to link up a million things when updating this.

Turn order:

1. Random Dragon - Founding of the Kamp. An excellent reign tempered by reason and good design. 1,2,3
2. Salt Mummy - The bones say shaman leads. Makes temple. Hunts pigs. Kick badger. Much crafts. Good leader.1,2,3,4,5,6
3. Apathetic Excuse - THE WARMASTER RULES! Much bluster, as effective of a secret weapon as you can have without mechanics. 1,2,3,4
4. Caconym - Short turn, some wall building, the population grows.  1
5. Random Dragon - Fixing our defensive "fixes", redesigning our "designs". Another year of sensible rule to make sure the rest of us don't get the fort killed during our turns. Also, our first real siege. No lions involved. Turns out bolds are badasses. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 - SO MANY POSTS. About a fifth of which I've skipped. But here's the important ones.
6. Salt Mummy - The shaman rules again. Half the fort dies because of Mr. Ed. Shame we have a shaman and not a lich. Several great beasts show up - Bolds are truely badass! Also builds the coolest zoo ever. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,A note on the zoo, incase you can't see how awesome it is, and Salt's save if you want to see it yourself - ALSO SO MANY POSTS. Geeze, fellas.
6a. Warmaster story thing
7. Apathetic Excuse - What a lazy fucker, skipping his turn.

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